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  1. Hi all, I'm trying to create a tournament for youth teams. Everything works just fine, except for one thing. I don't want teams that compete in the UEFA Youth League to compete in this tournament. I found this file online and changed it to match what I want. Except for the Youth League teams competing here as well. Can anyone help me out? I have checked the Ignore Teams box for teams competing in the Youth League, but that doesn't seem to work 1 - Youth Tournaments - Gothia Cup.fmf
  2. I don't think it's possible to see the advanced rules of UEFA competitions... I've tried before, but all I could do was add new competitions
  3. Hi all, I've created a database for a Dutch pyramid. The winner of the U19's league should qualify for the Youth League if the first team hasn't qualified for the group stage of the UEFA Champions League. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen. I've checked the setting, but I can't find where I should tick some box or something to get this to work. Does anyone have any ideas?
  4. Hi all, I want to insert a new league in the pyramid after 1 season, but I can't get it to work. For the first season I want to have 3 national leagues en then regional leagues. For the second season I want to have 4 national leagues en then regional leagues. I either get the error that there's a problem with promotion/relegation (0 teams relegated obviously, 24 teams get promoted (to fill the new 4th thier) and the editor keeps saying 'no extra teams needed' even though I filled in that I needed 24 extra teams). If that's not the error I'm getting, it's an error when it says 'no teams found for stage 0'. That's correct, but I don't want stage 0 to start in the first season. But when I don't make a stage 0 for the first season, I get the error i've described in the sentence above. Does anyone have any ideas?
  5. Thanks for your reply. I tried giving them a grace period by giving them a two-year dispensation period
  6. Hi @krlenjushka I'm trying to use dynamic relegation to make sure that my leagues never get too small or too big for more than 2 seasons. They don't have to stay at the exact same number of teams each year. What I want to create is if a league consists of less than 14 teams, relegation will be stopped for the following season. So the league will have 13 or 12 or 11 or whatever teams for 1 season and then, because relegation is stopped and promotion is continued from the lower league, the league will be filled with more teams. On the other hand, if a league consists of more than 24 teams, I want to relegate more teams than in a normal situation. Because promotion will stay the same from the lower league, the league will have a 'normal' amount of teams after 1 season. Is it possible to do that? I tried to create 3 versions of 1 league in the editor (one that would only be used when the league was filled with 2-13 teams, one that needed 14-24 teams and one that needed 25-30 teams) and changed relegation rules for each version. The editor gives me an error; it says there are 13 teams found and I need a minimum of 14. But I created a version that would accept 13 teams. I guess it doesn't work that way? Can you help me out?
  7. Hi all, The title says it all really, I want to stop clubs from sharing stadiums. I know teams like AS Roma and Lazio Roma or AC Milan and Internazionale share their stadiums. I'm creating a league system for The Netherlands and I'm adding stadium rules (minimum capacity, etc.). Some teams don't meet the requirements and have to change stadiums. Usually they start using stadiums in other cities that are used by other clubs as well. That's not what I want. I want them to build new stadiums that meet the requirements. Is there a way to force them to do that? I can lower the requirements obviously, but that's not what I want to do.
  8. Hi all, I'd like to re-add the Russian national team and the Russian clubs into the UEFA and FIFA competitions. I don't know how to do that though. Does anyone here know how I can do that?
  9. Thanks so much mate! Now that you've shown what I did wrong it seems like something so obvious... now I can continue with what I want. Thanks!
  10. Hi all, I'm trying to create a database in which the amount of teams in certain leagues change over time. So what I want is that the Dutch Eredivisie starts out with 18 teams (as it does in real life) but then changes to 20 teams after a couple of seasons. I've been trying to get this to work but I keep getting the same error every time. To test if it's possible, I've created rules for the Eredivisie to contain 18 clubs in the first season and 20 in the second season. I've done the opposite for the Keuken Kampioen Divisie (second level), so it basically means that the amount of teams in those leagues just switches around. Once I get this to work, I want to do similar things to other levels. I want the second level to contain 24 teams and after a couple of years I want the Eredivisie to contain 20 teams instead of the original 18. But since I can't get this to work, I haven't been trying to do that as of now. Can anyone help me out? I've attached the file I'm working in right now. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance! Nederland advanced 2.fmf
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