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17 "You're a bum, Rock"

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    SC Bern - EHM

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  1. Franchise Hockey Manager as well has historical mode. It would be nice to have it.
  2. I would like to have top 5 or top 10 all time scorers (assists) on history screen. That would be nice addition.
  3. Dražen Ladić* is listed to have 350 app for Dinamo, which is wrong - he has 468. Franjo Wolfl* has 204 goals , not 216 as listed in FM. Source : Miroslav Tomašević - book "Dinamo : povijest i 10 zlatnih godina" *stats for both players includes only official stats of course, no friendlies....
  4. That's why I was asking, since I am 100% sure I got "shots for days" achievement after friendly game....
  5. I dressed all 11 HG players and didn't get achievement. Do I need to do in a official game or not ? It was a friendly match
  6. I am playing with Arsenal and during the season there are only two days between PL and UCL game if my UCL game is on tuesday ?!?
  7. I am managing Dinamo Zagreb, so team is pro. But it doesn't matter, I figured it out
  8. I tried to import training schedule , but it won't open/load it ? What am I doing wrong ? Please help ! I am more of an EHM than FM guy, so consider me rookie
  9. All of us are waiting. It's been almost 9 years since last EHM :)
  10. Slowly but surely we are approaching 10th anniversary of EHM 1, so natural wish would be EHM 2 Please Riz
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