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Everything posted by GreenTriangle

  1. June - August 2038 The most important news of the beginning of this season : the two teams from North Korea that should have participated in the Confederation Cup ... will not participate ! As a result, the two groups will consist of only three teams each (two each from Mongolia and Chinese Taipei, one each from Hong Kong and Guam) : Of course, it's a bug. The North Korean champion will participate in the Champions League, but the other two North Korean teams will not participate in the second continental competition. What is the cause of this bug ? I don't know. In any case, I didn't do anything, I didn't use any tricks to create this situation. Of course, the question can be asked if I should profit as a result of this bug. Honestly, I won't be embarrassed to do it : we need money, and winning the group means a prize of 250,000. A possible win of the zonal final would mean another 100,000, plus the possibility to participate in the inter-zonal stage, meaning at least another 40,000. The two teams from Taiwan have lower reputations than Selenge and the only really "dangerous" opponent is Kitchee Sports Club from Hong Kong, a team against whom, however, we can only play in the regional final. (By the way, because I have already started the next season in the game, I can say that it isn't a long-term bug : in the 2039-2040 season both North Korean teams participate in the Confederation Cup). *** Transfers. During this transfer window we lost only one player. However, I kicked out two other quite good players, and this only because their repeated requests to be included in the first eleven had already started bothering me. I don't know if this was a good idea or not, but it's certain that, at least for now Selenge is a kind of heaven on earth : 78 of the 79 players who are now at the club are "very happy". (However, there is something strange. We played two friendlies, during which we used more very young players. However, we won both matches, 2-0. It-s not clear why in the section "club atomosphere" these two wins are considered to be an aspect that affects the team's morale. Should we have won both matches with at least 7-0 ? Or maybe we had to lose them both ?) *** Full schedule *** The squad : Unfortunately, I made a mistake : I forgot to take screenshots for the U18's squad as well. It's a major mistake because at the beginning of this season I decided to let the assistant (actually, our HOYD) choose the 30 players who were to be registered to be able to participate in the Mongolian Premier League. As a result, he also selected some U18's players. I "kept" for me only the choice of the 35 players who will participate in the Confederation Cup, all of them being members of the senior squad. *** Media prediction and club vision : as usual. There is a small change regarding sponsorship : we'll receive more money, the amount increasing from 57,000 (last season) to 63,000 (this season). ***** August - December 2038 / Mongolian League A good first half of the season. I have to admit, we didn't deserve that draw in the match against Erchim : we equalized with a lot of luck, in the 90th + 2nd minute, and Erchim played better than us. Overall, however, everything was fine. According to xG table we're the best team in the league and, although the difference between us and Erchim or Khoromkhon is not very big, we have really good chances to win the champions trophy again. ***** August - December 2038 / Continental, Confederation Cup - Group stage What happened ? Well, first of all, we played quite poorly against Islanders. Yes, we won both games (4-2, 2-0) but I always had the feeling that something is wrong with my team. Then, when we met Taichung Futuro in the first match, my team played extremely poorly and the opponents won clearly and deservedly. At that moment we had 6 points (7 goals scored, 4 conceded) and Futuro had 6 points (5 goals scored, one goal conceded). The problem is that we had already played three games and they played only two, and I assumed that they would win by a large margin in the last game, the one in which they were going to meet Islanders. So, we should had won. And not anyway, but by 2-0, 3-1 or more, because if we won by only 1-0, this rule would have been applied and Futuro would have won the group. According to the media prediction we were big favorites and should have won easily. However, even though we dominated, we only managed that 0-0. But what made me really angry was this : So, we had 10 (ten !!!) chances to score... and we didn't score even a goal... As a result of this 0-0, Futuro qualified for the regional final and, of course, they allowed themselves to play the last game very relaxed, only getting a draw (1-1) against Islanders. ***** August - December 2038 / Various other info Players' stats : Senior squad / U18's squad *** Full schedule *** As before, Selenge continues to be the biggest supplier of players for the national team (18 players out of 22) and also the club that produced the most players playing in the Mongolian first league (68 players). In addition, more than 15 players produced at Selenge are now playing in various foreign leagues. In addition, more than 15 players produced at Selenge are now playing in various foreign leagues. I think these aspects are remarkable, especially since the facilities available to the club are well developed compared to other Mongolian clubs... but clearly under-developed compared to other more important Asian clubs. *** Of course, I tried once more to convince the Board to accept the improvement of the club's status. I wasn't successful and, to be honest, I'm already bored of it. If they don't want to ... then they don't want to, and that's it. ***** January - February 2039 Transfers. We lost two more players, one of them also going to our "friends" from Erchim and the other to Ice City, a club that plays in the first Chinese league. It's not really a problem because we've too many players in the squad anyway. I would have preferred, however, to get some money in exchange for these players. Speaking of money : we're "rich". I mean, we got 705 euros as a solidarity fee for the transfer of one of our former players. So, if we sell the best 20 players we have and we're lucky enough, we might get about 10 to15,000. By comparison, this is what we earn now due to the presence of our supporters at only one match ... *** The squad *** Schedule ***** March - June 2039 Unfortunately, we only placed second. This team is unstable and I don't know why. Is it "to blame" the departure of the team leader, Munkhbayar ? Or maybe it's bad luck ? In all three important matches (against Erchim, SP Falcons and Khoromkhon) we played better than the opponents, but we only got one point. Or is it "to blame" the fact that, after many years, another team (Erchim) managed to keep up with us for 18 rounds ? I don't know ... ***** Players' stats : It is worth noting the large number of goals scored by the our young striker Tsedensodnom. In fact, this number of goals scored (and the resulting high average rating) allowed him to win two of the three awards of the Mongolian League. *** Best Eleven (current season and overall) : *** Finances. During this season we lost about 40,000. It's not a huge loss, but, unfortunately, the expenses with the youth facilities are getting higher and higher... and, since we only ranked 2nd in the league, next season we won't participate in the continental competitions. So we'll earn at least 60,000 less than this season ... One more thing : how much money did we collect this season as sponsorships ? 63,000. But we lost the title of champion and we'll not participate in the continental competitions. As a result, our sponsors have significantly reduced their contribution and next season we'll rely on only ... 39,000. One aspect, however, is positive: match attendance increased from 1,406 to 1,587 spectators per match (for Mongolian League games) and from 1,684 to 1,799 spectators per match (including continental competitions). But what will happen next year? I don't know, but I know that the number of our followers has decreased, so... *** Allocation of slots in continental competitions. Mongolia's national coefficient keeps falling and falling ... and, as a result, the Mongolian league will continue to have only one team in the Asian continental competitions. ***** Youth intake 2039 It was a similar intake to those of the last 4 years, the only difference being a somewhat larger number of players having a good PA. After all, that's something normal as long as our facilities weren't improved at all during the last 8 years. ***** Career summary (17 years) : ***** Briefly, about our former player, Munkhbayar. The guy hasn't played anywhere for a year. It's surprising, considering the fact that he had many offers from abroad when he was playing at Selenge. But the strangest thing is what happened to his attributes. In just 7 months, no less than 24 of his attributes have decreased. Perhaps it was expected that his physical attributes would be affected, but all categories of his attributes were affected. I wonder if he's a special case or if this happens to all players who don't play for more than half a year. ***** Continental competitions 2038-39 : Champions League West Region preliminary stage / East Region preliminary stage / Group stage / Knockout stage Confederation Cup West Asia zone / Central Asia zone / South Asia Zone / South-East Asia zone / East Asia zone / Knockout stage
  2. A quote from a post by XaW from earlier this year : "Also, remember that changing HoYD can take years to impact the coming players. The HoYD is a long-term impact on future newgens. If I remember correctly it's about 3 years BEFORE they actually come through an intake (don't quote me on that one though)." Source : about HOYD
  3. Considering the media prediction (therefore, the reputation of the club and the quality of the players I have), the trophies won in the national competitions aren't important achievements. It's natural for my club to win the championship because in the last 7 years Selenge has always been the number one favorite. Regarding the golden generation, we already had one, in 2027. It's unlikely that another one will appear in the near future simply because in the last 6 years we haven't improved our facilities at all. And, considering the current financial situation, we'll not be able to significantly improve them in the next 2 or 3 years. ******* June - August 2037 Transfers. We lost two players, one of them being our first-choice goalkeeper (Enhbayar). He went to Thailand, to a newly promoted team (Prachuap). This is the second very good goalkeeper to leave us for Thailand (the other, Batbayar, left for Rayong 2 years ago). Another good goalkeeper (Renchinbyamba) left last year at one of our big rivals, Khoromkhon. The trouble is that Selenge produces very few really good goalkeepers. As a result, I should rely on Yanjmaa, a mid-level goalkeeper. But Yanjmaa is a specific FM goalkeeper ("Is it raining ? I'm unhappy ! It's not raining ? I'm unhappy ! Do you wear black shoes ? I'm very unhappy ! Did you look at me ?!? I'm extremely unhappy !"). Obviously, I can't trust such a goalkeeper, so this season I'll rely on the only very good goalkeeper we have, the young Gantumur (15 years old) : Also, we have about 6 very good players (plus about 10-12 other very promising players) in the U18's squad. (And, if anyone is interested, this is what the players' attributes look like at the moment : the senior squad, the U18' squad). *** Media prediction (nothing new) and club vision (unlike last year, now the Board is no longer satisfied with a qualification in the continental competitions, but asks me to win the League). *** I find it interesting to see how participation in the Champions League significantly improved our attendance at the Mongolian League matches. The average assistance increased from 697 (in 2033) to 758 (in 2034), to 1040 (in 2035), to 1165 (in 2036) and reached 1272 (in 2037). Also, it seems that the significant increase in sponsorship income is also related to the participation in the Champions League : 15,000 (in 2032), 35,000 (in 2034), 40,000 (in 2035), 55,000 (in 2036) and 57,000 (in 2037 ). Unfortunately, our low level resulted in poor results in the Champions League and, as a consequence, the reputation of the Mongolian league, after registering an increase for several years (42nd position in 2032, 39th in 2033, 36th in 2034) stagnated or even started to decrease (37th position in 2035, 40th in 2036, 41st in 2037). *** Last year the game (FM) noted that I didn't transfer any player from other clubs in the last 10 years. As a result, it took the initiative and offered me about 10-15 foreign players who, by comparison with the level of the first Mongolian league, seemed to be very good. Because I said "thanks" but continued not to bring players from other clubs, the game considered either that I'm a perfect noob, or that I'm no longer interested in my career at Selenge. As a result, it took another initiative and offered me a possible career at a club in North Korea. Seeing, however, that I was not interested in this, FM made the ultimate effort, I quote : "all right, human player, you don't want North Korea. Well, I have a special offer, only for you : a club from Uzbekistan ! How, not even that do you want ?!? Incredible, there humans are boring as hell ! Look, we're trying one more time, the last chance : I'm offering you the great chance to manage a club in South Korea !!!" Of course, I wasn't interested in the second interview either. I'm really curious if the game will do me the honor of offering me another interview in the next 5 years. I'd bet that ... no. *** The draw for the zonal groups of the Confederations Cup took place : To be honest, it's very comforting to return "home", among friends. We know the North Koreans from Pyongyang City very well, and I suppose they know us too. We haven't played against Rangers and NAPA, but they are our neighbors, they live, like us, on East Asia street, so the matches against them will be a real pleasure. (Erchim will play in the other group, and their opponents seem to be somewhat more difficult than ours. Very good, they deserve it) *** Full schedule ***** August - December 2037 / Mongolian League To be honest, we didn't play very well. But to be even more honest, our opponents didn't do it either. At least that's what xG table "says". Khoromkhon were lucky, and it's obvious that in the second half of the season we've really high chances to recover that five points difference. In any case, that match we lost was very "FM style" : 16-1 shots, 6-1 shots on target, 0-1 goals scored ... ***** August - December 2037 / Continental, Confederation Cup - Group stage In the first match we played very poorly, but the opponents (Rangers) didn't play better either and in the end it was a 0-0. Then we again played poorly against the North Koreans from Pyongyang, but we were lucky and got an undeserved 1-1. We continued the series of weak games and Rangers from Hong Kong had no shame in beating us 3-0 on our stadium. Then, in the last game, Pyongyang were qualified (13 points) and we (8 points) were fighting hard for an useless second place. As a result, we played very well and won 3-0, probably because the North Koreans had no reason to concentrate in a match that practically had no importance. ***** August - December 2037 / Various other info Players' stats *** Full schedule *** We didn't win the zonal group of the Confederation Cup, so, we lost a loooot of money. However, we earned enough to be able to keep that level of one million in the bank. Of course, I tried once more to convince the Board that it is strictly necessary for us to become a professional club. Obviously, the Board did not agree. Unfortunately, the expenses related to the production of young players are getting higher and higher ... ***** January - February 2038 Transfers. During this transfer window we didn't lose any more players (hooray !). However, 4 players left (which I kicked out because I didn't have enough slots to register them). As a result, these 4 players are not "losses" but "victims of personnel management policy". The squad *** Full schedule *** As usual, several league matches were played in January and February. The leaders, Khoromkhon, now have 9 points ahead of us (and two matches played in addition). However, realistically speaking, we continue to be the big favorite to win the trophy. ***** March - June 2038 In the previous season Erchim resisted us for 13 rounds, after which they reduced the pace, which allowed us to win the championship relatively easily. This season, another team, Khoromkhon, improved the record : they fought with us on an equal footing for 15 rounds. In the last 3 matches Khoromkhon managed only 5 points. We won everything and, of course, we also won the championship. It will be interesting when another team will be able to fight until the end of the 18 rounds... ***** Players' stats : Interestingly, a player promoted from U18's (and who doesn't particularly stand out in terms of attributes), Dogsom, won two of the three Mongolian Premier League awards. *** Best Eleven (current season and overall) : *** Team of the Year Season 2037-38 / All seasons (2022-2038) *** Finances. This year we won almost nothing. We didn't lose either, but... In any case, the expenses for the youth academy are growing at a dizzying pace : 275,000 last year, 325,000 this year. We won't be able to face these expenses much time ... I tried once again to convince the Board of the need to become a professional club. The discussion was ... interesting (quote) : - (John X). Boss, we have to become a professional club ! - (The boss). We have no money ! - (John X). Boss, I'm very serious. The situation is very complicated ! - (The boss). We still have no money ! - (John X). Boss, I insist, we must become a professional club as soon as possible ! - (The boss). So... and if not ? - (John X). If not, then ... I will leave this club ! - (The boss). Seriously ?!? Do it ! Now ! - (John X). Well... you know... it was a joke. - (The boss). Yes, I know. I didn't laugh at all. We have no money, this discussion is over. *** Transfers. We lost another player (for free) : central defender Orgilsaihan left us for a professional club in the first league of Bangladesh ... *** Various stats Goals scored / Average rating and PoM awards / Highest gate receipts and Highest attendance *** A few posts ago I presented a ranking of the reputation of the clubs belonging to "smaller nations" in East Asia. So, a ranking that included clubs from North Korea, Hong Kong, Chinese Taiwan, Macau and Mongolia. I came to the conclusion that this ranking is the most suggestive to illustrate what Selenge represents now : in 2034 we were on the 27th place. In 2035, on the 23rd place. In 2036, on the 22nd place. In 2037, on the 18th place. Now, in 2038, we're in 17th place. Since only the top 3 clubs can achieve honorable performances in the Champions League groups (honorable means some points, not qualifications), it turns out that, maybe, in about 15 years it's possible that we too can get some points in the Champions League groups. Until then ... ***** Youth intake 2038 An intake similar to those of 2035 and 2036. I don't know what to say for now. Maybe it's good, maybe not. I'll see ... ***** Career summary : ***** Allocation of slots for continental competitions. Dear people, gentlemen, allow me to announce the positive news of the day, of the month and even of the year : because the Mongolian clubs managed to perform exceptionally mediocre, Mongolia lost another slot. As a result, during the next season, the Mongolian clubs will fight heroically for the win of the only slot that will allow qualification in the continental competitions. In other words, only the champion will be qualified, will participate in the Confederation Cup and, thanks to the position occupied in the ranking of the national / regional coefficients, will play from the zonal preliminary rounds of this competition. ***** Continental competitions 2036-37 : Champions League West Region preliminary stage / East Region preliminary stage / Group stage / Knockout stage Confederation Cup West Asia zone / Central Asia zone / South Asia Zone / South-East Asia zone / East Asia zone / Knockout stage Continental competitions 2037-38 : Champions League West Region preliminary stage / East Region preliminary stage / Group stage / Knockout stage Confederation Cup West Asia zone / Central Asia zone / South Asia Zone / South-East Asia zone / East Asia zone / Knockout stage The first leagues of the 10 (in fact, just 9) most powerful Asian nations West region : Saudi Arabia / Qatar / Iran / U.A.E / Iraq East region : Japan (not available) / South Korea / China / Thailand / Australia (regular season and knockout stage) If anyone is interested: the amounts received as sponsorship by the clubs belonging of the top 10 Asian nations (which are 9) ***** In recent years, the national team of Mongolia has got slightly better results compared to the period of 2026-2030. Of course, this is - perhaps - also due to the fact that, having slightly better facilities at Selenge, the players produced by the club also have a higher CA/PA. In any case, Mongolia managed to qualify twice in a row in the Asian Nations Cup qualifying groups. The first participation in the groups resulted in a 2nd place, a very honorable position, especially considering that one of the opponents was Japan. The second participation was more fortunate : the opponents were more accessible and, as a result, Mongolia succeeded in its first qualification in history to a final tournament of the Asian Cup. Of course, a qualification that seemed to me to be worth highlighting because over two thirds of the national team members were either players who were still playing at Selenge, or players received at the youth intake at Selenge but who later transferred to other teams. One of the most important participants during these two qualification campaigns was our striker, Munkhbayar. For example, he scored 7 of Mongolia's 10 goals in the first campaign and 12 of Mongolia's 15 goals in the second, including a 6-goal streak in the last match. So, he's by far the best scorer in the Mongolian national team and he's also the best striker who ever played for Selenge. Naturally, such a player will be wanted by other clubs, both Mongolian and foreign. As a result, Munkhbayar received countless offers. Erchim and SP Falcons tried to convince him to come to them countless times. Also, only in the last year, professional clubs from Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Kuwait made him offers. Surprisingly, he didn't want to leave us. At one point this stubbornness seemed completely abnormal even to me. Then ... FM manifested itself in its characteristic style : So, a guy who could leave at any time (he has a month-to-month contract) complains that ... I won't let him go ! A guy who has refused countless offers and who can accept without any problem the next offer he will receive from a professional club needs to ask his manager to let him go ? It's hilarious ! Obviously, FM doesn't "know" what type of contract Munkhbayar has and "thinks" that the usual steps are needed : deeply unhappy player, teammates' morale highly affected, possibly a group of desperate teammates trying to find out why Munkhbayar, the best player in the team, is not "immediately" allowed to leave. Of course, following that after his departure they'll be deeply affected by the fact that he was allowed to leave. Well, I decided to put FM out of trouble. It (FM) doesn't know what it's doing. Obviously, Munkhbayar will leave in the near future and there is no point for me in starting all kinds of riots and crying sessions in the dressing room. In conclusion :
  4. June - August 2036 Transfers. Last season we lost about 7-8 very good players. Fortunately, "the bleeding" stopped and this summer only 4 players left us, none of them being an important player. As a result of the recommendation of our HOYD (who is also my assistant manager) I released 4 other players, of which only one (Muhnsaihan) from the senior squad. For many years the senior squad was based on two cores : that of youngsters, who were promoted from the U18 team, and that of experienced players, who mostly came from one or at most two older youth intakes. This year we've only one core, that of youngsters (12 players). In addition, we have 3 players from the 2027 intake, 2 from the 2028 intake, 4 each from the 2029 and 2030 intakes, another two from the 2031 intake and 5 from the 2032 intake. All in all, although we lost some important players, we still have a bery good team. And if I add the 15-20 promising players in the U18's squad it turns out that, for now, everything is fine ... on the condition that we won't lose again many players on the following transfer windows. *** Media prediction still considers us the main favorite to win the title. Instead, to my surprise, the Board only asks me to qualify for the Confederation Cup (which means a ranking on the 1st ... or 2nd places). I have the impression that the media prediction is calculated both on the basis of the reputation (ours is much higher) and the quality of the players, while the club vision is calculated strictly on the basis of the quality of our players by comparison with the other clubs' players. It's just an impression, I could be wrong. ***** Draw for the continental competitions. In fact, we knew for more than a year who we were going to play against : the champions of Bangladesh. Now we only found out the name of this champion, "Sheikh Jamal". The preliminary rounds for the Champions League take place in the "one single game" system and, because we ranked 12th in the regional ranking, we knew for a long time that we were going to play this match away, in Bangladesh. In case of a qualification, our next opponent was going to be Melbourne Victory, a match that was going to be played in Australia. As expected, our route in the Champions League preliminary rounds was short. Somehow, we managed to win in Bangladesh (2-0), but in the second round we didn't have the slightest chance. Melbourne Victory beat us 4-0, but in reality I wouldn't have been surprised if we lost 7-0 or 8-0 (Note: since we played both matches away from home, obviously, we didn't win any money from gate receipts. This year we will be content only with the participation prize (60,000) and some TV money (5,500). Considering our needs at this moment, these 65,500 represent a much too small amount). ***** Full schedule ***** August - December 2036 Erchim deservedly beat us. Instead, in the match against Deren we were unlucky. We're still the number one favorite, but, according to xG table, we didn't play very well at all and Erchim can cause us serious troubles in the second half of the competition. *** Players' stats ***** January - February 2037 An expected "surprise" : the foreign clubs "forgot" about us throughout the summer, but they took their lecithin and rediscovered us in November. As a result, we lost 6 players, transferred (for free) to the first league of Bangladesh (AFC Uttara), the first league of Malaysia ( Sabah), the first league of Singapore (LC Sailors), the second league of China (Heilongjiang Ice City) and the first league from Chinese Taipei (Taipower) : Because the foreign clubs confiscated our wings (that is, they took both our best right midfielder, Tundev, and the best left midfielder, Lhagvatseren), it was necessary to complete the stocks : I brought from U18's the best "spare wings" that we had there, Oyunbileg Bat-Erdene (right) and Dashpuntsag (left). *** Something very strange happened this year. Normally we don't have scouting. Specifically, all resources are used strictly for assessing the future opponent. However, from time to time, some free players propose themselves for a possible transfer. And it rarely happens that an agent proposes one or more players to us. As a result, every year I receive one, two or at most three reports about foreign players. Well, in the last 6-7 months we received about 20 reports, and 5 of them referred to "terrific signings", i.e. to players considered very good (compared to our level, of course) : Player 1 / Player 2 / Player 3 / Player 4 / Player 5 Of course, these players don't interest me, but I thought it was an aspect worth mentioning. It's as if the game (FM) wants to tell me "hey, noob, didn't you realize ?!? I got you a lot of good players, you have to improve your team now !!! ". No thanks, I don't need it. *** As usual, in January and February several matches were played in the championship. We didn't play, but the opponents did it. Erchim and Khoromkhon tangled with each other (1-1 in the direct match) and as a result, although we're no longer in first place, we still are in a very favorable position in the fight for the title : *** Full schedule ***** March - June 2037 Looking at the league table, it would seem that it was very easy. The xG table could suggest the same idea : a title won very easily. In reality, for us it was the most difficult championship in the last 4 years. Until the 13th round Erchim played very well. Only in the last 5 rounds did they give up. *** ***** Players' stats : Premier League Awards (yes, only one award out of three possible) *** Best Eleven (current season and overall) : *** Team of the Year Season 2036-37 / All seasons (2022-2037) *** Of course, during the season we lost (for free) another important player : the left defender Dogsom, transferred to Abahani Chittagong, a professional club that plays in the first league of Bangladesh. *** From a financial point of view, this wasn't a good year at all. We lost 80,000, a small amount for other clubs, but very big for a club like ours. The supporters helped us as much as they could, attendance at the matches increased significantly this year, but the expenses for the maintenance of the system for producing young players are increasing too quickly. In just one year these expenses increased from 225,000 to 275,000. If we don't manage to get money quickly as a result of participating in continental competitions, we'll have no other solution than to reduce the level of facilities ... By the way : of course I tried to convince the Board to accept the change in our status, that is, to become a professional club. Both in October and in May, the response was the same : "it's not possible". Actually, I was expecting that, but at least I tried ... *** I haven't referred to the U18 competition for a long time. I don't refer to this competition often, because it's obvious that we win it every year, sometimes at very large points differences : 2034-35 / 2035-36 / 2036-37 *** Allocation of continental slots. Unfortunately, the Champions League is a competition way too strong for us. Also, it seems that the Confederation Cup has become a competition way too strong for the other Mongolian teams, considering the fact that the results got by them in this competition are increasingly poor. As a result, the national coefficient of Mongolia decreases, and at at the end of this season, the Mongolian clubs were about to "get" a new reduction in the number of slots allocated. This year, Mongolia benefited from three slots, one in the Champions League and two in the Confederation Cup. In the future, we'll have only two, both in the Confederation Cup. In two years we'll still have two slots, but this only due to a difference of one tenth in the ranking of the coefficients. In other words, if the Hong Kong clubs had managed an additional point, we would have only had one slot. ***** Youth intake 2037 It could have been better ... or it could have been worse... Anyway, some of these players look pretty good. ***** Summary : Throughout my 15 years of career I received only one interview invitation. In 2025, so 12 years ago. Since then it has been "quiet", although my managerial attributes aren't the worst possible. Well, now, in 2037, the miracle happened ! I received a second invitation ! It isn't something very important because I don't intend to leave the Selenge club, but I'm surprised that such an event took place. Note : I wouldn't have been interested in this interview even if I wanted to leave Selenge. North Korea isn't exactly the place where I would try a new career.
  5. June - August 2035 Transfers. After 13 years of career, something happened that I already knew would happen : In other words, the reputation of our club has grown enough for our players to become "interesting" for clubs from abroad. A positive aspect, isn't it ? Not nearly. We're still a semi-professional club. Foreign clubs are professional, and that means we can't do anything if such a club decides to offer contracts to our players. For now, we lost two important players for free, one being transferred by Rayong (a club whose team plays in the first Thai league), the other by Kaya (first league in Philippines). But we'll also lose other players in the future ... Of course, I shouldn't complain though. At the beginning of July we had 88 players at the club, and even if I kicked out 10 of them during the next weeks, we still have 76 players, of which 40 are in the senior squad. The trouble is that foreign clubs take our best players and we don't get anything in return, not even some symbolic transfer fees. I moved 11 players from the U18's squad to the main squad, and four of these 11 players seem to be very good, being very likely that they'll play straight in the first eleven. ***** The draw for the Champions League groups took place. To be honest, the draw didn't seem too interesting to me because I knew that we were participating in this competition only by mistake. However, we have an objective : to not concede more than 24 goals, that is, as many as we conceded in our previous participation. The other two representatives of Mongolian football will play in the Confederation Cup. Until now I wished them success, now I simply don't care. Of course, if they don't get enough points, we risk losing the slot in the Champions League. But would that be a bad thing ? Not at all ! *** Before the start of the season we also played a few friendlies, on which occasion I experienced (again) a FM fantasy : a match in which the two teams shot on target 9 times in total ... and scored 9 goals. *** Media prediction / Club vision / Dynamics Full schedule ***** September - December 2035 / League Well, we didn't play as well as the league table seems to show. In xG table the difference between the teams in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places is quite small. In fact, we have a huge lead due to one reason only : we have better strikers. In fact, we have more good strikers than any other Mongolian team. ***** September - December 2035 / Continental, Champions League - Group stage Hurrah, we conceded less than 24 goals ! Congratulations, guys ! However, there is a convenient aspect regarding the participation in the Champions League groups : each match played on "our" stadium was watched by 4900 spectators, which means also that our revenues were high enough. ***** September - December 2035 - Various other info Players' stats Full schedule I have to admit, sometimes the series of results was hilarious : 3-1 (league), 3-6 (Champions League), 6-1 (league), 3-1 (league), 0-4 (Champions League), 3-0 (league) ... *** Selenge is, of course, number one in terms of the number of players provided to the national team (19 out of 24) and also in terms of the number of players produced at the club and who play in the Mongolian first league (65 players). *** I tried to convince the Board that changing the professional status of the club would be extremely beneficial for us. It seems that I wasn't convincing enough... ***** January - February 2036 Transfers. In August there were two players who left us in order to to sign professional contracts with clubs from abroad. In the meantime, their number increased, another 7 players leaving for clubs in Oman (Al-Ittihad, first league) and China (Nantong, second league, Jiuniu, second league and SuZ Dongwu, first league). Of course, all these clubs are professional. So, in just a few months we lost more than half of the best team we had, including two 4-star players (central defender Dunbee-Ottono and goalkeeper Tumrtogtoh), another two 3,5-star players (both being central midfielders, Erdenebat and Tumurbaatar) as well as two other 3-star players (central defender Nyamsuren and left winger Tsermaa-Temuulen). This whole situation really annoyed me, and I came to the conclusion that, if we have to lose players, at least we should also "lose" them because I want to, not just because FM wants to. As a result, I immediately kicked out 12 other players. I have to admit : I felt much better after that. The squad for the second half of the championship : ***** March - June 2036 Honestly, I expected worse results because, after all, we lost some very important players. However, the team seems almost as solid as before the losing of those nine players. Or, better said, the championship has such a low value level that not even the departure of a number of good players can create big troubles for us. ***** Players' stats : Premier League Awards *** Best Eleven (current season and overall) : *** Team of the Year Season 2035-36 / All seasons (2022-2036) *** Transfers update. We also lost the 10th player. This time there is not even the case of a professional contract, because Dolgoon left us for a semi-pro club (Benfica de Macau), a club that even has a lower reputation than ours. *** I tried again to discuss with the Board about the possibility of Selenge becoming a professional club. For now, they are very satisfied with the current status ... *** Allocation of slots in continental competitions. Our "friends" from Erchim and SP Falcons failed to get good results in the Confederation Cup. The only 5 and respectively 4 points got by them combined with our "performance" of zero points in the Champions League had as an effect the fall of the Mongolian clubs to the 29th place in the continental coefficient ranking and to the 15th place in the East Asia region coefficient ranking. As a result, we lost a slot and in the 2038-29 season we'll no longer play in the Champions League. I wouldn't say I regret it. So, in the last 9 years we have played year after year in the continental competitions. What have we achieved, apart from an increase in the reputation of the Mongolian league (and implicitly an increase in the reputation of the club) ? About 1.2 million as prizes and about 0.9 million in the form of additional income from gate receipts. Total, 2.1 million, so only about 235,000 per year. Of course, these money was very useful, but now we have a problem : the expenses for financing the "production" system of young players are getting higher and higher. At the moment we spend 225,000 per year for this purpose, and in the future these expenses will increase, so the amounts got in the continental competitions will become insufficient. What will happen then? I have no idea. The only solution for us would be to sell players, but this is impossible for now. Of course, we also have the alternative of reducing the level of our facilities, but I hope we don't end up doing this. (Ah, I know, we have a million in the bank, but that money must be kept for the situation in which the Board will decide, however, that Selenge will become a professional club. Expenses in this case will increase by at least 350,000 annually, maybe even more). Finances / Detailed income and expenditure ***** Youth intake 2036 It wasn't a very good intake. It's obviously weaker than the one of last year and, perhaps, similar to intakes of 2033 and 2034. The two best players that we received have quite low mental attributes and I hope that this aspect will not affect their development. ***** Continental competitions 2035-36 : Champions League West Region preliminary stage / East Region preliminary stage / Group stage / Knockout stage Confederation Cup West Asia zone / Central Asia zone / South Asia Zone / South-East Asia zone / East Asia zone / Knockout stage Other competitions World Cup 2030 Qualifying, Asia / World Cup 2034 Qualifying, Asia Asian Nations Cup 2031 Qualifying / Asian Nations Cup 2035 Qualifying Asian Nations Cup 2031 / Asian Nations Cup 2035
  6. Indeed, "FC Okayama" is (or should be) Kashima Antlers. "FC Hiroshima" should be Sanfrecce Hiroshima. "Nagoya Stolz" should be Nagoya Grampus. "Kobe Leone" should be Vissel Kobe. "Giurare Yokohama" should be Yokohama F. Marinos. "Higashiosaka Rosa" should be Kwasaki Frontale and "Funabashi Bandits" should be Kashiwa Reysol. But actually, they aren't what they "should be". Clubs from other nations, even if they have fake names, still keep their specific personality. But the Japanese clubs in FM23, due to licensing issues, are just empty boxes. They have nothing specific, they could be more simply called "Japanese Club 1", "Japanese Club 2", "Japanese Club 3" and so on. The only difference between them is the reputation of each club. From other points of view they are identical. However, "FC Okayama" sound better than "Japanese Club X". As for dominance... of course, I'm not very happy when I lose a trophy, especially if that trophy seemed easy to win. But trophies are not the main goals of this career. I'm simply curious to find out what will happen if I do (or don't do) a certain thing. Obviously, this means that I have no idea if I'll win an important trophy or if my career will end without having achieved any notable performance. ***** Since this week I was a bit busier than usual, I played two seasons but I couldn't write anything here after the first season. As a result, this post will refer to both seasons I played. ***** June - August 2033 The reputation of the first Mongolian league has grown in the last two years : in 2031 it was the 44th league in Asia. In 2032 it reached the 42nd place, and now, in 2033, it's the 39th league in Asia. However, it's clear that this growth will become less and less spectacular. The leagues in the top 40 are either professional leagues or lower leagues that belong to nations whose football is much more developed than the Mongolian one. From this point of view even this 39th place is remarkable, considering that all Mongolian clubs (including us, Selenge) are only semi-professional. *** At the beginning of July we had no less than 86 players at the club. Obviously, a cleaning would have been necessary, but I wasn't in the mood for such a thing. As a result, I did nothing but kick out two players who were anyway unhappy because they didn't play enough. I admit, I was sorry to release this player because from 2026 until 2030 he was one of the the most important players for us. But the years passed, and now the best player received at the youth intake in 2025 had ended up being only the 7th option for the striker position. By the way, we have 11 strikers in the squad : I moved 15 players from U18's to the senior squad. About 6 or 7 of them seem quite promising, especially the two central midfielders (Erdenebat and Bilguun). In the U18's squad we also have some other good players, but for now I'll leave them there. Anyway, 16 players from the senior squad will not be registered as the maximum registration limit is 30 (35 in continental competitions). Unfortunately, those who will not be registered will not be able to play at all : they cannot be loaned to other clubs (I don't have a loan option for them because of their part-time contracts). *** It's probably not even necessary to mention these aspects, but... : club vision and media prediction *** The draw for the zonal groups of the Confederations Cup took place : Our "friends" from Erchim will play in the other group. Our former "enemies" from SP Falcons also play, but in the Champions League. I don't envy them at all ... *** Full schedule ***** September - December 2033 / League Yes, I expected something like this because I knew that participation in the Champions League would seriously affect the morale of the SP Falcons' players. However, we didn't play well enough to have 7 points more than the team ranked second. According to xG table we played only slightly better than Khoromkhon. So, if in the next months we'll have a drop in form then ... anything is possible, even losing the 1st place. ***** September - December 2033 / Continental, Confederation Cup - Group stage We qualified for the zonal final. We were lucky because the North Koreans played poorly in the first two games (defeat against us, draw against Benfica de Macau). In the North Korea match we played very well for about 60 minutes (we had 3-1), but they clearly dominated the end of the match and won. Fortunately for us, the opponents in the last two matches did not give us any kind of problems. ***** September - December 2033 / Various other info Players' stats *** Full schedule *** As expected, we, Selenge, continue to be by far the largest supplier of players to the Mongolian national team (14 players out of 22) and also the largest supplier of players to the Mongolian Premier League (63 players) ***** January - February 2034 Zonal final (East Asia) of the Confederation Cup : We played really well in the first half of the first match. We had 2-0, then 2-1 ... but in the second half we lost, and that due to some stupid tactical decisions. Then, in the second match, we had 1-0, after which the North Koreans showed us that, however, we're too small for this competition. All in all, Ryomyong won deservedly. *** Transfers. We lost a few players, but none of them was an important player for us. In fact, before the opening of the transfer window, I renewed the contracts of 11 players that I didn't want to lose. The others could leave, if they wanted. *** Squad *** Full schedule *** As usual, the Mongolian clubs in the first league played a few matches during January and February. We ourselves played two games, the second one being really frustrating, because although the ratio of shots on target was 8-1 for us, we lost (1-0). Our lead over the other teams has decreased, but we are still the main favorites to win the trophy : ***** March - June 2034 Indeed, it was easy. We can have some problems only if another team has an exceptional season, far beyond expectations (as, for example, SP Falcons had last two years). As long as the other teams play "only" at their level of expectations ... everything becomes easy for us. ***** Players' stats : Yes, Zorigt played in only 19 games (of which he was in the "first eleven" in only 13) and scored 25 goals. Three quarters of his goals are scored with headers, a consequence of the fact that he's very tall (he's 189 cm, his opponents being 175-180 cm tall) and he also has a very good jumping. Of course, it's not at all surprising that Zorigt won two of the three awards of the Mongolian first league. *** Best Eleven (current season and overall) : *** Team of the Year Season 2033-34 / All seasons (2022-2034) *** Finances. This year was good from a financial point of view. We earned over 250,000 due to the fact that we won the zonal group in the Confederation Cup, plus another 20,000 as the participation prize. In total, we have more than 800,000 in the bank, which, if we became a professional club, would be enough for two years ... at the most. However, more out of curiosity, I requested the Board to improve our status, but my request was immediately rejected. *** The takeover. After 10 years of "quietness", during which we got rid of the boredom of takeovers, our chairman decided to retire. The new chairman is very similar to the old one, so, from my point of view, this takeover belongs to the category of "unimportant news". *** Allocation of slots in continental competitions. For unknown reasons the game (FM) "discovered" that Bangladesh is part of East Asia . It's not, but I can't blame FM, the rules in Asian competitions are so complicated that I'm not surprised that even FM can't handle them . Anyway, Mongolia moved up one place (from 25th to 24th) in the continental ranking and also moved up one place (from 11th to 10th) in the East Asia region ranking. As a result, next season's champion will again play straight in the Champions League groups ... *** Youth intake 2034 A reasonably good intake, considering the players with whom these youngsters are compared. However, the frequency of players who are much better than the others received at the intake has decreased a lot. According to our HOYD, this would be the best player we got this year. But his attributes are very similar to those of other 6-7 players and, in addition, his personalitiy is ... not exactly what we needed. ********** June - August 2034 The reputation of our club has grown. How much did it grow ? From "half a star" to "one star". However, the meaning of these "stars" is a bit unclear, so I decided to verify the club's position in the "reputation ranking" of clubs from North Korea, Hong Kong, Chinese Taipei and Macau. We're in 27th place. Considering that even the top 3 clubs in this ranking are struggling in the Champions League, it's obvious that we are still very "small", way too small for such a competiton. *** The reputation of the Mongolian league also grew. It was 39th and now it's 36th. The objective for the near future would be to increase the league's reputation from the "one star league" to the "one and a half star league". *** Because I was talking about increases : I don't know why, but countless things increase around us. For example, the amount we receive from sponsors has also increased. At the moment we have the most generous sponsors in the country, which, however, does not mean very much, only 35,000 per year. Also, starting this year, absolutely all Mongolian teams, even the very small ones, are available for friendly matches only if we pay. Until now it was simpler, most friendlies were played for free. It's true, the amounts requested are not large, but it's clear that something has changed. By the way, starting this year even we ask for a minimum of 1000 for a friendly match. *** I was bad. I didn't bite anyone, but I was really bad : I kicked out no less than 16 guys, plus a 17th one who preferred to leave us before I could kick him out. Even after this operation the senior squad was a bit too numerous, so I preferred to bring only 7 players from the U18's, those who had already turned 18 : ... and, as usual, we still have at least 10 other good players in the U18's squad ... *** Various things already known : club vision, media prediction. *** The draw for the preliminary rounds of the Champions League. In fact, for the second round : because of the strange slot allocation system, we already knew last year that we would play in the first preliminary round against the champions of Myanmar (formerly Burma). So, in the first preliminary round we'll meet Yangon United, a team that is a kind of Selenge in the Burmese version. That is, a team that clearly dominates the league in Myanmar, does honorably in the zonal groups of the Confederation Cup ... but is way too small for the Champions League. Only one match will be played, on our ground. Theoretically we have, let's say, a 51% chance of qualifying for the next round. Round in which we'll meet the vice-champion of China, Shanghai Shenhua. Our chances? After an examination with a microscope I discovered that these chances do exist, but they are so small that a normal person cannot see them. Even worse, this round will be played in just one game, which will take place in Shanghai ... (I don't like Champions League ! And I think Champions League doesn't like me too) Later edit : we got rid of the Champions League very, very quickly. Yangon United humiliated us in our own stadium. No, they didn't play very well, we played very bad. So bad that we weren't able to shot on target even once in 90 minutes. *** Full schedule ***** September - December 2034 Easy. Very easy. Too easy ... *** Players' stats ***** January - February 2035 I kicked out another five players. Of course, no player from other clubs came. In the second half of the championship I plan to use the young players as much as possible. *** Schedule ***** March - June 2035 As expected. This year, no other team was able to play much better than it would have been expected from it. We didn't play better than last year, but our opponents played weaker. And, of course : *** Players' stats : Premier League Awards *** Best Eleven (current season and overall) : *** Team of the Year Season 2034-35 / All seasons (2022-2035) *** Various stats : Most goals scored / Average rating and Player of the Match / Average attendance Speaking of attendance. That "average attendance" takes into account not only the matches in the league but also those in the continental competitions. If it's only about the league, this year the average number of supporters present at the matches has increased spectacularly, from a little over 700 to almost 1050 per match. And I wonder if there is any connection with another spectacular increase : the number of followers in social media increased from 900 to 1900 in just one year. Normally, I am not interested at all in "FM social media", but it seems that there is "something" that is increasing the attractiveness of the club. I can't figure out if it's about reputation or another variable. *** Finances. The supporters finance us massively, almost half of the money we collect coming from "gate receipts". The fact that now we have more supporters than in previous years is very convenient, but the expenses (especially with the youth) are quite high. In any case, it seems that many years will pass until we have enough money to become a professional club ... *** Allocation of slots in continental competitions. We fell from 24th place to 25th place in the continental ranking, and in the regional one from 10th to 12th place. So, next year in August we'll play in the first preliminary round of the Champions League and we'll meet (away, only one match) the champions of Bangladesh . A team that should play in the "West" region, but in the end, it doesn't even matter anymore. ***** Youth intake 2035 The best player of this intake. He's "unambitious" but has some very good attributes. ***** Summary, the first 13 years of the career : ***** Continental competitions 2033-34 : Champions League West Region preliminary stage / East Region preliminary stage / Group stage / Knockout stage Confederation Cup West Asia zone / Central Asia zone / South Asia Zone / South-East Asia zone / East Asia zone / Knockout stage *** Continental competitions 2034-35 : Champions League West Region preliminary stage / East Region preliminary stage / Group stage / Knockout stage Confederation Cup West Asia zone / Central Asia zone / South Asia Zone / South-East Asia zone / East Asia zone / Knockout stage
  7. June - August 2032 Transfers. Five players left (none of them being very important) and, as usual, no one came. I released another 11 players who, according to the assistant's opinion, did not have the necessary CA and/or PA to deserve to be kept in the squad. We also brought 10 players from the U18's team, at least 5 of them having the necessary quality to become important players in the future : U18's squad. Maybe someone wants to see the list I use to keep track of the players. It's a quite unclear list, but it contains some interesting details. For example, the team in the 2031-32 season had a core based on the youth intakes of 2027 and 2028 (no less than 22 players out of 32). This year this core was reduced to 14 players. I remember how excited I was at the 2025 and 2026 intakes. Well, we only have 4 players left from those intakes and none of them are important players at the moment. In fact, until now we had only one "golden generation", the 2027 intake. *** Speaking of youth intake : I managed, after countless attempts, to convince the Board to accept a new improvement of our youth recruitment. This improvement will mean additional expenses of 30-40,000 annually, which for now we can afford ... but I doubt that the Board will accept any other improvement in the near future. *** For the last 10 years the club never managed to attract sponsors who would offer more than 10,000 per year. But the club's reputation has grown, and this is the first season in which we'll benefit from a somewhat more reasonable sponsorship. Of course, the amount is extremely small, only 5% of what we would need to pay salaries if we were a professional club. But it's a step forward anyway. *** Media prediction and objectives. Like last year : we're number one favorites (by far !) and the Board wants us to win the league. *** So, this year we'll play in the Champions League. And we'll not play in the preliminary rounds but striaght in the groups. To be honest, after the drawn I kind of regretted the fact that we qualified. The opponents are extremely strong : Ulsan (South Korea), winner of the Champions League in 2031 and 2032; Okayama (Japan), quarter-finalist in the Champions League in 2031; Melbourne Victory (Australia), participant in the Champions League groups in 2028, 2029 and 2030, but which did not qualify for the continental competitions in the last two years. Also, our "brothers" from the Mongolian league will participate in the Confederation Cup. Since a part of the national coefficient is due to them, I'll also follow their performances. *** Full schedule ***** September - December 2032 / Continental, Asian Champions League - Group stage To be honest, it was a shock. If I were to note the difficulty of the zonal groups in the Confederations Cup with a 2 or 3, then the interzonal phase of this competition could be noted with a 5, maybe a maximum of 6, and the Champions League groups would have a difficulty of 10. And the final stages in Champions League ? I don't know, maybe 15 ? In any case, the Champions League is, by far, a competition too strong for us. We're just "these little ones" qualified by mistake. If I were to make a comparison with Europe, I think I wouldn't be wrong if I said that the value difference between the Confederation Cup and the Asian Champions League is greater than the difference between the Conference League and the UEFA Champions League. In any case, for us, this difference is huge : A question can be asked : is it worth participating in the Champions League ? The answer is obvious : no. Not even from a financial point of view. The earnings in the Champions League are far too small, considering the difficulty of both competitions : I have only one problem, but a big one : if we don't win the league, then, obviously, the Board will be unhappy. If we'll miss this objective twice in a row, I risk to be simply kicked out. So, we want or we don't want, we have to participate in the Champions League ... at least from time to time. *** The other two Mongolian teams, the ones that played in the Confederation Cup, achieved performances that can be considered ... let's say, average. Unfortunately, now we have 3 teams in the continental competitions and the national coefficient will be determined by dividing by 3. Which means that our national coefficient for this year will be significantly lower than those of previous years. ***** September - December 2032 / League We're in second place, two points away from the leader. Why ? Well, because the FM players do not differentiate between the League and the Champions League matches. For them, a defeat (regardless of competition) is an excellent reason to become unhappy, and two defeats (especially with big score differences) already generate scenes with players rolling on the floor in the locker room and crying loudly. As a result, although the team still played well (according to xG table we're clearly the best team in the league ), of course there were moments when the defenders forgot how to defend and the attacking players forgot how to attack. In FM the team's morale is a kind of lecithin : the higher the level is, the better the players remember how to play football. ***** September - December 2032 / Various other info Players' stats : *** Full schedule *** Club vision. Our Board is very pleased with our performance in the Champions League. I assume they are masochists. I personally don't like scores like 1-6, 2-6, 0-4, but I can't comment: every person has their own dubious desires hidden in the subconscious. The less good part is that, however, the board is dissatisfied with the results we got in the league. I wouldn't be upset if the Board called all the players and communicated this aspect to them. I have no way of convincing the players that there is some difference between a Champions League match and a Mongolian League match. *** I tried to propose a small improvement. I mean, I asked the Board to supplement the wage budget for coaches, because I had found a very good coach .... who was also interested in a transfer to us. The Board's answer : "stop bothering us with such stupid nonsense, don't you realize that we only have 640,000 in the bank" ? We would have paid that man 6,000 per year, but the Board is right : arithmetically speaking, 640,000 - 6,000 = almost nothing *** And because I talked about money : we won 50,000 as gate receipts as a result of the match against Melbourne, plus 60,000 as a result of the match against Okayama and another 50,000 as a result of the match against Ulsan. To this must be added TV revenue 35,000. Total: 195,000, to which another 60,000 will be added at the end of the season as a prize for participating in the Champions League. So, financially speaking, the Champions League wasn't really a bad deal. But if we had played in the Conference League, we could have won at least 350,000 (prizes, gate receipts, TV revenue) if we managed to win the regional group. So... it's clear which is the best deal, at least for now. *** We're number one in terms of the "production" of players who play in the first Mongolian league. It was to be expected, although I would have expected more players. My object is "minimum 75", that is, one out of every four players who play in the league should be produced here. Likewise, we are by far the leaders in terms of the number of players currently on the national team list: 16 out of 22. Of course, one can ask why no club from abroad wants my players. I suppose it's because, however, my players are, from a qualitative point of view, mediocre compared to the players produced in many other Asian nations. Besides, only the big Asian clubs have a continental scouting range, and those clubs are not interested in some semi-pro boys from Mongolia. ***** January - February 2033 Transfers. We didn't lose important players by transfer, instead I kicked out two players. It didn't give me any pleasure to do it because it's about players who were very important players for us a few years ago. However, I had nowhere to go, they were very unhappy because of their playing time, and I didn't want their unhappiness to start affecting the morale of the team. We also played a few friendlies, which we won by large score differences. The idea of scheduling these friendlies was very good, as those wins greatly improved the team's morale. As usual, some teams in the Mongolian league played a few matches in the championship during January and February. Unfortunately SP Falcons, the team we're fighting against for the title, had no problems in winning the two matches they played, and now the distance between us and them has increased to 8 points. It wouldn't necessarily be a problem, this also happened last season, and in the end we were the ones who won the title of champion. ***** March - June 2033 / League In the next 3 rounds everything was perfect. We won all 3 games, scored 10 goals and didn't allow a single one. SP Falcons got two wins and a draw, or, in other words, they lost two very important points. Then came the match of the season, SP Falcons - Selenge, a match that we lost : So, we couldn't afford any more mistakes. Nothing new, we were in a similar situation last season. However, now there was a small difference : we had lost both games played against SP Falcons, so it wasn't not enough to get the same numer of points as them. We needed a point more. Unfortunately SP Falcons have not made any more mistakes. They won all three games they had to play ... and became champions. Congratulations SP Falcons, glory to the AI manager ! I think I must complain. We're the real champions ! We were persecuted by fate, referees, bad luck, nature and various forces of darkness ! Is there any proof ? Of course: according to xG table, we should have won the league with a difference of 9 points. ***** Player's stats : *** Best Eleven (current season and overall) : *** I think the players of SP Falcons and their AI manager should cry. It doesn't matter that they won the title, we are the best : ... and, yes, we also won all three League awards. ***** The Board seems not to be very unhappy after we lost the title of champions. However, I'm not at all sure that they would agree to me getting again this "performance" next year. Note, if anyone is curious : no, I did not lose the title intentionally, to play in the Confederation Cup. I simply lost it out of stupidity. Or, let me be a little more tolerant with myself : we were unlucky. *** Summary of our financial situation : taxes are killing our budget. Is FM a realistic game ? Well... I don't think anyone can dispute that. *** As I boasted a little earlier, we're the main supplier of talents for the Mongolian national team. What was the effect of the countless super-players that we gave to the national team ? Well, the effect was that at the beginning of this career, in 2022, the national team was ranked 180th in the world. Now, after hard (and even epic) fights, we have reached the 177th place. In about 2-300 years we may even reach the 170th place ! *** In the ranking of the continental coefficients we fell from the 19th place to the 25th place. However, we're still in the top 12 (more precisely, in the 11th place) in the ranking of the nations in the East Asia region. This means that the team that will win the Mongolian League next year will play in the first preliminary round of the Champions League, and will meet there the champion of the nation which is in 12th place. In other words, the champion from Myanmar. This system in which it is known who will play with whom not now but next year seems a little (where "little" is huge) strange to me. Unfortunately for us, the chances of returning to the Confederation Cup are very, very small, because the guys from the Philippines and Singapore are better at strategy and know how to avoid the trouble called "Champions League". ***** Youth intake 2033 It seems as if the game got bored of giving me good players. Probably if I had received these players in 2025 I would have been super excited. Now, however, seeing the personality of the majority of these players and, especially, seeing what are the characteristics of the "best player", I can only say ... meh. ***** Summary, the first 11 years of the career : ***** Continental competitions 2032-33 : Champions League West Region preliminary stage / East Region preliminary stage / Group stage / Knockout stage Confederation Cup West Asia zone / Central Asia zone / South Asia Zone / South-East Asia zone / East Asia zone / Knockout stage
  8. June - August 2031 The reputation of the Mongolian league increased significantly last season. Now we're the 44th league, after last year we were the 52nd. However, we are very far from the level of the really strong leagues in Asia. *** Transfers. Finally, after several geological eras, we brought a player from another club. However, it's not about an unknown player, because Muhnsaihan is a product of our club (we received him at the youth intake, in 2028). Regarding departures, we lost 5 players, one of whom being important (the right midfielder Regzedlham-Punsalmaa). Also, I released three other players whose level was too low to be kept in the squad. We brought 10 players from the U18's team, plus the eleventh (Tundev) who already played in the first team last year and who is only 16 years old. In the U18's squad we have about 7-8 very good players, but there are two aspects that make me not bring them to the senior squad yet. First of all, we can only register 30 players (35 in continental competitions). Secondly, we already have a first eleven in which there is a very good cohesion ... and I would not want to unnecessarily affect this cohesion. *** I think it's already obvious that media prediction considers us, by far, the number one favorite to win the league. It's also obvious that the Board has set me, as the objective, to win the league. *** The draw for the groups of the Confederation Cup (East Asia zone) took place. Of course, we'll play against teams form North Korea, Hong Kong and Macau. The positive aspect : we haven't met any of these opponents yet. The negative aspect: it doesn't matter what the opponents are called, we already know the level of the leagues in these countries (North Korea, Hong Kong, Macau). Our "friends" from Erchim will play, of course, in the other group, and I hope they will get at least as good results as the ones they got last year. *** Full schedule ***** September - December 2031 / League Yes, we're in trouble. Deep trouble. Not only that the difference between us and SP Falcons is 6 points, but we humiliatingly lost the game we played against them, so basically they have 7 points ahead of us, as the final table depends on the results between teams. We were unlucky ? Yes, because we could have easily win the matches played against Unaganuud and Khoromkhon. But I can't complain : we "succeeded" the most embarrassing game of the last 10 years exactly in the most important match of the season, the one played against SP Falcons. They simply stepped on our feet and, overall, their position as leaders is deserved. ***** September - December 2031 / Continental, Confederation Cup - Groups stage How was it possible ? I don't know. I didn't use any tricks and I didn't even change the tactics used in the league. For unknown reasons the team played very poor in the league during October ... but performed very well in the continental competitions. It's true, in the second game (the one played in North Korea) we didn't deserve even a draw, but we won. In addition, I cannot explain the exceptional efficiency of our striker, Zorigt, who scored no less than 11 goals in 6 games. Erchim surprises me more and more. Like us, they played poorly in the league (in fact, they played much weaker than us), but they managed to get some very good results in the continental competitions. So, we'll play the regional final of the Confederation Cup. We had this honor also 4 years ago and we were clearly defeated. I hope that this time we'll do better. ***** September - December 2031 / Various other info Players' stats (all competitions) : ***** Full Schedule ***** I also got the last possible licence, the Continental Pro licence. At this moment my attributes look very good, but that does not mean that other clubs would care about my license. In my entire career, I received one interview invitation, and this happened a long time ago, in 2025, that is, 7 years ago. The interest of foreign clubs in what is happening in the mediocre competition in Mongolia is so high that I think that even if I had got the "The most wonderful manager of all time" licence, no one would have been interested in this. In fact, it doesn't matter anyway, I don't intend to leave this club. ***** At this moment we're, by far, the main supplier of players for the Mongolian national team. We have 12 players, Erchim has 8. So, the two teams (we and Erchim) which got 29 points out of 36 possible in the zonal groups of the Confederation Cup. It's true, this competition has a low level, being far below the quality level of the Champions League. However, this doesn't explain the fact that the national team of Mongolia won its last game in October 2026, and then followed a streak of 31 (!!!) matches without any win, during which it was defeated by super-opponents like Guam, Northern Mariana, Afghanistan, East Timor, Yemen, Laos or Cambodia. But, at some point, FM realized that something was wrong. And it decided to correct the problem. As a result, my striker Munkhbayar was instantly transformed into a goal machine : two goals out of two against Hong Kong, three goals out of three against Brunei (first game), another three goals out of three against Brunei (second game). In total : eight consecutive goals. And this is how Mongolia achieved a remarkable performance (to beat someone) and, in addition, a historic performance : to qualify as a result of this victory. That this qualification does not mean much (the second round is only the preliminary round for the qualification groups for the World Cup) ? Doesn't matter. In any case, the manager of the national team has no problems. Honestly, I'm hunting for his job because I honestly believe that I could lose a lot of matches at least as spectacularly as he does. I'm not lucky at all : his job is very "stable". Mongolia national team : results 2026-2029 / results 2030 / results 2031 ***** January - February 2032 Transfers. We lost another young and promising player, but his departure didn't really bother me because in the few matches he played in, he didn't prove to be really indispensable. The squad is almost the same as in September, with one exception : I brought a player full of "stars" from U18 (Tumurtogtoh, 4 stars CA), but not because I necessarily wanted to, but because the guy informed me that he would leave if he will not have a place in the first eleven. In a way, he's right : he has already played in the national team and is already at a much higher level than many other players form our U18 team. The only problem is that we have too many strikers (six) and, honestly, I don't need the seventh ... for now. *** February - June 2032 / Continental, Confederation Cup Honestly, I did not expect a qualification in the interzonal final. It was a huge surprise for me. In the first round (the zonal final) it was quite easy, not necessarily because we played a bit better than our opponents, but mainly because we had a striker (Zorigt) being in an exceptional run of form, while Southern's attackers were mediocre. So, we qualified for the semi-finals of the inter-zonal tournament. There we met a much stronger opponent, Bengaluru FC, the winner of the South Asian zonal final. Summary : Bengaluru shot 42 times (13 times on target) and scored two goals. We shot 11 times (6 times on target) and scored 5 goals, all 5 being scored by the same player, Zorigt. Frankly speaking, if we play against Bengaluru 20 more times, we would probably lose if not all 20 matches then certainly 19 of them. We were incredibly lucky. In the next round, the inter-zonal final, we met an opponent (Gia Lai from Vietnam) at least as strong as Bengaluru. This time, however, our luck ran out. Gia Lai beat us easily, even if in the second match they used no less than 7 reserves. All in all, a very good performance, far beyond expectations. How did the team play ? It would be easy for me to say "very well". In reality, the key to this performance is represented by a single player : Ganbaatar Zorigt. We played 12 matches in this competition and scored 26 goals. Unbelievably, Zorigt scored no less than 20 (!!!) of the 26 goals. What would have happened if the team had played exactly the same, but our strikers had only scored a few goals ? It's obvious. Who is this Zorigt? A player who has certain special characteristics : he is very tall (189 cm), in conditions where in this region of the world the average height is about 170 cm; and, in terms of attributes, he excels especially in terms of jumping, pace, aggression, bravery and first touch. His "finishing" is mediocre (7). Are these enough to describe a goal machine ? I don't know, but the guy won two awards (Asian Confederation Cup Most Valuable Player and Asian Confederation Cup Top Goalscorer). ***** February - June 2032 / League As I said earlier, at the end of the first half of the competition, the difference between us and the first place (SP Falcons) was 6 points. Falcons played a game in January, and the difference increased to 9 points. In the following rounds we won almost everything (16 points out of 18), while SP Falcons started to hesitate (10 points out of 15). However, with 3 rounds before the end, SP Falcons had have 3 points more than us, plus the advantage of the fact that, in the fall, they won (3-0) the first match. In the 16th round, the big match was going to take place, the 1st place vs the 2nd place, or, in other words, SP Falcons - Selenge. We needed a win and, if we had obtained that win, we were going to pray to the football gods that SP Falcons would lose points (at least a draw) in the next two rounds ... How was the match ? In the 45th minute the score was SP Falcons 0 - Selenge 5. What happened? I have no idea. The young Tumurtogtoh (the one brought in the winter from U18 team) scored 4 goals. After the break the game calmed down, we scored only twice and finally the "big match" ended with an incredible score : 7 - 2 for us. In the last two rounds we won 6 points (in the last match the young Tumurtogtoh scored 4 goals in 45 minutes again) ... and, in the end, both us and SP Falcons ended the competition having the same number of points. However, in the matches between the two teams we were an advantage (0-3 and 7-2) and, of course, we won the title of champions. Did we deserve this title? According to xG table .... yes, we deserved it. ***** Players' stats (all competitions) : Munkhbayar won all three league awards. By the way, Zorigt scored only 7 goals in the 12 matches he played in the league. Why did he score so few goals in the league and so many in the continental competitions ? I have no idea. The wonders of FM. *** Best Eleven (current season and overall) : Team of the Year - Season 2031-32 / Team of the Year - All seasons (2022-2032) ***** Full schedule ***** Well, we won a lot of money thanks to the participation in the continental competitions. But "a lot of money" does not mean the same thing in Asia and in Europe. I won 253000 as a result of winning the zonal group, 100000 as a result of winning the zonal final, 40000 for participating in the inter-zonal semi-final and 40000 for participating in the inter-zonal final. Plus 20,000 for participating in the competition. Total : 453,000, to which is added 5,600 TV money (meh) and over 200,000 for "gate receipts" Unfortunately, this money are not enough for us. We cannot become a professional club if we do not have at least one million in the bank. For training facilities and youth facilities, we would need at least 500,000 (and maybe more) to go from level 2 to level 3. So, for now, we still need to "grow" to be able to develop more. ***** I'm a legend. I knew it ! In reality, it has no importance, but it's a good title for my managerial morale. Another stimulating screenshot for my managerial morale : I've won 11 competitions until now. None of these competitions are important, but for the moment, I'll ignore this aspect. ***** Miscellaneous : average attendance / goals scored / U18's competitions / U18's table 2031-32 ***** Allocation of slots for continental competitions. In the ranking of coefficients, we climbed from the 22nd place (last year) to the 19th place. However, this progress has no practical effect because in the top of the East Asian nations we're in the same place, 10th, so in the 2033-2034 season we'll have, like the next season, 3 teams in the continental competitions, and one of these teams will participate in the Champions League League (straight in the group stage). ***** Youth intake 2032 Best two players received at this youth intake : Tumurbaatar (his attributes look very good and well balanced) and Nyamsuren (he has exceptional* attributes as a defensive player, but I don't like at all his determination) * "exceptional" compared to the average level in the Mongolian league. ***** Summary, the first 10 years of the career : ***** Continental competitions 2031-32 : Champions League West Region preliminary stage / East Region preliminary stage / Group stage / Knockout stage Confederation Cup West Asia zone / Central Asia zone / South Asia Zone / South-East Asia zone / East Asia zone / Knockout stage
  9. June - September 2030 At the beginning of the new season we had no less than 81 players at our club. In principle, such a large number of players is not a bad thing at all, because I prefer to be allowed to choose from as many players as possible. However, I asked myself if I shouldn't give up the rule "only players aged 18 or older can play in the first team". As a result, I decided to evaluate all these players, including the U18's, according to the position they could be used : Goalkeeper // Defender Central / Defender Right / Defender Left // Defensive Midfielder // Midfielder Central / Midfielder Right / Midfielder Left // Attacking Midfielder Central / Striker (Note : I used (and I'll continue to use) only the 4-4-2 positioning. I don't need players strictly specialized as AMR/AML or WBR/WBL, and I'm interested in players who can play as DM or AMC only if they are at least "accomplished" as MC. However, since one of the central midfielders has a defensive role and the other an offensive role, one of them must also have some DM skills and the other must also have some AMC skills). The result of the evaluation : if I were to divide the players according to their age, then, according to the evaluation of the assistant (actually our HOYD, who is also my assistant) I would have in the first team 9 players aged 18 or more ... and 13 players aged 15 to 17 years. If I were to strictly take into account the visible attributes (added up arithmetically), then the ratio would become 11 to 11. Honestly speaking, I was tempted to give up the "18 years or older" rule. But, after that, I decided that I can use that rule ... with a small modification : during the winter transfer window I'll be able to bring at most 3 players from the U18's. And that's only if I "have room" for them, because to play in the first league a player must be registered, and we can't register more than 30 players. As a result, next season I'll use only about half of the good players we have at the club. *** (An interesting aspect: there are significant differences between the number of stars (CA) and the arithmetic sum of the attributes (even if these attributes are grouped according to position). Some players have very good attributes but are rated with 1.5 - 2 stars CA, while others have weaker attributes but are considered 2.5 or 3 star players. Probably the explanation is that the staff members "see" much more characteristics than the simple list of visible attributes. It is possible for them to take into account, for example, the morale of a player, the level of his integration in the team and/or the number of games played in the last period. But the staff members also have the opposite problem : the accuracy of their evaluations depends on the level of their "judging ability". And my HOYD can't boast of much skills, he only has 6 JCA and 6 JPA). *** Transfers. Of course, we didn't bring players from other clubs. One player left us (who was not important anyway), so now we have "only" 80 players at the club. As a result, the squad that I'll use in the following months will be the following : Indeed, there are 42 players, and we can only register 30 (or 35, in the case of continental competitions). At least 7 players will not play at all until the winter. Why didn't I loan these players to other clubs? Well ... because I can't. The entire Mongolian league is composed of semi-professional clubs, their players having part-time, month-to-month contracts. Most useless players don't have the option of being loaned. And those who could be loaned are useful to us and I don't want to strengthen other clubs at the moment, especially if it's about rival clubs. Also, clubs are interested in loaning good players from the first team or very promising youngsters. Given that these youngsters would end up at clubs that do not have facilities and have a low quality staff, their loan wouldn't be very useful for us. I tried to look for an affiliated club, but the advantages of affiliation are very small, almost non-existent. ... and the U18's squad (38 players) *** As usual, the Media Prediction presents us as being the number one favorite, and our Board agrees with this idea. In another vein of ideas, thanks to the results we obtained in the continental competitions, the first Mongolian league has progressed significantly, not necessarily in terms of the previous / current rank (it has risen from the 55th place to the 52nd place), but in terms of the evaluation : last year it was considered a "half-star league" and now it is a "one-star league". *** The draw for the "North Korean - Hong Kong - Chinese Taipei - Mongolia League" groups also took place. Sorry, I worded it wrong, the draw for the East Asian Zone groups of the Confederation Cup took place. We'll meet old "friends" (Kigwancha, Southern District) as well as some we don't know (Benfica de Macau). It's good to meet unknown people from time to time, especially when the competitional system is so rigid. Our compatriots from Erchim will play in the other group. In my opinion "their" opponents are a bit more difficult than "ours". In any case, I wish them a lot of success. I don't particularly like them, but we need points for the continental coefficient. *** Full schedule ***** September - December 2030 / League We are in first place, having 8 points more than the second place team has. It was to be expected, although I did not expect the main opponents (Erchim and SP Falcons) to play so poorly. We didn't play very well, but our opponents' bad run of form "helped" us. In fact, we have some troubles only during two matches : we lost the first match in the league (our attack worked well, but the defense played embarrassingly), then we beat Mazaalay (4-1) although the shot ratio was 8-7 for Mazaalay (4 - 4 on target). ***** September - December 2029 / Continental, Confederation Cup - Groups stage Third place. Considering the way we played, this 3rd place is exactly what we deserved. On the other hand, honor to Erchim . They play badly in the Mongolian league but managed a truly exceptional course in the continental competition. ***** Players' stats : *** Full schedule ***** A new record : the number of players called up to the national teams has now reached 36. It's hard to understand how a national team composed of 20 players from clubs as Selenge and Erchim (teams that do honorably in continental competitions) can only get very poor results, being defeated by even the most mediocre Asian national teams . *** Selenge is the number one club in Mongolia not only in terms of reputation but also in terms of the number of players produced at the club and who play in the first Mongolian league. As a principle, I proposed that in a few years we reach 70-80 players, which would mean that every Mongolian club has in its squad, on average, at least 3-4 players produced at Selenge FC. *** Since I am no longer concerned about the continental competitions (and as far as the league, we have a 99% chance of winning it), I thought it was the right moment to get the last possible licence, the Continental Pro. The Board agreed (thanks, boss !). And because I kept talking about the Board ... they agreed also with the improvement of our youth facilities. It won't be a impressive improvement (from "Poor" to "Basic") but, anyway, it's a progress. ***** January - February 2031 Transfers. I decided to do a little cleaning, we have too many players in the senior team. As a result, I kicked out no less than 10 players. Also, I allowed a number of 7 players to go to other clubs. Why do I say "I allowed" ? Because almost all our players receive offers during the transfer window. Being a semi-pro club, they could leave us easily. There are two aspects that keep them at my club : the high national reputation of the club ... and the possible contractual bonuses. If I want to reduce the number of players leaving, it's enough to periodically (monthly) offer all the players the contracts they want. The extra costs are small, so it's worth the effort. But now I have decided to offer contracts to only 14 players whom I consider indispensable to the club ... for now. Since so many players left us, we now had 4 free slots for registration. As a result, I brought three players from the U18 squad to complete the number of players in the positions that seemed to me to be insufficiently covered. As usual in the Mongolian league, a number of matches were played before the "official" restart of the competition. As a result, the league table changed a little, but not enough for our chances of winning the competition to decrease. *** Schedule ***** March - June 2031 Fifth champion title in a row . It was, of course, to be expected. We didn't play worse than in the first 9 rounds (although I made some experiments during the last rounds), but, as usual in FM, some of our strikers kind of "forgot" how to score goals. (Yes, we were already champions three rounds before the end of the competition). ***** Players' stats : As in the past seasons, we won all three League awards. This time the one who won them was Munkhbayar. ***** Best Eleven (current season and overall) : *** Mongolian Premier League Team of the Year : ***** The expansion of our youth facilities was completed. As I said before, we still don't have really good training and youth facilities, they are only at level 2 out of 10 (i.e. "basic"). *** Our budget was seriously affected by the costs involved in improving the youth facilities. However, we still have enough money for the usual expenses, the only problem being that at this moment we cannot afford any other major improvement. *** I have no idea why, but the Board gave me some additional staff slots. It was a kind of gift, I didn't ask for them. I was simply informed in September that we could have 5 coaches and 4 scouts. Then, in April, their number increased to 6 coaches and 5 scouts. The trouble is that we have 3 coaches and two scouts (chief scout included) and I simply have nowhere to bring others as good or better as the ones we already have. Foreigners do not come to Mongolia (yes, I tried), and the 3 Mongolians (2 coaches and a scout) who are very good and who aren't at our club, have very high financial claims. What does the allocation of these slots depends on ? The reputation of the club ? The reputation of the league ? The financial situation ? I have no idea ... ***** Youth intake 2031 The best youngster received at this intake : Saruul Erdenebat. ***** Very interesting news regarding the allocation of slots for continental competitions. As a result of the very good results get by the Mongolian teams (thanks, Erchim !), Mongolia achieved a coefficient high enough to climb to the 22nd place in the ranking of nations and to the 10th place in the ranking of East Asian nations. As a result, yes, we got a third slot, and this means that in the 2032-33 season a team from Mongolia will participate in the Asian Champions League ! Moreover, thanks to the very strange slot allocation system, the teams representing the nations ranked 9th and 10th are not only qualified for the Champions League, but are even qualified straight for the groups of this competition . This while teams representing much stronger nations (Japan, South Korea, China, Australia and others) will play in the preliminary rounds ... ***** Summary, the first 9 years of the career : ********** Continental competitions detailed : Asian Champions League Preliminary stage (East Asia Region) : 2022-2023 / 2023-2024 / 2024-2025 / 2025-2026 / 2026-2027 / 2027-2028 / 2028-2029 / 2029-2030 / 2030-2031 Group stage : 2022-2023 / 2023-2024 / 2024-2025 / 2025-2026 / 2026-2027 / 2027-2028 / 2028-2029 / 2029-2030 / 2030-2031 Knockout stage : 2022-2023 / 2023-2024 / 2024-2025 / 2025-2026 / 2026-2027 / 2027-2028 / 2028-2029 / 2029-2030 / 2030-2031 *** Asian Confederation Cup West Asia zone : 2022-2023 / 2023-2024 / 2024-2025 / 2025-2026 / 2026-2027 / 2027-2028 / 2028-2029 / 2029-2030 / 2030-2031 Central Asia zone : 2022-2023 / 2023-2024 / 2024-2025 / 2025-2026 / 2026-2027 / 2027-2028 / 2028-2029 / 2029-2030 / 2030-2031 South Asia zone : 2022-2023 / 2023-2024 / 2024-2025 / 2025-2026 / 2026-2027 / 2027-2028 / 2028-2029 / 2029-2030 / 2030-2031 South-East Asia zone : 2022-2023 / 2023-2024 / 2024-2025 / 2025-2026 / 2026-2027 / 2027-2028 / 2028-2029 / 2029-2030 / 2030-2031 East Asia zone : 2022-2023 / 2023-2024 / 2024-2025 / 2025-2026 / 2026-2027 / 2027-2028 / 2028-2029 / 2029-2030 / 2030-2031 Knockout stage (inter-zone playoffs and CC final) : 2022-2023 / 2023-2024 / 2024-2025 / 2025-2026 / 2026-2027 / 2027-2028 / 2028-2029 / 2029-2030 / 2030-2031 *** World Cup 2022 / 2026 / 2030 *** Asian Nation Cup 2031
  10. June - September 2029 After 7 years we have become, in terms of reputation, the best club in Mongolia. The fact that we needed only 7 seasons is not surprising : all the Mongolian clubs had very low reputations in 2022, so we didn't have to recover a big difference in reputation. *** Regarding the reputation of the Mongolian league, it's still very low. It is true, in the last two or three years this reputation has improved, but not spectacularly. If I were to rate the strongest leagues in the region (Japan, South Korea, China) with 10, and the weakest leagues (Northern Mariana, Guam, East Timor, Brunei) with 1, we would be roughly at the level "3". *** It was "officially" confirmed : in the 2030-31 season two Mongolian teams will be allowed to play in the Confederation Cup. It's a step forward for us, but it also involves risks because, just like in continental European competitions, the number of points accumulated by teams from a certain nation is divided by the number of participating teams belonging to that nation. This means that if somehow we or the other Mongolian team will have a very weak season, the national coefficient will drop sharply. *** The number of our players called to the national teams is increasing more and more. Two years ago it seemed to me something special to have 8 or 10 players called up. Now we have no less than 34 ... and I expect their number to grow even more in the future. *** I managed to convince the Board to agree to a new improvement. This time it's about Youth Recruitment. However, the general level of our facilities remains low, especially regarding Training Facilities and Youth Facilities. What helps us a lot is the fact that the vast majority of Mongolian clubs have extremely underdeveloped facilities. Why does it help us ? The 20 Mongolian clubs annually receive, in total, around 150-160 players at their youth intakes. Among them, probably 20-25 are very good players (for the Mongolian championship, not necessarily at the international level). But all clubs managed by AI generally receive about half of the players that a club managed by a human player receives. Considering this aspect as well as the level of the facilities, I assume that we receive yearly 10-12 such players. Erchim, which also has very good facilities, receives around 5 or 6. The other 5-6 are allocated to other clubs, probably with a small advantage for Mazaalay and Western, which have somewhat better facilities. Also, the reputation of the club can also have some influence (because it's assumed that good young players, if they have a choice, will prefer the best clubs in the country). *** Transfers. As usual, we didn't bring players from other clubs. I have no reason to do it because we already have many very good players. I have loaned some players to other clubs, but I hesitate to loan more players because their development should be carefully monitored... and, frankly, I don't feel like doing extra work. I prefer to keep them at "my" club, even if that way they would develop a little less. *** I have decided that, starting from this season, I'll keep only players being 18 years old (or over) in the senior squad. I'll still accept younger players, but only if they have at least 4 CA stars and the assistant considers that they are the best players we have in a certain position. So, I sent almost all the 16- and 17-year-old players back to the U18's squad, but we kept the young Tsevelsodnom-Badarch (17 years old), a player who is clearly the best central midfielder we have. I brought some players (four) from the U18's squad, not because they were really necessary but just to test them. *** I talked a little earlier about the "assistant's opinion". In fact, we don't have an assistant manager. The work of the assistant is handled by our HOYD, who is a real hero because not only does he work both as HOYD and as an assistant, but he doesn't even get paid for it. He has no salary (our coaches and scouts are all paid for their work) and he doesn't even receive bonuses. As for the quality of his work ... considering the quality of players brought by him to our youth intakes, I think he deserves all the money he gets he doesn't get . *** According to the media prediction we're the number 1 favorite to win the league. It's natural, I would be surprised if it were otherwise. I'm glad that the Board doesn't ask me to play in a certain way. From their point of view we can play however we feel like as long as we fulfill our objective : to win the league. *** The draw for the East Asia Zone play-off of the Confederation Cup took place. As usual, our future opponent is very exotic : Tan Holdings FC, a team from the Northern Mariana Islands. Considering that last year we met AMS Typhoon Shutters, I can't say that we don't have spectacular opponents, at least in terms of their names. Well, Tan Holdings FC played better than I expected. However, we should have won with a bigger goal difference because in both games we conceded goals way too easily and, also, we missed many chances. We also won the Super Cup, a competition that doesn't offer much satisfaction, with the only exception of somewhat higher revenues than in case of a a regular league game. *** We qualified, therefore, in the zonal groups of the Confederation Cup. Opponents ? As usual, teams from North Korea, Hong Kong and Chinese Taipei. At least there is a little variation, since we have only played with the North Koreans from Amrokkang (two yars ago), the other two opponents being "unkwnown" (in a way) for us. Anyway, it's pretty boring. *** Full schedule ***** September - December 2029 / League Yes, it's a bit too easy. Only 8 rounds were played, but we can already say that we have a 99% chance of winning the league. We didn't really play exceptionally well, but since all possible opponents had a bad season, it was easy for us to dominate the competition. ***** September - December 2029 / Continental, Confederation Cup - Groups stage We played well, we had a bit of bad luck, but overall, the problem of the team ranked first (and qualified) did not arise for a single moment. Amrokkang was clearly the best team in this group. ***** September - December 2029 / Various other info Players' stats (all competitions) : *** Full schedule ***** January - February 2030 We didn't bring any new players, so the squad is almost the same as in September. We played two friendlies and the team's morale is very good. In the meantime, a few matches were played in the league and the table now seems a bit more balanced ... but it only seems, because we'll play in the spring much more matches than Mazalaay, our main opponent. ***** March - June 2030 Indeed, it was easy. Very easy. The only match in which we had troubles was very spectacular ... and very "FM style". In the 12th minute we had 3-0. In the 50th minute it was still 3-0. Then the Opponents (DMYu, a mediocre mid-table team) instantly turned into Manchester City and scored us 5 goals in the next 40 minutes. Of course, we won the competition long before its last round. More precisely, with 5 matches before the end. ***** Players' stats : 27 goals scored in 24 matches played ? It's not bad at all. In fact, Munkhbayar won two of the three awards in the Mongolian league, the one awarded to the best player and the one awarded to the player who scored the most goals. And because we're very bad, we didn't even leave the third award (the one for the best young player) to others, this award being won by Zorigt, who also scored a lot of goals (17 in 18 matches played). (By the way, I have to mention an aspect : there are no surnames in Mongolia. Boys' names are made up of their father's name + their personal name. This is the reason why the names are so similar regardless of whether they are the first or the second. Normally, I should refer to players by using their both names because they are equally important, but due to the length and complexity of some Mongolian names I'll prefer the "European" system). ***** Best Eleven (current season and overall) : *** Mongolian Premier League Team of the Year : The situation is not much different in terms of the "Team of the Year" from 2022 to 2030 : we have 10 players in the first eleven and 13 players in the "top 20". ***** I have improved the staff a little. At the moment there are only two coaches and a scout who are not accessible due to the fact that they demand (too) high salaries. I'm referring to Mongolian coaches and scouts, because we don't have access to foreigners. In any case, even without these 3 people we have, by far, the best staff in the league. ***** Finances. For now, the financial situation is stable and would even allow us to slightly improve our facilities, if the Board agrees this. However, in the current conditions it's impossible to become a professional club. Also, it's impossible for us to finance any major improvements to the facilities. We would need a better scouting range and some foreign coaches, but even these are too expensive for us at the moment. We cannot get the necessary income from the national competitions, so we need the best possible performances in the continental competitions and, also, we need to significantly improve the club and league reputation in order to be able to sell players to other clubs. ***** In the last two seasons I haven't posted screenshots regarding the U18's competition. We have the best youth intakes, so, obviously, we won this easily competition. In fact, starting with 2023, we won this competition 7 times in a row. 2027-28 / 2028-29 / 2029-30 ***** Youth intake 2030 A new group of good players, among which this midfielder stands out. A guy who has very good attributes and, in addition, has a positive personality. One more thing : at the beginning of the season I forgot to take screenshots of the U18's squad. I'll correct this omission now, at the end of the season : U18's. ***** An aspect that I find to be interesting. The Mongolian national team achieved some good results in 2023, 2024 and 2025. They played 24 games : 9 wins, 7 draws, 8 defeats. It's true, the defeated opponents were similar in terms of value, so "weak teams". But, anyway, it's about some wins. In the 2026-2028 period, however, the results were very poor : only one win, 6 draws, 19 defeats. Mongolia was defeated even by very "small" teams such as Guam, East Timor, Laos or the Northern Mariana Islands. What's the problem ? Well... we didn't have players called up to the national team until 2025. But we had a lot of player called up after 2025. So, our players (who get some quite good results in the continental competitions) play extremely poorly for the national team. Why ? I don't have any idea. ***** We were about to have a surprise in the continental competitions. In fact, not in the competitions, but in the allocation of slots for these competitions. The points we accumulated in the last 3 editions were enough to move us up to 13th place in the Eastern region of Asia, just 5 hundredths away from 12th place (where Hong Kong is now). But the 12th place would have meant the allocation of a third slot for Mongolia and, implicitly, participation in the Champions League. So, we're only a few hundredths of a point away from the Champions League. Of course, it can be said that those hundredths can be recovered in the next season. The problem is ... will Erchim, the second Mongolian team that will participate in the Confederation Cup this summer, be able to collect enough points so that the coefficient (now divided by 2) does not decrease ? And, of course, will we still be able to get enough points ? I'm not sure, but ... we'll try. ***** Summary, the first 8 years of the career :
  11. June - September 2028 Our reputation has grown quite a lot in the last year and, consequently, if last year we were the 5th club in the country, now we are, from the point of view of reputation, the second club in Mongolia. *** Since we are now an (quite) important club at the national level, I thought that an affiliation could be useful for us. The Board agreed and, as a result, we have now an affiliated club from the 2nd league (Western FC) where we could possibly test some of the young players we have. *** The draw for the playoff of the continental competition in which we'll participate, the Confederation Cup, took place. Our opponent is exotic both in terms of location (Northern Mariana Islands) and name (AMS Typhoon Shutters). Normally, we should be able to qualify easily. *** Yes, we did it ! After an epic fight, the first Mongolian league succeeded in surpassing the reputation of the first Bhutanese league. At this moment, the Mongolian league is, from the point of view of its reputation, the 64th league in Asia. I'm really curious to find out to what level the Mongolian league could reach in the next, say, 10-15 years. ***** Transfers. We didn't bring any players from other clubs, but we moved 12 players from the U18's squad to the senior squad. In fact, 7 of the 12 (those players marked in green) were moved more because they had already turned 18 and less because they were strictly necessary for my first team. Anyway, they are all pretty good players. The other 5 players (those marked in red) are each 17 years old and are, according to the assistant's opinion, future important players. There is also a 13th player, the young Tsevelsodnom-Badarch, a player received by us at the last youth intake and who is by far the best player in our squad, at least in terms of his attributes. ***** The objective set by the Board is, of course, winning (again) the league. Naturally, since we are the champions of the last two seasons. Moreover, also Media Prediction considers us a big favorite. Honestly, taking into account the players we have, our objective should be very easy to achieve. ***** We easily won the two games played in the playoff of the Confederations Cup ... although the 4 goals received from a pretty mediocre team aren't really a reason to praise. We also won the Super Cup, but even in this case our game was not very good. But with some luck in penalties, we managed to still win another trophy. *** As usual, in the regional groups we will again meet teams from North Korea, Hong Kong and Chinese Taipei. Moreover, we played against those from City TW Steel last year as well. To be honest, this "zonal" system is quite unattractive because at some point the opponents become as familiar as the teams in the national league. ***** September - December 2028 / League Surprisingly, in the first matches we were not the ones who dominated the competition, but those from Khaan Khuns Erchim. As a result, after 7 games the difference between Erchim and us reached no less than 11 points ! It's true, at that moment we had less games played than they, but even so the situation was becoming more complicated than I expected ... *** I was hoping that in the next games we'll be able to reduce the difference, but in the end the autumn season ended with Erchim having 6 points more than us. It wouldn't necessarily be a problem if we don't manage to win the league, but I don't know if the Board won't kick me out if I don't manage to reach the requested objective. Yes, we were unlucky in two games (those played against Unganuud and Athletic) ... but we played badly in two other games, the very important ones : 1-2 against Erchim and 1-1 against Mazaalay. However, according to xG table, we still have reasonably good chances to win the league ... if we'll be able to play much better in the next games. ***** September - December 2028 / Continental, Confederation Cup - Groups stage We played very well, but I have to admit, the best team qualified. Even if the last game was very balanced, the North Koreans from Ryomyong are really better than us. Anyway, even the second place is a very good performance. ***** September - December 2028 / Various other info Players' stats (all competitions) : *** Full schedule *** Unlike last year, now we haven't won much from participating in the continental competitions. Only about 70,000 as "gate receipts" and we will receive another 20,000 at the end of the season as a participation prize. However, we have some money to spend, which is why I tried to develop the facilities a little more. It's the third attempt, so far the Board has refused me twice in the last 6 months. Now they refused again to improve Youth Recruitment ... but agreed to allocate money for Junior Coaching. Moreover, they also agreed with the improvement of Training Facilities. As a result, our facilities now look like this. *** The staff. We probably have, if not the best, then one of the best coaching teams in Mongolia. But that doesn't mean much because the general level is low. The problem is related to the fact that no foreign coach is willing to come here. Absolutely all available coaches, assistants, managers, directors and scouts (plus medical staff) are Mongolian. We still managed to bring to us the best coach who didn't have a contract at the moment. He has quite good attributes, anyway much better than those of the coaches we have now. *** We have extended our scouting range and now we can view almost all the players available nationally, but I don't think it's a very good deal because there are very few players in the country who are better than the players we already have at the club. We couldn't extend the scouting range more, it would be much too expensive and, anyway, very few foreign players would agree to come to Mongolia, especially since all Mongolian clubs are semi-professional. In fact, despite the rather strict restrictions (maximum 4 foreigners in the first league, maximum 2 in the second league) there would be available places for about 60 foreigners. In reality, Mongolian clubs only have ... 9 foreign players. 6 Japanese, 2 South Koreans and a Somali. ***** January - February 2029 Transfers. We didn't bring players from other clubs, but one of the best players we had, Bazarsad, our first player who won the "Premier League Player of the Year" award, left us. It's natural, now we have better players and he didn't really play in the first eleven anymore. However, I could have had some problems because of this, because Bazarsad was highly appreciated by our supporters. Fortunately, his departure didn't bother them too much. I didn't bring any other players from the U18 team, we also played a few friendlies and, consequently, both the cohesion and the atmosphere were very good at the beginning of the season. Meanwhile, the other teams had played a few more matches in the league, and at the time of our first match in the spring, the distance between us and Erchim had increased again to 10 points. ***** March - June 2029 We had a series of very good matches (5 wins, a draw, 15 points) which culminated with a win at Erchim's stadium. At this moment we climbed to first place and, of course, our chances of winning the league were very high : But ... Mazaalay beat us in the next game. Then we had a very bad match against Khovd, a match ended (only) 0-0. It's true, in this match our best strikers were missing, one being suspended and the other injured. Erchim wasted no time, won both games they played and climbed to first place again (with a one point more than us) before the last round of the league. So, they needed to win the last game to become champions ... Then the miracle happened : Erchim only got a draw, even though they played on their own ground (they have their own stadium, not like us, who play on the "common ground of almost the entire league"). We won the last match and, yes, we won the league. A team that wins the league only because its main opponent was not able to win in the last match played is, of course, a very lucky team. However, according to the xG table, we played well and it could not be said that we undeservedly won this trophy. ***** Players' stats : This guy, Ganbaatar Zorigt, is surprising. We received him at intake two years ago, in 2027, and in just two seasons he scored no less than 36 goals. In the first season he was declared the player of the year in the league ... and now he repeated the performance, receiving again the the "Player of the Year" award. ***** Best Eleven (current season and overall) : *** Mongolian Premier League Team of the Year : ***** Various stats Goals scored / Average attendance / Average rating, PoM, assists ***** I improved my qualification again. Now I have the Continental A licence. However, although I have very good attributes, I haven't received any interview invitations. No, I wouldn't have left my current club, but it would have been interesting to see who would have wanted me as manager. For now, not even the national team of Mongolia proposed an interview to me, although they changed their manager last summer. ***** Work on our training facilities has been completed. Now we have "basic" level facilities, that is, something more than nothing. Anyway, it's progress. In fact, except for Erchim, all Mongolian clubs have mediocre facilities, and what we have is really good ... at the national level. This is also the reason why I rely on young people, although I do not intend to claim that this is a "youth challenge". I simply have nowhere to find better players. Mongolian clubs can produce very few good young players and foreigners do not come to Mongolia, at least not as long as my club has no money for their contracts. (Note : although we play in the same stadium together with about 15 other clubs, the improvement of our training facilities did not mean the improvement of the facilities of other clubs that play here) ***** And if I still talked about money : our budget suffered seriously this year. The taxes and expenses for the improvement of our facilities were very high, and the incomes were much lower, that's because we didn't qualify for the regional final of the Confederations Cup... and because the North Koreans were much less "generous" this year in terms of money for "gate receipts". Of course, we have to become a professional club as soon as possible. But we can't. We don't have money for something like that. In the best case, we would need about 250,000 just for salaries, and even if the Board would supplement the funding, we would still not have enough money. ***** We won the league, so we qualified again in the continental competitions. And here there was a change : we collected enough points and thus we reached the 3rd place in the ranking of East Asian teams participating in the Confederation Cup, surpassing both Macau and Chinese Taipei. And this means that Mongolia will have two teams in this competition starting next year (2030-2031). (By the way, I really don't like this super-complicated slot allocation system. At all) ***** Youth intake 2029 A good intake. If I had received these players 4 years ago, it would have been, perhaps, an exceptional intake. but now it's just good. We received a striker who, in terms of the number of stars, seems to be very good. But considering the fact that he has very low Passing, Vision, Bravery and Concentration, he doesn't seem to be good enough to be promoted to the first team ... for now. ***** World Cup Qualifying - Asia 2026 First Round / 2026 Second Round / 2026 Third Round / 2026 Fourth Round 2030 First Round / 2030 Second Round / 2030 Third Round *** Asian Nations Cup Qualifiying 2027 / 2031 Asian Nations Cup 2023 / 2027 *** East Asian Cup 2023 - 2027 South-East Asian Cup 2023 / 2025 / 2027 / 2029 South Asian Cup 2024 / 2026 / 2028 West Asian Cup 2023 / 2025 / 2027 *** Solidarity Cup (a competition in which only the teams kicked-out in the preliminary round of the "Asian Nations Cup" can participate, so, the weakest national teams in Asia) 2024 / 2028 (Yes, in 2024, when we had no players called to the national team, Mongolia won this cup. And in 2028, although we have players called up, Mongolia ranked last in its group ... ) *** Champions League 2028-2029 Confederation Cup 2028 - 2029 *** First League in North Korea 2025-2028 First League in Hong Kong 2025-2028 First League in Macau 2025-2028 First League in Chinese Taipei / Taiwan 2025-2028 ***** Summary, the first 7 years of the career :
  12. June - September 2027 Our club reputation at the national level has, of course, grown in the last months. Last year we were the 7th club in the country, now we have reached "the 5th place". Also, at the international level, the reputation of the Mongolian league has increased from the being 74th league in Asia (last year) to being the 69th (now). This means that it is considered slightly better than the leagues of Guam or Brunei, but weaker than the league of Bhutan (60th place). ***** In this season, of course, we debuted in the continental competitions and also in the other national competition, the Mongolian Super Cup. This debut was spectacular : we won the Super Cup and also got two clear wins in the zonal playoff of the Confederation Cup, thus qualifying us for the group stage. However, some clarifications are necessary : So, in the Confederation's Cup play-off, we met a team from Guam. For the reasons described previously we had no problem winning both games very easily. However, it is worth noting that in the second game we scored 7 goals even if we had only 1.9 xG, which means that we didn't play nearly as well as it might seem. We were just very lucky. We have therefore qualified for the groups of the East Asia Zone and we are going to meet much stronger teams from North Korea, Hong Kong and Chinese Taipei (Taiwan). ***** Transfers. We didn't bring any players from other clubs, but I moved 9 players from the U18's squad to the senior squad. However, out of these 9 players, only 5 are very good (those marked in red). The other 4 (marked in green) were taken from U18's only because they were 18 years old or older and we had some places available on the list of the maximum 30 players that can be registered. I will probably give up these 4 players in the near future. In the U18's squad we still have at least 3-4 players who could play in the senior team. However, I decided that for now it is better to leave them to play at U18's team. ***** Media prediction considers us to be the big favorite to win a new championship title. I hope it's a realistic assessment. In any case, the team's morale is good, and the cohesion is really exceptional. The only problem is that we have a lot of players (no less than 24) in the national teams and some of them will get injured in the coming months. In any case, the schedule will be very busy, and which is the reason why we played only two friendlies. ***** September - December 2027 / League Halfway through the competition we are in first place. As it was expected. In all 9 games the results were similar to the way it was played on the pitch. When we lost points, we "deservedly" lost them because we simply played weaker. ***** September - December 2027 / Continental, Confederation Cup - Groups stage Yes, we won the group and qualified for the East Asian Zone final ... Immediately after the drawn I thought we could get, maybe, 3 or 4 points. And if we were to be very lucky, we would win 5 or even 6 points. I never thought for a moment that it would be possible for us to win the group and qualify for the zone final. How was it possible ? I have no idea. I didn't use any tricks. Hong Kong, North Korea and Chinese Taiwan are active, so they have ongoing competitions, and the clubs have full squads. What happened was simply abnormal. As if, say, a team from the Faroe Islands or Estonia would win a group in which they would meet teams from Greece, the Czech Republic and Finland. Especially the 5th game, (and especially its first half), were downright science fiction. I think that if I play another 500 matches, it won't happen that my team scores 4 goals from 4 shots on target and only 0.62 xG, and this in a match against a much powerful team. ***** September - December 2027 / Various other info Players' stats (all competitions) : ***** Full schedule ***** At the moment we are in second place nationally in terms of the number of players produced at the club and who play in the first league. We are also in second place in terms of the number of players called up to the national team, but in this case KK Erchim has (still) a much higher number of players called up, compared to us. ***** January - February 2028 Transfers. No player left us, no new player came. I haven't moved any players from the U18's team, so the squad is the same as the one from September. *** We played the final of the East Asia Zone. The North Koreans from Kigwancha humiliated us : 1 - 4, 1 - 6. In a way, it was to be expected, we had a lot of luck in the group matches, but our level is still low. It's interesting that Kigwancha is, qualitatively speaking, somewhat a weaker team than our former opponent, Amrokkang. ***** March - June 2028 We are champions again, for the second time ... We won quite easily, although the game (FM) tried to create some balance. In the 17th round we lost a match in which we missed two (!) penalties and the opponents scored the winning goal in the 90th+3rd minute. This defeat allowed our main opponents (Mazaalay) to get closer to only two points and, theoretically, to have a chance at the first place, if they would manage to beat us in the last round. That was not the case, we won easily that last match. Interestingly, in the last five rounds my players missed 4 penalties in a row. And it's not one player who missed, but 4 different players . *** Players' stats : Two players received at the youth intake just a few months ago (Zorigt and Munkhbayar) scored 31 goals together. Moreover, Zorigt, at only 16 years old, won the League Player of the Year Award. ***** Best Eleven (current season and overall) : *** Mongolian Premier League Team of the Year : ***** Miscellaneous : - Average attendance by year - I started a new coaching course, this time in order to get the Continental A licence. - We have a lot of money ! We're rich ! Well, not really rich, but we have enough money to cover our expenses for the next 3 years... if these expenses will remain at the same level, which is not the case. I'll try to make some improvements in the near future. - I tried to trigger the improvement program, but it wasn't a good idea. The Board refused the additional funding of Junior Coaching, the expansion of Youth Recruitment, and also, the improvement of Training Facilities. No problem, I'll try again in a few months. In addition, I'll need one or two better coaches and a slightly more extensive scouting range. ***** Youth intake 2028 As usual, a very good intake. The best player have some interesting characteristics. He can easily become a really good BWM ... but also a really good DLP. ***** - Asian Champions League - Asian Confederation Cup ***** Summary, the first 6 years of the career :
  13. The fact that no instructions are mentioned in the tactical screen does NOT mean "there are no instructions". It just means "the basic, predefined instructions are used, in relation to the formation, roles and duties used". So the question is not "is it possible to be successful using no Team Instructions" but "is it possible to be successful using only those team instructions that are predefined for a certain configuration" ? Answer, form my point of view : yes, it's possible. But there is another interesting question : is it possible to be successful using only the same combination of roles and duties all the time ? My opinion : no, this is not possible.
  14. June - August 2026 Two years ago, in 2024, we were, in terms of reputation, the 14th club in Mongolia. After two years and quite good results (5th place, 3rd place) we climbed up, being now the 7th club in the country. *** Transfers. No one came, no one left. In fact, some players left, but they were not transferred to other clubs, we simply kicked them out. We promoted no less than 8 players from the U18 team. Of course, several players from last year's team didn't have the minimum level necessary to be useful to us and I preferred to get rid of them than to keep them on the bench and affect other players' morale. I can do this because we are a semi-professional club, and releasing an useless player is an easy and very cheap way to avoid many troubles. (By the way, just for info, these are the players brought from the U18 team in the previous season). Due to the fact that the last 3 youth intakes were very good, not only were we able to significantly strengthen the team without the need for transfers, but we still have at least 3-4 players in the U18 team who could play in the first team in the near future. (Note : no, it's not about "youth intake" on that page. I forgot to change the viewing mode for this screenshot. It's about the U18 team) *** As a result of the improvement of our squad, media prediction already assigns us a 20-1 odds, that is, much better than in the previous season. At least theoretically we should be able to easily rank in the top 3, and even, with a little luck, we could get involved in the fight for the title. For now, the team's goal is "top half finish", but I'll change it if necessary. *** We also played a few friendlies, and the morale of the team is quite good for now. I hope that this excellent cohesion will be an advantage for us. ***** September - December 2026 We're in first place after the first 9 rounds. It remains to be seen if this time we'll be able to play at the same level in the second half of the season or, as in previous years, our results will be weaker and weaker as the end of the competition approaches. We played quite well, but we were lucky in two matches. Both Falcons and FC Ulaanbaatar played better than us in the second half and they would have deserved to win. On the other hand, we were also unlucky in that match against Erchim. *** Players' stats : ***** For unknown reasons this club simply cannot keep its leadership. A new takeover took place ... but after only two months the person who took over the club decided that he wants to retire. Probably retirement after no more than 3 months is a mandatory rule for our presidents. *** Since now we have better and better players, it's natural that the number of players called up to the national teams is increasing. For example, in mid-October we had 2 players called up to the Mongolian national team, 7 to the U23 national team and 4 to the U19 national team. Usually the championship is interrupted around the dates of the matches played by the national teams, so we don't have any major problems from this point of view. Of course, some players return injured, but this is inevitable. *** In another interesting aspect (I think) : at the moment we are the second club in the country in terms of the number of players produced at the club and who play in the first Mongolian league. ***** January - February 2027 Transfers. We didn't bring any new players, instead we lost two players. I expected that, because they were both unhappy about the fact that they were used very little. Honestly, I don't mind the fact that they left. The squad is almost the same as in September, except for the two who left and a goalkeeper brought from the U18 team. ***** March - June 2027 Well, yes, we really did it ! We're champions ! We really deserved this champion title. Overall, we were better than our opponents. But that doesn't mean that we weren't lucky, and the luck consisted in a series of bad results for our opponents at the end of the season. Why am I saying this ? On March 21st we lost (0-1) against FC Ulaanbaatar, and at that moment they had 6 points ahead of us. But FC Ulaanbaatar managed the "performance" of getting only two points and scoring zero goals in the next 3 matches played, which allowed us to recover the difference and win the title. *** Players' stats : Awards : Norov Munhbat won the Premier League Top Goalscorer Award. The young goalkeeper Jambaldorj Turmunh won the Premier League Young Player of the Year Award ... but, surprisingly, also the Premier League Player of the Year Award. I have to remind : Turmunh is only 16 years old and he come to us just a few months ago (at the last youth intake) ! *** Best Eleven (current season and overall) : *** Premier League Team of the Year : **** I started another coaching course and, of course, at the end I got a new licence : Continental B. My attributes are now very high (compared to the Mongolian league level). However, I didn't receive any interview invitation. I assume that this is due to the fact that we have activated only the first leagues of the nations in our region. Or maybe it's because even the game (FM) knows I'm a mediocre player. ***** Youth intake 2027 This is the third consecutive year in which we have a very good youth intake . I can't say that I know how to explain this positive streak. I haven't done anything special for this purpose, with the exception of the significant improvement of our facilities, and especially Junior Coaching. We have, therefore, at least 7 players who already seem good enough to play in the senior team, if not in the first eleven, then at least as reserves. Among these 7 players, two have somewhat negative personalities and one has rather small attributes, but the other four players are really very good. ***** So, we're champions, and that means we'll participate in the continental cups. And since our budget was "devastated" by the costs of overdeveloping the facilities necessary to get the best possible youth intakes, this participation is exactly what we needed because it will bring us some money (unfortunately, there are no prizes in the 1st Mongolian League and the amounts received as "TV revenue" are very small). Why will we participate in the so-called "Conf. Cup" (= Conference Cup) and not in the Champions League? Because the continental competitions in Asia take place according to a different system from the European competitions. Also, the method of allocating slots is also completely different ... and, in my opinion, very complicated. ****** - Mongolian U18's Group 1 - final table - Asian Champions League - Asian Confederation Cup ***** Our board definitely wanted to surprise me. Since it seemed to them that we easily won the title of champions, now they ask me to repeat this performance in the next season. Honestly, I'm not really sure I can do it, but I'll try. And if somehow I don't succeed and I get kicked out, well, that's life, I'll start all over again with another club in Mongolia ...
  15. June - August 2025 Well, we had too many players : no less than 80, of which 28 in the senior squad and 52 in the U18's squad. I did a little cleaning, I kicked out over 35 players, and now we only have 25 players in the senior squad and only 18 in the U18's squad. Of course, I moved to the senior squad most of the good players received at the youth intake in the spring. As a result, in media prediction our odds are better now, from 600-1 (last year) to 200-1. *** I didn't think they would accept it, but, surprisingly, the Board agreed with the improvement of our Youth Recruitment. It's true, even after the improvement our recruitment is at a mediocre level, but fortunately, only one other Mongolian club has a better recruitment than ours. Of course, there is also a negative aspect : any improvement of these facilities costs money. So, as we improve these facilities, we'll pay more and more. For now, however, our budget does not seem very affected by these investments. *** Transfers. We brought 3 players, all 3 being very good. I also promoted several other youngsters from the U18's team. I think that at least one of these players has very high skills (or reputation?) because after completing these moves I discovered that Media Prediction now "gives" us a 50-1 odds. *** Squad (and U18's squad) : *** For now, I have kept a mid-table position as our season goal. If everything goes well, I'll change the objective in the winter. We also played a few friendlies, trying to improve the team cohesion. ***** September - December 2025 We are in second place, but that's only because almost all the main opponents have played mediocre so far. I don't know why, but the season was interrupted after only 8 rounds. I hope that the spring season will be better for us than it was the last two years. *** Player's stats : ***** A new improvement for our facilities : ... and a new coaching course. I have to admit, the Board of this club is very cooperative. I'm lucky. In other saves / careers I had to wait even years until the board agreed to an improvement or a course. ***** January - February 2026 Transfers. Absolutely all three players who arrived last summer left us this winter. This is what happens when "mercenaries" are employed. They are easy to convince to come to a club, but they are also easy to convince to leave that club. Anyway, we have a lot of good youngsters now, we no longer depend on the transferred players. However, I brought in another pretty good player. I hope he'll stay with us for more than half of a season. *** I changed the objective for the end of the season, from "mid-table" to "top half". I hope it will be a useful change. The team also played a few friendlies, and this time we used only the best players. The team's morale is good, and at this moment we have the best club atmosphere in the last 3 years. ***** March - June 2026 3rd place. I expected more, but again (!) we played poorly at the end of the competition. On the other hand, SP Falcons had a very good season and it was difficult for us to compete with them, but the second place was within our reach ... if we had played a little better, especially in the last few matches. *** Players' stats : ***** I once again managed to convince the Board to accept a new improvement of our facilities. At this moment we and KK Erchim have by far the best facilities in Mongolia, far above the level of facilities owned by all the other clubs Starting with this moment, however, I will have to be very careful : the over-developed facilities are "eating up" our budget. These are the best facilities I can get with this budget, and if somehow the financial situation worsens, it's even possible that the Board will decide a downgrade for recruitment and/or junior coaching. I still hope we don't end up in this situation. ***** My professional situation is improving day by day. I got the Continental C licence and, of course, I significantly improved my skills. Considering the current level of the club, I probably don't even need this licence, but there is a kind of addiction : when I see the "starting a coaching course" button I can't resist the temptation. I must press it. ***** Youth intake 2026 Even if it's not an exceptional intake, as it was the one of the previous year, this intake is also very, very good: a "5 stars CA player", plus at least 6 more players who could be used as reserves for the first eleven next season. *** By the way: no less than 8 out of 11 players who form the best eleven of this season were received by us at the youth intakes in 2024 and 2025 : ***** - Mongolian U18's Group 1 - final table (Yes, our team won this competition for the 3rd time in 3 years) - Asian Champions League - Asian Confederation Cup ... is not available this year because of a bug. (The competition took place, because the results appear in the schedule of some participating teams. Example : Ulaanbaatar FC City. But these results are not listed in the special section dedicated to this competition. Personal assumption: the rules for participation of this competition are extremely complicated, much more complicated than those of the European competitions. Probably this season these rules were only partially fulfilled, and because of this only some of the scheduled games took place).
  16. June - August 2024 I improved my qualifications. Now I have the National B license, a necessary thing because the other members of our staff have mediocre attributes (and, for obscure reasons, they don't even want to take coaching courses, even though the Board has agreed to fund these courses) *** Of course, the club's reputation has grown in the last two years. When I was hired the club was the 20th, that is, the last on the list. Now we're the 14th club in the country. *** During the transfer window we brought 3 players. Considering that we lost two players from the first eleven (a central defender and a central midfielder) it could be said that the current team is qualitatively similar to the one from the previous season. Anyway, the media prediction assigns us a 600-1 odds, a little better than the one from the recently ended season. My idea was not to strengthen the team very much using transfers and to give a chance to the few promising young people received at the youth intake in the last two years. I'll also follow the development of the players, and next summer I'll kick out all those players who don't develop good enough (including those of the U18 squad). The squad : Of course, we played also some friendlies. Results are not relevant because I didn't use the team that I will use in the league games. ***** September - December 2024 We are in first place. But I also saw "this movie" last year, so my goal for the end of the season is only a place in the top 3. Surely my players will discover after a few matches that they have already fulfilled their goal, so their concentration will decrease significantly. The team played well, sometimes even very well, and really deserves the 20 points we have. In my opinion, we already have one of the best teams in the league, what we lack is only the mentality of a top team. Players' stats : ***** We have two players called up to the national teams. It's true, it's only about the U23 and U19 teams, but it's good anyway. ***** I did not expect this. Our Board agreed with the improvement of Junior Coaching, and at this moment we have the best Junior Coaching in the country. Unfortunately, we don't have the best Youth Recruitment, and we won't have it soon, because the one that KK Erchim has is "exceptional" and our board thinks that a "limited" recruitment is enough for us. ***** January - May 2025 I have modified the objective for the current season. The old objective ("avoid relegation") affects the players' mentality way too much. No, the new objective is still not good enough, but for the moment I have no other options. Unfortunately, during the transfer window we lost two very important players, the left midfielder Temuulen and the forward Veklich. Both came to our club in the previous summer, so they probably have a very low loyalty. I'm not complaining, the low loyalty allowed us to bring them to us, but this advantage also has disadvantages. The problem is that both left in the last hours of the last day of the transfer window, which left me no time to look for replacements. Well, that's it, it will be more difficult for us but we'll manage somehow. *** 5th place, unfortunately. If we had achieved a draw in the last game we would have been in 4th place, and with a win in that match we would have reached second place. If I think positively, everything is fine. If I think less positively, I remember that we are participating in a competition whose winner must fight heroically with the champion from Guam to get an epic ... but obscure qualification. The first 5 matches were fine. We didn't play very well, but not very bad either. It was expected. In the last 4 games, however, my players played very bad, sometimes even embarrassingly bad. *** Players' stats : *** Our best eleven (this season and overall) : ***** At the end of March I got the National A licence, qualification which immediately resulted in a job interview. Of course, I wasn't interested in this interview, but I mention the aspect because it proves the truly worldwide reputation that I possess. I was wanted not by anyone, but by the 9th place team in the Mongolian championship ! Yay ! ***** Youth intake 2025 Veeeeery nice ! Our guys from the youth department did a brilliant job this time and they clearly deserve a special premium for this intake. In conclusion: two exceptional players, probably the best players received by any club in Mongolia this season. Two other very good players who could play even now in our first eleven. The presence of these 4 players means already a very good intake. If the 8 or 9 players who easily could be used as reserves for our current first team players are added, an exceptional youth intake results. Honestly, I have never had such an intake in the last years of FM. ***** - Mongolian U18's Group 1 - final table - Asian Champions League - Asian Confederation Cup
  17. Thanks. ***** May - August 2023 I signed a new contract, until June 2024. On this occasion I was truly horrified to discover that, in case of relegation, my wage will be reduced by 35%. Considering that my wage is exactly zero, it is obvious that in such a situation I will be seriously affected. Returning to the somewhat more serious aspects, I managed to convince the Board that a coaching licence (even a National C licence) would really be useful for me ... sorry, for us. *** So, we promoted to the first league. What are the differences compared to the second league ? Well... there aren't many. The competitional system is almost identical. The only notable difference is the number of foreign players that can be used (4 instead of 2). **** Well, I really didn't expect that. The champion of Mongolia was kicked out by the winner of the league from Guam ... What should I understand from this ? That the Mongolian league has, unfortunately, a very low level ? Or that the Guam league is really a strong competition ? Being an optimistic person, I'll choose the second option. ***** At the beginning of July media prediction considered us, by far, the weakest team in the league. Usually I don't really care about media prediction, but now it seemed to me that I shouldn't ignore it. As a result, we brought no less than 7 new players. We lost a good player (3 stars CA, 5 stars PA), but it's better that he left because he didn't fit the tactics I use, based on the 4-4-2 system. As a result of bringing in the 7 new players, our odds have improved (from 2000-1 to 800-1), but we continue to be, theoretically, the weakest team in the league. Even our Board seems to be convinced of this aspect and, as a result, the objective proposed by them was "attempt to avoid relegation". I think that, for now, it's an realistic objective. ***** The squad we'll use in the next half of the season : Our U18 team. All the boys have at least 4 PA stars, but most of them have an underdeveloped CA and I doubt that, except for the goalkeeper Sosorburam, any of these players will be really useful to us. We cannot develop them using the facilities we have. And we don't have money for better facilities, so... ***** September - December 2023 Surprisingly, at the end of the first half of the competition we're in first place Even more surprising is the fact that we played very well, much better than I expected. But, no, we didn't deserve to be in first place. We played well, but we also had a lot of luck. A more realistic position would have been, perhaps, on the 3rd or 4th place. Players' stats : ***** January - May 2024 The president who hired me retired, and the club was taken over by a local investor. It should be noted that the takeover started on September 2 and ended on February 11. In my opinion, it took a bit too long. After all, we aren't Manchester United and I don't really see what would have been negotiated for 5 months. Anyway, the new president informed me that he'll not invest a single penny more. It wasn't a surprise for me, I didn't expect anything else. However, I took the opportunity and requested a new coaching course. It was approved. More than that, the president also proposed to extend my contract until June 2025. *** Transfers. We haven't brought any new players. I didn't really see what should have been improved in a team ranked in the 1st place, especially since we didn't lose any players. As a result, the squad was exactly the same as on September. *** Meh. What can I say ? I did not expect those very good results from the autumn. But also I did not expect this collapse in the second half of the season either ... We didn't play much worse than in the first 9 games, but this time we had more bad luck. Of course, there was also some overcomplacency. The players' concentration dropped immediately after the team collected enough points to avoid relegation. After all, even the 6th place is good ... for now. (Just as a matter of fact : in the middle of April, everything was fine. We 're in first place and we also had the advantage of an extra game to play. But that's how it is in FM : both the ups and downs are fast and spectacular). ***** Players' stats : I congratulate myself for ignoring the assistant's opinion. If I had taken his opinion seriously then I probably would have kicked out Bold and Shinebold. Two players who, together, scored 19 goals and provided 9 assists. Interestingly, Shinebold ("the useless striker") has the second average rating in the entire league. The best average rating belongs to another player from our club : ***** Selenge FC's best eleven (season and overall) ***** A little earlier we talked about the takeover of our club. Takeover that started in September and ended in February. Well, probably the game (FM) realized that this takeover seemed a bit boring to me, so it decided to test my patience. As a result, the investor who took over the club in February decided in April that he no longer wants it. Fortunately, the negotiations were now shorter : only two months and a half. And, of course, the new new president (who replaced the one who was only new) informed me that he cannot invest anything at this time. I hope that at least he'll not feel the need to give up after just a few months ... And if I was still talking about the Board : our budget for next season is now a bit more realistic, about 13,000 per year, so we'll be able to pay about 1,000 per month as wages. Ah, one more thing : before the departure of the former president I tried to get an improvement of our facilities. Surprisingly, I got it. In fact, I only got an increase in the budget for Junior Coaching, but even that's better than nothing : ***** Youth intake 2024 We've got some pretty good players, and one of them looks really good. My only problem is that his name is a bit too complicated for my language skills : ***** - Mongolian U18's Group 1 - final table - Asian Champions League - Asian Confederation Cup
  18. Why in Mongolia? Well... there would be two reasons: 1. I played FM23 from November '22 until March. About 800 hours and probably over 1000 matches. I did not achieve any notable performance, but only 3 promotions (in 3 different careers). I have not won any championship title, cup or international competition. At one point, around the middle of March, I got bored and gave up on FM. 2. A few days ago I "remembered" FM. Initially I didn't intend to play, but I entered the forum and reread some careers that I had marked as very interesting. On this occasion, I (re)discovered an epic career, a career played by Makoto Nakamura in FM18 and that took place in Asia, more precisely, in Bhutan. And then I just got the idea : why not ? So, I installed the DaveTheEditor's megapack and looked for nations similar to Bhutan, that is, nations ranked 180-200 in the FIFA ranking and whose youth rating is very low. I added two other conditions : I wanted to start from the 2nd league, so this league had to be "playable". In addition, the season had to last at least 7 months, because it's boring to have nothing to do for 5-6 months or more. ******************** Mongolia. A country located in East Asia and bordering Russia (to the north) and China (to the south). The most famous Mongolian personality is, of course, Genghiz Khan, a guy who during his life conquered about three times more territory than Alexander the Great. The capital of the country is called Ulaanbaatar, a name that literally means "The Red Hero" Football in Mongolia. Both the first and second leagues are made up of 10 teams each. Therefore, only 18 rounds are played. Football is not a very popular sport in this country, which is why the financial resources available to the clubs are very limited. Moreover, because the climate is extreme (very hot or very cold, or prolonged periods of drought) the maintenance of the stadiums (more precisely, of the pitch) is expensive. For this reason, no less than 15 of the 20 clubs in the first two leagues play only in one and the same stadium, called "MFF Football Centre". ******************** And now, it's time to return to FM and my virtual career. I chose to "join" the club that has the lowest reputation in the second league : (by the way : the 1st league is called "Premier League", the 2nd is "First League") It is, therefore, an amateur club. Like many other Mongolian clubs, it does not have its own stadium, and its teams play at the "MFF Football Centre", the stadium used by most Mongolian clubs. I find it interesting to see what will happen : "Junior Coaching" and "Youth Recruitment" don't depend on the stadium, and are different from club to club. But the two "facilities" are strictly dependent on the stadium. If I improve the training facilities, for example, will this apply for ALL the 15 clubs that use this stadium ? Or will only "my" club benefit from this improvement ? Another aspect : it will happen very often that two clubs play "at home" in this stadium. I assume the game will consider these matches as played on neutral ground. Does this mean that the tactics will be affected ? Will our opponents play more defensively than they would have played if only they use this stadium ? *** Competition rules. The use of only 2 foreign players is allowed, but this aspect does not affect us ... for now. The transfer windows are rather short (6 weeks in summer and 4 weeks in February). Regarding the 2nd league, the first place will be promoted, the last place will be relegated (I hope it won't be our problem). There are also promotion and relegation playoffs. According to the media prediction, our problem is, of course, to avoid to be relegated. However, must be noted that between the best and the "weakest" teams there are a small diference only. Concretely, our reputation (the lowest) is 200, while the best club (Mazaalay) has a reputation of 450. In FM this difference is extremely small, almost unimportant. Fun fact: according to reputation, we're "too small" to play in the leagues from San Marino or Andorra. In fact, we would not even have a place in the 3rd Faroe Islands' league. Another aspect: media prediction takes into account the reputation but ALSO the quality of the players. And here I was lucky. I activated the "add players to playable teams" option and I received slightly better players than those received by other teams (KhAD) that had a slightly higher reputation. In addition, the best team in the league (Khaan Kuns Erchim 2) cannot promote, because it is the second team of the champions Khaan Khuns Erchim. Squad : The assistant tells me that we have some good players. How good are they ? I have no idea. The attributes of the best players are too small and don't allow me a realistic evaluation. We'll play and I'll see. We also have an U18 team. From a long distance, the players there look good, they have a promising PA. But I have to remind myself that our facilities are mediocre, and those players have a high chance of remaining underdeveloped. ***** Season 2022 - 2023 We played 3 friendly matches. Well, the team played 6 matches, but the friendlies played in July were managed by the previous manager, that is, by AI. The results are irrelevant, what matters is that the team's morale is reasonably good. ***** August - December 2022 The first half of the season was fine. We are in 3rd place, tied on points with 2nd place, a place that allows qualification for the playoffs. We started the season badly, with two defeats. Then, surprisingly, 6 consecutive wins followed. Generally speaking, we played well and really deserved this series of wins. However, I have to admit : we were lucky in the last game, the one in which we drew (0-0) against the leader Mazaalay. Players' stats : I suppose that in England, at least in the lower leagues, two strikers called "Bold" and "Shinebold" would be popular. If not by the way they play, then at least because of their name. Well, we have such a couple of strikers, but their names are really Mongolian and, of course, they have a different meaning than those in English. In any case, Bold and Shinebold are our best strikers. *** Well, at least I tried. Anyway, I wasn't expecting a positive answer ... ***** January - April 2023 So, 5 wins, 4 draws, 19 points and, yes, we won the 2nd league and promoted to the first league. But ... as can be seen below, we didn't play very well at all in the January - March period. In fact, we were lucky in at least 3 of the 6 matches we played. In fact, at the end of March, the leader, Mazaalay, was six points ahead us and there were still 3 rounds to play. What were our chances of winning the league ? Probably 5% or even less. Mazalaay would have won the league if they got a single win, or two draws ... or at least a draw in the last game, the one they played against us. In the first match, the score was 0 - 0, and the tie is based on results between teams. But in the case of two draws, Mazalaay would have won the league, because they have a better goal difference. I haven't had such a luck in FM for a long time ... ***** Players' stats : By the way, this is my assistant's opinion about the most efficient striker we have in the team. I don't think it's a good idea to write here what I think about this opinion... ***** And some good news. I would also prefer a better recruitment, but it's fine anyway. (Just for info : these are the best facilities available to a club in Mongolia) ***** Another change. Probably that's not exactly what the Board would have wanted, but only semi-professional clubs (at least) are allowed to play in the 1st league. Yes, as a semi-pro club we also have a different budget now. The budget is impressively large, but it is obvious that we don't have the resources needed to pay such large amounts. In the best case we could pay at most 1000 per month. ***** For now, I haven't asked the Board for permission to take a coaching course, so I don't have any coaching qualifications. I intend to work on the problem during the next season. I hope to be successful ... ***** Youth intake 2023 It's not bad, but it could be better ... ***** Miscellaneous info (more or less useful and/or interesting) : - Mongolian Premier League - final table - Mongolian U18's Group 2 - final table - Asian Champions League - Asian Confederation Cup And, just for fun: "Selenge" is the name of a river, the biggest river in Mongolia. So, the club would be called in other countries, for example, Thames FC London. Or Seine FC Paris.
  19. September 2027 A somewhat hesitant start to the season. In the first game, we met a team that defended compactly into their penalty area and played very well on the counterattack. In the second game we only managed a draw because - in the last 10 minutes - we weren't able to hold the ball when our opponents were trying to play very offensive. ***** Group photo : the best 15 players in the squad ********** October 2027 5 wins from 5 games. On the surface, everything works perfectly, in reality it's not like that. We have a very low rate of shots on target (around 35%), and this is because of the tactics used. For now, we win matches less due to my tactical skills and more because I have 6-8 players whose quality level is clearly higher than that of the majority of players in this league. ***** Finally, I have a license. It doesn't matter that it's only National C, at least it exists. As for my attributes, they have improved ... a little. However, considering the insane level of discipline, I wonder if FM wants to suggest that I should give up my career as a manager and start a career in the army. I would probably be good as a corporal or even a sergeant. ********** November 2027 4 more wins. So, we won 11 consecutive matches. Still, the effectiveness of our shots is low, and I don't really know how to correct it. In fact, I don't even want to try to correct it because I prefer to avoid to change something that works. We climbed to the first place. It was to be expected, considering the fact that, at this moment, we have (by far!) the best squad in this series of the league. ********** December 2027 Only 4 points din 9. The first game was not really a surprise, Beveren having the second best squad in this competition. But that defeat in the last game was really disappointing, especially because we played really poor. I hope this result is not the beginning of a bad run of form. For now, it's good. It would have been even better if we had been in first place, but ... (In any case, I'm optimistic : we aren't on the first place in the xG table. According to the experience I gained so far, being in first place of this table is the surest guarantee that we'll play extremely bad in the following games. But since we aren't in first place, we still have a chance to play better). ***** Players' stats : ***** What ?!? Well, all my players in the first team are "non-contract players". I have no doubt : they'll be extremely happy to hear these news . I hope that "bonus payments" term refers strictly to bonuses and doesn't include fees. It's true, our financial situation is bad. Our debts have increased in the last 6 months from 190,000 to 320,000 and the only chance to rectify the situation would be a massive investment, and that as soon as possible. I don't think I will be able to keep my players if I don't pay them the agreed bonuses.
  20. Let's take two cases : - case 1 : ten relatively small chances, i.e. 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1=> xG total : 1.0 - case 2 : only three higher chances, i.e. 0.3 + 0.3 + 0.4 => xG total : 1.0, identical The probability of not scoring / conceding ANY goal : - case 1: 34.8% (7 of every 20 games) - case 2: 29.4% (6 of every 20 games) The probability of scoring / conceding ONE goal : - case 1: 38.7% (8 of every 20 games) - case 2: 44.8% (9 of every 20 games) The probability of scoring / conceding TWO goals : - case 1: 19.4% (2 of every 10 games) - case 2: 22.2% (2 of every 9 games) The probability of scoring / conceding THREE goals : - case 1: 5.7% (1 of every 18 games) - case 2: 3.6% (1 of every 27 games) The probability of scoring / conceding MORE than three goals : - case 1: 1.4% (1 of every 71 games) - case 2 : 0
  21. Did you allow the opponents to shoot once on target ?!? This is a big tactical mistake ! But don't be upset, it can be worse. You can lose a game even with none shots on your target. For your opponents seems to be easy to convince your defenders to score an own goal or even two
  22. So, I left Rhodienne. My new club: Koninklijke Racing Club Gent, or, more briefly, KRC Gent. First of all, I have to specify : in Belgium there is another club having a very similar name : KRC Genk. Of course, I'm talking about different clubs and, moreover, about different cities. (Genk is a city in the Eastern Belgium, located near the border with Luxembourg and Germany. Gent is another city, much bigger, located in the Western Belgium. This latter city actually has 3 names: Dutch-speaking locals call it Gent. Those who speak French call it Gand. Internationally, the city is known as Ghent). Returning to that club I was referring to : KRC Genk is a very strong club whose team plays in the first Belgian league. It won the league 5 times and finished the 2026-27 season in second place. Also, another club having a quite similar name is KAA Gent. Another strong (and much better known) club that has been participating in the Belgian first league for many years, won this competition once and in the previous season ranked 5th. In conclusion: KRC Gent has no connection with strong clubs like KRC Genk or KAA Gent, and it's just a small club whose team plays in the 6th league. However, this club was not always "small". It's one of the oldest Belgian clubs and, in the past, its team participated for 19 seasons in the first league. Unfortunately, in recent years KRC reached the 4th, then the 5th league and, in 2026, was relegated to the 6th league. So, the 2026-2027 season was the weakest in the entire history of the KRC Gent club. In the picture above there is something that interested me when I chose to apply to RKC. "Finances : okay". I have to remind, when I left my old club, Rhodienne, it had debts of over 180,000 euros. What did I find at my new club ? This : To be honest, the words I used when I saw something like this were not exactly something I could post here. However, after checking, I discovered that there are some explanations. Indeed, the club has accumulated large debts, but, unlike the approach at Rhodienne, here the Board is willing to invest much more money. For example, in the previous season it invested over 500,000 euros. Also, because the AI is not really an expert in terms of hiring and using the staff, the expenses for staff wages are very high, much higher than would be necessary for a club in the 6th league. For now I can't release all the staff I don't need, but I can do it in the next 12 months. As for quality... I have a very good assistant manager, but also a rather mediocre HOYD. *** I was surprised by the fact that we have only 32 players at the club, of which 18 in the first team, 8 in the U21 team and 6 in the U18 team (who also played for the U21 team). In fact, during the last season the team relied almost entirely on those 18, the youngsters from the U21/U18 teams being used only from time to time and totaling only 360 minutes played in the 30 rounds. Regarding the performance the team obtained last season, it was quite mediocre, considering the fact that RKC Gent had been relegated from the 5th league in the previous season and it was expected that the team would try to promote. It's true, the team fought until the last round to get the 4th place that would have allowed it to participate in the promotion play-off and, in the end, it was only one point away from achieving this goal. *** Other details : - Of course, my current club's facilities are very good for the 6th league level, much better than those of my former club. - The reputation of my current club seems to be higher than that of Rhodienne, although probably not by much. However, while Rhodienne always had at least 6-8 opponents who had a higher reputation, KRC seems to be at an advantage, in its series (Oost Vlaanderen / East Flanders) the vast majority of opponents having a lower reputation. - The club's vision and objectives : the Board has not set me (yet ?) any very ambitious objectives, but it still wants a ranking in the top three places. Normally, this goal should be easy to reach, considering the quality of the players the club has. - Something related to my job interview : I specifically requested permission to attend a coaching course. The request was accepted and, therefore, in the near future I'll hold a National C license (wow !). I admit, normally I don't pay much attention to this license, but after 5 years of waiting it already seems to me that I have achieved something really remarkable. - Media prediction. In June we were rated as the second favorite (odds 12/5). But because the team ranked first (Eeendracht Zele) was promoted to the 5th league, and none of the relegated teams from the 5th league was assigned to our series, starting from July we became the main favorite to win the competition (or, in other words, the main favorite for promotion) ********** July - August 2027 Transfers. I brought only two players, the ones our scout recommended to me as being the best free players available at that time. I don't know the strengths and weaknesses of the players we have, and I don't trust my assistant's assessment. I'll find out if we need more new players just as a result of the matches we'll play. We lost two players, and from these two Santos is an important loss. I would have needed him, being one of the best central midfielders we had, but I couldn't convince him to stay because he received an offer from a 4th league club (i.e a club that have a much higher reputation than ours ... and more money to spent) The squad for the first half of the season : *** Friendlies (and Cup matches). We played a lot of matches, maybe even too many. I tried to use some young people from the U21 team, and some of them really seem to have quite good potential. The results are not so important, especially since most of the opponents were teams from the lower leagues. In the Cup we achieved a very good result (5-1 against Thes Sport, a team that plays in the 4th league), but we were kicked-out in the next round by another team from the 4th league.
  23. "Goalkeepers save 69% of the opponents’ shots on target, on average. The save ratios differ greatly depending on whether the shots are taken inside or outside the box (60% and 85%, respectively). This suggests that, to be relevant, the save ratio needs to be considered along with the quality of the shots faced by the goalkeepers" : Source : https://soccerment.com/the-vitruvian-goalie-a-deep-dive-into-the-goalkeepers-stats/ As a personal opinion, I think that the AI rarely uses the "high defensive line" and "trigger press more often" instructions. And these two instructions combined can often generate great opportunities for any opposing team (including the AI) whose strikers have a high acceleration / pace.
  24. if they would offer a clear advantage then they would be extremely used. they are not extremely used, so they don't offer a significant advantage. when formations with 3 strikers or strikerless offered such an advantage, the number of those who used them was very high.
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