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Posts posted by HorusFM

  1. Palazzo Madama, Turin, April 2018

    The birds flocked upwards as the sun beat down on Turin. The Palazzo Madama was awash with activity. Tour groups were making themselves known as they sporadically lost members of the tour, while families and tourists were idling around waiting for various events to begin.

    She couldn’t help but feel like she would fit right in with a Dan Brown novel, judging by the way the scene was setting itself.

    Nice to see you again,” said Guiseppe Marotta. His voice was easily distinguishable in the noise, one that she had dealt with regularly over the phone.

    I found my way,” she replied, smiling and offering her hand, “It’s far easier the second time around.

    Guiseppe motioned and she followed, two minutes later finding themselves sat at a small café, ordering a drink. “Everything is set for us to make the announcement. Allegri is leaving at the end of the season to join Paris St Germain, and all transfers are already pre-set so we cannot budge on those now. You know that Cristiano Ronaldo has agreed pre-terms with us over a huge move from Real. You’ll have the best quality to work with.

    Whoever may be there when I take over is the hand I'm dealt,” she replied. “It isn’t like I’ll take on some major issues. Getting this chance in itself is a major thing. Although that reminds me, how is the news going to go down relating to me being appointed?

    Guiseppe shrugged, “The world is changing, and when one of the best clubs in the world has the chance to hire one of the most talented coaches around, who are we to question whether they are male, female, Italian or from anywhere else in the world?

    Football is a male institution, it has taken years to even get women to be paid fair amounts for wages, let alone for one to become a head coach of a superior male club. I know I have been rather lucky in my roles, but they haven’t been in top leagues where the criticism could come in for too much.

    The opinions of the time you have spent in charge have varied, yes, but there is the consensus that you have ample talent for tactical coaching. We work hard on developing youth, it was even part of our name originally. So why shouldn’t we also encourage talented managers in the same way?

    She shrugged and smiled, with no real response forming in her head. “The world isn’t as progressive as we think it is. No-one is asking for women to be everywhere, only for them to be accepted for where they might end up.

    Guiseppe knocked back his coffee and ordered another, “Either way, it is what it is, and if we evolve now, then at least others may too. We will handle all of the media affairs of the club, as usual. The best way you, or anyone else can answer the critics, is by letting the talking occur on the pitch. That is where you will silence them. Win us the Champions League, that'll certainly shut them up.

    There was no denying his logic, she knew that. It was just nice to hear it from time to time, to re-assure. She hadn’t exactly enjoyed any major success at the clubs she had managed, but he was right in that, she had shown immense tactical promise at times. And while her media skills also weren’t the best, the chance to work with a media powerhouse behind a club like this would be immense for her.

    As Guiseppe finished his drink, he settled the bill with the waiter and smiled. “You know how we feel, you know that we will do everything in our power to protect you from the criticism you, and even we, may face. You are our choice,” he said, before finishing, “Should we expect to see you in June?

    A sly grin spread across her face, “Yes you will. I’ll be there.

    When Allegri leaves, the only other member of staff he is taking is his assistant Marco Landucci. All the other members of staff at the club are staying. You’ll only need to bring in your own number two, but you can make minor adjustments too. We shall see you in June,” he said, standing up and shaking her hand.

    She shook back, “I’ll see you shortly.

  2. Authors Note: A Thanks to Gav for letting me reference Tina! I'm sorry it was in such a heavy defeat, but I've still got games to come involving St. Mirren so she may get her own back.

    Cheeky bugger. Destroying her like that ;) it wasn't a problem. Next time though ;)

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