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Everything posted by reerdo

  1. So I decided to take a different approach tonight to try and jog my memory and with the help of Wikipedia have gone through lists of clubs in every Eastern European country until finally when looking through the list for Serbia the team was there like a lightbulb moment . . . Novi Sad. A quick Google search with that new bit of info lead me to this post by Guido on his site referencing the story, Litany of Filth, in question written under the pseudonym Vic Flange. I was mistaken that I had read it on here originally and must have read it on The Dugout. Now to read it again as saved on Guidos site. And thank you @EvilDave even though it ended up not being the story you helped with I am definitely adding it to my list to read.
  2. Ah that might be why I can't seem to find something that triggers a memory even looking through the whole list, thank you. I will see if anything else comes back to me that might give me a name or something, but so far I just have memories of turnips and cabbages and it being so story driven at such a small depressed team from a really drab village.
  3. I have looked through the archives, run searches here and Google and am at a complete blank for a story I remember from a long time back, maybe 15 or so years ago, that I am trying to remember the name to see if I can hunt it down for a re-read. It was my opening into the world of FM stories and I remember it being set in eastern Europe and I have recollections of cabbages being involved in the story being that for payment of wages or thrown at the players for poor performances, along with an assistant manager who very much did not like the manager the story is written about. It was a very bleak managerial career but at the same time such a colorful story lead description of the game that was so different to the 'game update' threads I have always read before. Any help will be much appreciated.
  4. Going to give this a go for the first time and see where my travels take me. Done journeyman save before but always played them with no 'set' goals in mind other than the journey so this will be a fun twist. So I present my day one profile : So after a fairly short search where I wanted to start somewhere less travelled by myself in all my previous FM games I am the newly announced manager of the recently relegated Marumo Gallants FC Can I go slightly better than my media prediction of 4th and get us into the the playoffs between 2nd and 3rd to bring back top flight action to the Dr. Rantlai Petrus Molemela Stadium at the first time of asking
  5. Well in the past I have always failed miserably at this challenge but I have only ever tried in England so I am going to mix this up and try in Germany
  6. If I don't turn this around and end up getting sacked do I sim to the end of this season and choose another newly promoted team or do I have to start again from scratch on a new save?
  7. I have tried and failed this loads in the past but decided to give it another go. Decided to not allow myself to re-roll and be forced to choose one of the teams from the first go so here I am with. Poole Town F.C. On a side note really liking some of the spreadsheets I have see dotted around some of the updates and finding them as interesting as the updates themselves. Reminds me of when I used to record my Madden season in Excel as the game was so rubbish at recording info for you Edit : After looking at the squad, well this is going to be an interesting first season. I just about have every position covered (ish) to play the narrow 442 diamond that I have been using in my Level 10 Challenge game
  8. Season 2022/23 - Longwell Green Sports Really pleased with how season one has gone and got to admit I am rather surprised. I went on holiday till 1st January 23 before applying for jobs and getting appointed on 7th January. My first game in charge was a timid affair where I tried to set up in a simple and hopefully solid flat 442 which proceeded to see us lose 4-1 and it could have been far far worse. After that one game I decided that if I was going to lose games I was going to at least lose them while attacking and trying so moved the wingers further forward, got the boys playing more direct and harrying the opposition more. I certainly didn't ever imagine we would go on the run we did, culminating in 13 games unbeaten to take us all the way to our play-off final win.
  9. Been struggling to settle on a save so decided to give this a go for my first time. I decided to start unemployed and go on holiday till 1/1/2023 to lower the amount of jobs available. After a few targeted applications I have been appointed as the new manager of Longwell Green Sports. I am generally someone that tries to make their own tactics / fails to / downloads one then feel bad, so I am giving myself the little challenge of only sticking to self made tactics and to keep it simple.
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