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Everything posted by Shanamaj

  1. Yeah instant result isn’t the same, but neither would be helpful unless the results were more similar to actually playing the game and lineups were preserved.
  2. Thanks for the explanation! It’s weird that some career setups still give me a good amount of youths in the first season then, such as when starting in VNN/VNS, but yeah it would be nice if the number wasn’t zero or one in other leagues either at least.
  3. Unfortunately I don’t have such a lower league save right now but next time I’ll send it across. I do have an issue in the save I just did to try to recreate the loan issue I described above (without much success) in that I only get one youth player from the academy first season, and an awful one at that. It happens a lot that the first season only brings 0-1 player but subsequent seasons have more typical amounts. Why is that? I uploaded DF9F1196-280D-459D-89D0-60D1D883C40D.
  4. Sounds fair, appreciate you having a look
  5. Regarding original topic there definitely seems to be a case where foreigners pop up a lot in non playable leagues as regents but never in playable leagues. The regens are very often ~24 years old and quite awful too. When I manage a national team from a non-playable league such as Romania I keep track of all regens and the older ones in foreign clubs barely ever make it (which they should have more potential to do if they migrated as young talents to a bigger club) while the ones in the national league are young and more likely to become useful. I think regens deserves a bit of attention in development, the above patterns take away a lot of realism with such a strong division. It would also be nice if there was more diversity in what nations got good teams, golden generations can happen in unexpected countries. Often the computer managed coaches of national side do strange selections and omit player of high potential too long.
  6. Loaning players to non-league clubs in countries where you have active leagues always goes horribly in my saves, the loans are rated F in development hub and the player develops poorly. Overseas to non-active leagues works better though.
  7. Completely agree with OP, sometimes it’s way too easy to accumulate funds and there is no way (other than extreme self-discipline) to play in a more frugal way.
  8. While more active leagues would be great i appreciate that the latest version had a substantial increase in included players in non-active leagues and I hope that trend continues in FMM25, it especially makes nation management more interesting but also club management when there are more hidden gems to be found.
  9. Either instant results or chairman-like mode would be interesting features to keep the gameplay more varied. I’d prefer instant results though as there are times during a career where you want to skip forward faster in a season with little left to play for, but still play the full games the next one. Simulating only ruins the gameplay in its current state as results are almost always much worse and there’s no way to control which players are on the pitch.
  10. The explanation was very expected but doesn’t mitigate any disappointment. The lack of innovation and promotion explains lower sales and now SI decided on an easy cash out before discontinuing the series completely. For me as a Swede the price for one year of FM is 100€ at basic Netflix plan which is absolutely ridiculous for a mobile game. I have no time nor interest for Netflix content.
  11. I’m also disappointed and saddened by this move of disrespect for us true FMM fans who bought pretty much every edition. I have very little spare time and I chose to spend a fair portion on FMM, I simply have no time to spare for any Netflix content. So for me it’s a price hike at least 500%. If I temporarily have a little time for Netflix I would only subscribe for a month or two, during which I wouldn’t even bother with FMM since I would lose all access to my saves afterwards. I’ve been longing for FMM24 for months and reported tons of bugs and ideas to try help improve the game but now I regret bothering with FMM23 at all as it looks like it’ll be the last edition ever for me.
  12. Is it always more beneficial to promote a talented player from the youth setup and keep them with your team rather than letting them remain in the youth setup until the end of the season when you have to choose who to promote?
  13. Another wish is to have the top talents come from a broader variety of sources, even if the big club academies are the norm even in real life there are exceptions and I can’t recall seeing much of that in the game.
  14. Yeah I also always get thrown out of negotiations if I negotiate a buy-out clause, only to find another team sign a loan with a much lower buy-out fee the next few days. It’s clearly a bug, buy-out clauses used to work really well in FMM22.
  15. Is there anyone who ever poached a youth of more than 0.5* potential in any save? Without exception the suggestions I get are always like that, even when I scout the player after he’s signed with the original team or based on my coaches opinion if I get the player. It doesn’t seem to matter which team I play, how good my facilities or staff are - there is no variation at all. Funny enough opponent teams never try to poach my worst talents, most often it’s the ones with the highest potential.
  16. My wish wasn’t for more options per se, just a larger player database. If that can gradually be increased as devices get more powerful rather than waiting for the long-term aim to come into reality would be great. With a larger db I would stay interested in my saves longer and also be more motivated to start new ones as there would be more variation each time.
  17. If we’re either way heading towards a change which will require better specs in the future maybe we can already now start have more options for player db size etc?
  18. I agree that clubs keep low-balling time after time for the same player who gets upset by the rejection each time, even if I can convince him to stay in between the other. It just isn’t realistic that a player alternates between leaving and staying every 3 days during the entire transfer window. Regarding negotiations with multiple clubs I think a 25% sell-on is always added now, which is an improvement but if negotiating on such things is too complex to add it would be nice if at least a randomness to the sell-on clause. There is also an issue that remains where a club might buy one of my players for say 20M and then insert a release clause for 10M, which definitely is unrealistic. It happens to me very frequently.
  19. I’ve noted down some new bullet points as feedback I’ve though of during recent saves in addition to already brought up points. Too hard to get decent loans for goalies, even as the best goalkeeper at the receiving club they struggle for game time too often There should be more mental attributes in the default database such as determined, lazy, professional etc to make it more interesting to put together a squad. Newgens get a lot of mental attributes, but it seems a bit too generalizing when some countries get almost only bad ones for too talents. Friendlies aren’t scheduled for African U21 national teams as it seems, it would be more enjoyable to manage those national teams if U21 teams were handled better More real youth completions for club and national teams would be great Romanian and Swedish leagues would be very welcome additions as playable leagues All World Cup relevant nations should have a full squad of real players regardless of leagues chosen as playable, international competitions are a lot less fun when the opponents don’t even have a first 11 with actual players. More ways to handle squad morale would be great. That includes national teams as it’s not realistic that a player is miserable there just because a club situation is bad. Even for nations where the domestic league is active it would be nice with some dual citizenship foreign newgens popping up to discover. Foreign youth players like in the full game would be great as well.
  20. Yeah it would make me play the game more, now it doesn’t always feel worthwhile to load the game if I only have 10-15 minutes because the progress is slow when I’m eager to move ahead with the career.
  21. I’m also part of the group with little time who would probably get more hooked in my saves with such a feature. I frequently don’t have a lot of time to play and get tired of saves when they don’t advance fast enough to see much change during the time at my disposal. I like to play full matches when trying out new tactics, integrating new players or in really high-stakes game but in the average season there are a lot of games I’d like to use instant result for, especially after the first 1-2 seasons of a save. Now I try simulating at times but since the squad selection is rather random and the results much less realistic it makes me abandon the save and lose motivation to start a new one in the near future. When I’ve previously posted about this there has always been judgmental people saying I shouldn’t play the game if I want to skip past some matches, but I’m glad to see there are others with similar preferences and that you are at least open to the idea Marc.
  22. I like the idea of some more stats a lot, it can still be lightweight with a few additiona
  23. Yes this is quite annoying, usually the fee gets quite good but the lack of a sell-on clause is often a deal breaker for younger talents. Randomly generated clauses where eg younger players get such clauses more frequently would be an improvement over the status quo even if it would be more ideal to negotiate all terms
  24. I think it’s too hard to extend old players’ contract with reasonable duration. For example in real life Real Madrid only extends 30+ players one year at a time. In the game 34 year old Benzema refuses to even discuss an offer shorter than three years, and it’s a common theme with older players. Players happy where they are should be more open to shorter duration at that age.
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