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Posts posted by timcliffsmith

  1. Hi there, just an update on my version of your tactic. It's my second season with Cardiff in the Championship, so as you can imagine, only a couple of signings, and it is going unbelievable. Just to remind you, I took off all the PIs but kept your TIs and OIs. I do slightly mix up the positions and roles, depending on my players, but have largely stuck to balanced and the 2/6/2 split for Def/Sup/Att.

    The results are great, but what I'm more impressed by is the balance of the games. We rarely score more than three, but the defence is just sooooo good.

    Look at that defence! Never known anything like it. 


    Yes, a few crazy games, but in general it's a shock if we concede. Absolutely love it.

    Here's my latest team...yes, this is a largely changed team because I have the Carabao Cup Final coming up, but still, look at the stats for the game against Blackpool.




    Anyway, thanks again. Having a great time.

  2. Thanks very much. I assume you added this because you think this will also allow me to be flexible with positions and roles without OIs?

    Well, I'll give it a go. I'll switch to it if the other one isn't working. 

    What I've found with the other one is that it can go quite a while without creating much, but it usually fashions at least a few decent chances. I like this, can't stand overkill tactics. Playing with Cardiff in the second season. Only switched to yours in the run-in. Now second season. I did get 84 points, but you had to get 91 to get in the play-offs. Three teams got more than 100. Crazy!

    Cheers. I'll let you know how this new one goes.

  3. Hi there, just wanted to say that I'm very glad I found your tactic.

    First, I should explain that I like to play FM in a particular way.

    I like to put players in their favourite positions and roles. This isn't a hard and fast rule, but it does guide my tactics and formations. That being the case, I'm always searching for a flexible tactic that allows me to keep the basic team instructions even I switch player roles and positions around. 

    I was playing my own 343 mid-block for quite a while and having good success, but then, no idea why, it just stopped being effective. So, I was looking for something else.

    I tried your base tactic and immediately started annihilating teams, just steamrolling. So, I nerfed it. I removed all the player instructions. Played for a while like that, but it was very hit and miss. I then realised I had not applied the OIs. Since adding those in, it has become soooo much more stable defensively. I hope I'm not getting ahead of myself, but looks like this could be the one for me.

    The games are still tight, so you have that satisfaction when you score. I also experimented with the a DM/CM/AM (in different roles) and DM/DM/AM, as well as two DMs and two STs. They all seemed stable.

    Early days (only played about 7-8 games) but it's looking good.

    Thanks again.


  4. Just wanted to say that I love this tactic.

    Been playing with 3 at the back for a while, mostly because I think 4123 or 4231 are overpowered.

    Was playing for sometime with my own mid-block tactic, but it just suddenly stopped working after multiple playthroughs, and I couldn't work out why.

    Yours is not too dissimilar, so I gave it a go and it is working beautifully. It has a lovely balance to it, and does not seem OP.

    I like to play the game by trying to put players in their preferred positions and roles. I think it makes the game more interesting when signing players and adds a little variety to the play as players come and go.

    For example, my last game was like this.

                                             SK (D)

                   WCB (D)         BPD (C)         WCB (D)

    CWB (A)                                     Vol (S)             CWB (S)

                               BWM (D)

    IF (S)                                          SS (A)

                                            PF (A)


    I do switch players and roles, but I'm sticking to having a defensive role to cover the attacking wingback. I've also played with a winger cutting in on the left instead of the SS, but I don't think it's as effective. In fact, I think the SS is the key to this. You notice the increase in XG when the SS plays. I have also played an AP and AM on attack there, and they both work ok, but the SS is best, I think.

    Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for this. Really enjoying it,.

  5. On 16/03/2024 at 10:08, lied90 said:


    - Aim for front post
    - Have 3-4 players outside the box
    - You either score from a direct header, or the AIs defense can't deal with the ensuing chaos and I score from a long shot just outside the box.

    I'd like to add that I only have 1 player back on defense, and I've NEVER conceded a goal from this.

    I've not noticed the issue with throw-ins, but since the update, scoring corners has simply vanished. 

    I have no problems defending corners, but I simply cannot score at all. I will try this set-up and hope for something. Anything would be nice. A single goal!

    Also, the number of penalties is ridiculous. SI needs to cut that figure at least in half, probably by a third.

  6. Hi, thought I'd keep you up to date. I started using your tactic as posted and it was working, but sometimes it felt a bit passive, so I combined yours with my previous tactic. I have to say that your tactic was doing okay, but because I had developed my previous one, I didn't want to abandon it completely. In my original tactic, the front three were all on attacking, and the back three were all on defend, as was the def mid. What I did was keep my team and individual instructions but switch to the duties like in yours. And well, it's going great!

    Here is my hybrid tactic.

    E8AC74199EBC78C83FF61852DEBE2FC0690E4187 (1028×1008)


    As you can see, I have many more team instructions. And all the players are told to tackle harder (except the centre backs). The wingbacks sit narrower and run wider. The wingers sit narrower. Everybody takes fewer shots except for the front three. 

    The other aspect of the way I play the game is that I like to play players in their best positions, so that is why Elber is an FB not a wingback, as he has 3.5* like that rather than 3*. This approach still adheres to the same basic philosophy. As you can see, I'm also playing Jones as a DLF because he is half a star better than as an F9, and so on. I do have a guy who can play as a RWB CWB, and he slots in no problem. So, I like the flexibility within a basic system. I have also played three in midfield and two up top, but overall I prefer this system.

    Here are the results.

    C47B39D18EB0ED3B944C8D6F2640A3303300F051 (1028×1008)


    I started using your tactic and then my hybrid from the Wolves game. Look at the defence! Tremendous. This is how I like the game, not with crazy numbers of goals. Please bear in mind that I finished second in the laegue last season, so I already had a good team, but adding in your duties has definitely improved the defence and the control of my team during the game. Really like the feel of it. So, thanks very much!



  7. Gonna give this a go. I've been playing a 343 and it's been going well but fallen apart a bit after 4-5 seasons. I like the look of this and the big emphasis on support is interesting. Quick question, have you tried the same basic shape and formation and instructions but with slightly different positions? For example, an AM instead of an IW, or a DLF instead of an F9?

  8. I've been playing this game since its first incarnation. I buy it every year. Some years are better than others. I'm really enjoying FM22, but one thing has bugged me ever since you introduced the 3D match engine: away Fans. 

    The number of away fans as represented in the stadium is simply unrealistic and somewhat ruins the immersion.

    I've mentioned this every year for about the past five. Away fans do not occupy an entire end of one ground, unless perhaps in a cup game. I'm third, Southampton are 18th, yet they've brought, based on an estimate of my 48k-seater stadium, approximately 9,000 fans!

    I cannot believe this can be that difficult to rectify. Use an algorithm or whatever it is you computer guys and girls do! Also, however many away fans there are, squeeze them together in a section of the stadium and put some guys in orange jackets down the edge to represent stewards. How good would that look?

    Such a basic thing. 

  9. I just wanted to say thanks for this tactic set and the accompanying advice. 

    Far too often, FM iterations are ruined by super powerful tactics. Your set was just the kind of thing I was looking for.

    Based on your advice, I downloaded the positive and balanced ones of Pep, Conte, and Sir Alex. I somehow overlooked the Mourinho ones! Just seen them now.

    Anyway, I managed to get Cardiff promoted first time via the play-offs using another tactic that I never really felt comfortable with.

    I was then really struggling, and chopped and changed quite a bit. I managed to finish 14th (42pts) but was in danger most of the time.

    Next season, I was struggling again early doors. That's when I thought I'd give yours a go. Pep best fitted my squad, so I used that. Played balanced almost all the time home and away and finished a very respectable 11th (52pts).

    Next season was 9th (61pts). Season after that finished 5th (70pts) but only missed out on 4th on GD.

    As you can see, great progress in terms of points, which is the main thing I use to judge my team's development.

    This season I just finished was a bit of a setback. We finished 9th (60pts), but I put that down to our best midfielder going because of a release clause and us having to have a late rebuild.

    There are two things I really like about your set-up:

    1. Even when on a good run, it still feels like we earn every win. We generally beat the teams we should beat (with the odd nightmare) and we can hold our own against the big boys at home and get the odd result away. So, it feels realistic and satisfying.

    2. It really suits the way I like to play. I essentially just find the best players I can (no matter their position or role) and then try to shape the tactic to fit them. Your basic blueprints fit this really well. I generally use balanced and switch to positive if we are having trouble breaking down a team. One thing that has been key for me is your advice about the balance between defend, support, and attack. For instance, I have a world class regen DLF, and it has been fun working out who to put around him. Last season I had inverted wingers and inside forwards on attack. This season, I have gone to three strikers, with the DLF in support to try and draw defenders out of position. Another really interesting point you made was about assigning different roles to the midfield and strikers. I always do that now.

    Anyway, thanks again for the work. really enjoying the game using them, and that's what it is all about.


  10. This has been an issue for years now and is something that I don't understand as it cannot be that difficult to program but is something that really drags you out of immersion.

    The size of away crowds in the stadium is ridiculous. For example, playing Wycombe at home in April. Wycombe are 22nd and, based on the stadium capacity, appear to have brought about 5000 away fans!

    BB0B4757360F9139806A5FFC5CF99EF4344C3440 (1920×1017)


    Why can't you have the away fans clumped together in one section of the ground with a few orange-shirted stewards around them? If the stadium is not full, you could even have them quite far away from the home fans. Imagine that! 

  11. Hello everybody, yes, TimmyFlex is back. 

    After having developed a version last year, I have been looking for a system to recreate it this year.

    Essentially, the idea behind the tactic is this: You play the best 11 players you can get hold of, whatever their position and role.

    That does not mean, of course, that you play a 1-1-8 formation or something silly like that, no. You need to provide balance, so it can be any formation really, the only rule that I adhere to is that the player must be fully green in the position and role.

    The secret is having a solid base tactic, and here I am indebted to gtjbm for his/her gm-433geg-20 tactic that I found on FM Base (I think). This tactic is a kind of Klopp-esque gegenpress 433. However, it has a lot of individual instructions for each position. 

    I have removed all position instructions and just play the players in their natural position and role. BUT, I never change the base tactic instructions as it is very reliable.

    So, you'll find that the tactic as I saved it here is a 4-2-3-1, but I usually play a 4-3-3 or a 4-1-2-3. However, I have also played a 4-4-2 and a 4-3-2-1, and sometimes an asymmetrical formation with one winger and one AM. It really all depends on the best players available.

    Generally, I like a mix of styles in the midfield, with always at least one def mid of some sort.  And I prefer the fullbacks to attack. Oh, I have only tried this with a flat-back four. You'll have to experiment  to find the best combination.

    I do not use any OIs, let my ass man do general training and never use shouts. Sometimes I switch to defensive very late in the game, but it is generally very solid.

    Regarding results, I lost in the play-offs with Cardiff in the first season, then finished second behind Leicester in the second season with 94pts. First season in the Prem, I am 9th after 23 games, so now feel secure enough to publish the tactic.

    This is not a wonder tactic, but it is very good. I like it this way, find it more satisfying when a combination works. I should say that this approach is both freeing and limiting. It means that you can buy any player and are not limited to those who fit your tactic, but you are also limited because you cannot just shove any old player into a role.

    The other thing that I should mention is that, when I make a sub, it usually has to be done via the tactics screen so you can adjust the position and role. This does allow you to be more flexible though when responding to the game.


    Good luck!


  12. 15 hours ago, smagaius said:

    well i can say i've tried timmyflex original tactic in the last update and its working in a 4-2-3-1 shape.  Just added "more expressive".

    Its not as good as last year but it's consistent and fun to play.

    Really? Interesting. Might give it a go then, especially if it's not as good as last year. When you say you tried it, do you mean that just copied the base set up and instructions? Or, can you import the tactics directly? 

    I've just checked, you can import directly. I'll give it a go now. 

  13. Hi there, 

    This was my tactic for last year. I've not tried to rebuild for this year. I'm using a new one, which is a tweak of 433_Davautje. It's his tactic, I've just adjusted the set pieces. 

    However, I've been doing it like last season, just playing players in their best roles and positions. BUT, this is not as good as the TimmyFlex, but that is better for me, I prefer something that takes longer but that I have faith in. What I've found with this is that the 433 formation works best: that's 1DM and 2CM with 2 high wingers. The DM can be in the DM position or in the centre of the three in the CM slots. If in the DM position, you can play a support role, but if in the CM slot, it needs to be defensive. I've not had much luck with an AM, though you can bring the wide men back instead of having them as wingers. It's very solid when you get it right, but I have suffered the occasional spanking against the top teams.

    With Cardiff, I lost in play-offs first season, then comfortably won the league, then spent four seasons building (11th, 7th, 10th, 7th), then spent some big money on the midfield (two 30m pound players - Bellingham and Cuisance, with Valverde in the DM role - and had a brilliant start to the season and then tailed off a little but clung on to win the Prem .

    This is the sort of thing I prefer, rather than blasting the league.

    Oh, I'm playing on the beta 20.2.4

    If you fancy a slower experience, use this.

    I don't use any OP and player instructions are just the standard for the role.  


  14. 38 minutes ago, tajj7 said:

    Beta ME is not much better IMO.

    The long ball thing is way better.

    But it's like watching FIFA still, with someone kid playing on easy mode.  Players with good dribbling are just stupid, they just go through players, they pick up the ball and go 50-60 yards and beat men far too easily.

    If defenders make a tackle, then it goes nowhere, it seems to bounce straight back to the attacker again, I;ve conceded goals where my defence has tackled the ball 3/4 times and every time the attacker just has the ball back right at their feet and continues on normally.

    Just had Kovavecic pick up the ball in his own half and just run at my defender and no one goes near him, they let him just run straight through and score. Both centre-backs are marking no one, yet they just stand and let him run through.  It's like their are Messis every game pulling of these long mazy dribbles against multiple opponents. 

    I also have a penalty taker who is basically perfect at penalties (created him to see how it it was working) and he has missed 3 out of 4, this has been common in FM generally, even if a player has great penalty stats, he misses loads. Some players barely ever miss penalties, the best ones should be scoring 95% plus.

    Seems 1 step forward and 2 back for me.

    There are some nice aspects and nice play, but overall its just as bad. 

    I have noticed a few long dribbles, but they have been from my wingers and when they picked it up in space. Tackling has not been an issue for me, but I'm only about 10 games in to the Beta ME. I've had two pens and scored both. Obviously, the more you play, the more you notice. However, previously, the ME was just so boring, and it didn't seem to matter what instructions you gave, they just humped it long. So, it may not be perfect (never is), but it is a big improvement, IMO.

    Oh! And headers are back. Never seemed to score any headers before.

  15. Just wanted to say a quick thank you for the the Beta ME. I had essentially given up with the previous ME as it was very one dimensional and the frequently cited issue of one-on-ones was truly awful. However, the Beta ME has saved FM20 for me. It is so much more exciting to watch. Some crazy goalmouth scrambles, and players seem to be doing more of what you ask of them. This especially applies to support or deep-lying strikers. 

    I was very frustrated previously, but am now enjoying it much more.

    Well done.

  16. Hi Knap,

    I think I made a similar request to you for FM19, but which would you recommend as a nice, solid tactic that improves the sum of its parts but doesn't blow teams away? In other words, something that might take a newly promoted side say, three seasons to get promoted again (e.g. a consolidation season, mid-table/play-offs, challenging for automatic). I find that most tactics on here absolutely blast through most leagues (especially the lower divisions) and/or score/concede far too many goals. Unfortunately, I do not have the time to playtest my own tactics. I just want something that I know, if I slowly improve the players I have, will eventually bring success (always allowing for a bit of luck).

    Anyway, any suggestions will be gratefully received and given a go.


  17. 17 hours ago, sidslayer said:

    Blimey, it’s not that bad is it!? Just activate the obligatory ‘ignore’ filter ... :)

    Back on topic ... I’m loving the ME at the moment. Last few years ‘Attacking’ has been so dominant as the go to tactic. Not for me so far this year. I haven’t played as a big club yet (doing a journeyman save) and every time I try out an attacking tactic I get punished. I like it. It makes sense that I should lose 4-0 away to Liverpool if I play with an attacking mentality with Villa. What I’ve picked up so far this year is that variation of roles in the tactic and the right lines of engagement and mentality, for the players you have, is very important. Gone are the days of a plug and play tactic that works with any team in any situation. It’s fantastic. 

    Dunno about that. I was struggling like this guy, tried a few downloads to see what they are doing to use as a base for mine, and there are definitely a few plug-and-play tactics that pretty much instantly worked. I think FM will always struggle to eradicate p&p tactics. At the moment, a bit like last year's incarnation, I'm struggling to find a balanced formation. What I mean by that is not one that gets humped every week (obviously), but not one that instantly produces 20+ shots every game. I really tried for a long time to find that in FM19, and never really did. Hope I can this year.

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