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Everything posted by BrnwsBucksFanNC

  1. September Monthly Report Match Results Result Considerations I was sort of worried during the Aspis Cup match, and even though we won the match, we lost Winger Nikos Kryiakou for 2 weeks with a pulled hamstring and Attacking Midfielder Giorgos Charalabous for 3 weeks due to a back strain. Since the team is still starting to come together I was afraid it would negatively impact us. I saw a much less polished side in the MEAP match but we were able to hold on for a draw. The match with Spartakos is one we should have won. At worst, we should have walked away with a draw but Nikos Chatzikonstanti missed a shot from the penalty spot in the 67th minute. It was just not our night. We then traveled to Lympia where even though we took 14 shots, with 9 on target, we were only able to find the back of the net once. With us playing against better opposition, to come out of the month with 4 points from 3 matches, I cant really complain. League Table and Cup Results Thoughts and Considerations We dropped to 4th in the league table and even though it is early in the season, I am pleased with that. The thing I need to keep an eye on is we are only 3 points away from dropping into the relegation playoff...a place I would like to stay out of. We were not expected to move past the first round of the Cup, so that was a nice win for us. I think our run ends with the next match though. We are to face APOEL, a top-tier side here in Cyprus. Next Month's Matches Thoughts and Considerations We are on the road for 3 matches, one being the cup draw. I would be pleased to get 5 points out of those matches. I know that 4 is more reasonable, but a guy can hope cant he? The cup match, well, it isnt even at home for us to have a chance to get some more money. No pressure on that one huh? Looking Forward - Thoughts and Musings I am really concerned about the finances. We are losing money each month, even though I have tried to keep us operating as cheaply as we can, it doesnt seem to be doing much good. Our attendance is averaging over 115 a match. I hope that continues. Injuries are a problem and I was even faced with the possibility of having to sit my new goal-keeper, luckily he recovered in time. One match at a time is all I can do. I did replace my scouts so hopefully we can get some better recommendations.
  2. Even though I am playing every match, I am not sure if I will continue these in-depth match analysis. I am not sure if people are reading them, let alone enjoying them. I also am finding that I dont like not having the editor on for a save, haha. It has nothing to do with player ratings or anything like that....I dont like that I cannot change the kits. These are so bland...a white kit....and a green kit, which I have never even seen. I would really like to add some more color to the kits. I hate to admit it, but I still have an eye out for other jobs. The Board has agreed for pay for my National B license, so maybe that will make a more enticing candidate.
  3. Monthly Report - August 2024 Match Reports Aspis Pylas (H): W, 4-2. The pundits said we should win this so I guess I went into it a little more arrogant than I should have. Valentinos Sofokleous (4th) started off the scoring for us and it gave me a feeling things would go well. But then Aspis struck and scored twice within 5 minutes. Both of their shots went in after hitting the crossbar. They actually hit it 2 more times, but luckily those didnt result in scores. Charalabos Tsiapinis (41st) drew the match level before going into the half before Nikos Chatzikonstanti (46th) put us in a better position to tackle the second half. Aspis didnt stop coming after us but we didnt break anymore. The match was put out of touch in the 84th minute when Giannis Papadopoulos found the back of the net. Ormideia (A): W, 3-1. This one, the pundits went against us and said we wouldnt be able to head home with any points. It felt like the team listened to them as Ormideia started a barrage of attacks that I knew would eventually lead to a goal, which it did in the 24th minute. The team seemed to be overwhelmed by the atmosphere, even though there were less than 100 fans in the stands. During the halftime discussions, I ignored the recommendations of the Assistant Manager (who I replaced) and tore into the team. It seemed to work as they came out with a different mindset for the second half. I also made 4 changes to the side in the hope we could at least get a point out of the match. The players had other ideas as Nikos Chatzikonstanti found the back of the net twice, in the 70th minute and to seal the win with an 83rd minute score. Andreas Kosma got into the action by scoring his own goal with a well-placed shot in the 72nd minute. September Matches Aspis Pylas (H) - Kypello Kyprou Cup First Round MEAP (H) Spartakos (A) Lympia (A) League Table Interesting Emails Interesting Reading After Match Against Ormideia Thoughts and Musing I am still in a sort of state of shock after these results. The first match, I thought we could win, but the second match, that one had me just about ready to jump off of the couch. Every game we win adds to or unbeaten streak, which adds even more pressure. I feel lucky that we also drew Aspis Pylas for our first-round match in the cup, and the added bonus that it is at home. I also replaced my Assistant Manager and one of my coaches. They are not superstars, but they are definite improvements over what I had. An odd thing with the promotion/relegation playoffs The regular season consists of 15-games. Then the league is split, the top-8 teams enter a promotion play-off and the bottom-8 enter a relegation play-off. The top 3 teams in the promotion play-off would be promoted and the bottom 3 of the relegation playoff are relegated. The promotion play-off starts as a new season per se, and not carrying any points forward. But the teams in the relegation play-off carry their points forward from the 15-game segment of the season.
  4. 2024-25 Team Analysis Goalie Ardit Hyseni (4.5) 24-year-old from Kosovo. He is currently on an Amateur contract which I am sure will have to be converted to a paid one sometime this season. But I will let it ride as long as I can. His high Handling rating (12) will help with dropping those shots. I am working on improving his One on Ones (7) but this still is an improvement from last season. I hope he will anchor the back of the team and keep he scores reasonable. Giannos Dimitriou (2) 29-year-old from Cyprus. The starting keeper that I signed during last season is a worthy backup, but I felt that his low ratings in numerous areas would cause us trouble in this upcoming season. Analysis: I think we are sitting pretty good here, barring injuries. I do have some youngsters that can fill in as a last resort if needed. Finding Hyseni, and more importantly, getting him to agree to a contract was a huge win for us. Right Back Laurin Mohm (3/4) 20-year-old from Germany. This youngster appeared in my Scouting feed being shopped by his last team, SV Elversberg, and after bringing him in on a trial I liked what I saw so I was able to get him to join us. Petros Dimoshenous (2/2.5) 27-year-old, Cyprus. This ambitious player performed well during the pre-season. To know that I have him in case of an injury to Mohm is a nice luxury. Analysis: I feel like we are solid here. Dimoshenous played better than his ratings during pre-season, but I was concerned that he would be able to sustain that. When Mohm became available, and after what we saw from him during the friendlies, it was a no-brainer to bring him in. Central Defenders Giorgos Vasileiou (2.5/4) 17-year-old, Cyprus. He was on the team last season and I feel like he will be able to hold his own as he continues to improve. He can also play DM (which I dont use) and central mid-fielder. Christoforos Charalabous (3) 32-year-old, Cyprus. Another veteran from last season. He can also play left fullback. He is the "old man" of the side and provides a great veteran presence to this overly young squad. Christos Djamas (3), 28-year-old, Cyprus. This new addition can also provide support as a central mid-fielder. He will be rotated into the starting 11 on a regular basis. Analysis: The lads played well during pre-season, but this is one of those positions that I feel like you cant have too much depth at. I will be on the lookout for an upgrade should one become available. But with that being said, I think they will do good, how good and for how long remains to be seen. Left Back Jeremy Siarakas (3/4.5) 22-year-old, Australia. His main position is left mid-field. But his quality in left back is something I couldnt pass up. He wants to play as an Inverted Wing-Back and I agreed to let him do so. One thing that is a nice surprise with this is how he gets forward. I was impressed to see that during the pre-season. I hope it continues. Andreas Stavrou (.5/2) 23-year-old, Cyprus. He is not a great backup, but he is the best I have. I am going to train a player for this position and will keep my eyes open for an upgrade. Analysis: Finding and signing Siarakas was a good win for us. I knew this would be a weak spot in the team and he provides a great upgrade for us. With that being said, I need to be on the lookout for some depth here. As we move through the season I will be searching the player-list for backups. Central Midfielders Marios Emmanouil (4.5) 26-year-old, Cyprus. This new signing is a huge upgrade. His command of the midfield was evident during the pre-season and I dont see any reason for it not to continue. He also filled in as the AMC during the pre-season. He can also add a new element to the team by being able to play this position as well. Charalabos Tsiapinis (4) 19-year-old, Cyprus. Another new signing who can play as a Central Midfielder as well as a Mezzala. He is focusing on improving his dribbling (2) but otherwise I feel he can provide a really good option for us there. Giannis Papadopoulos (2/4) 22-year-old, Cyprus. This versatile youngster can also play all 3 attacking midfielder positions. He was a member of the squad from last season. He needs to improve his passing (5) to make him a truly valuable player for us. But knowing he is there if I need him is a nice piece to have in my hip pocket. Bradley Mason (3/4) 26-year-old, Scotland. This is another player that was a last-minute signing. He joins us from East End in England. His agent was offering him around and he is another one that we were able to bring in for a look and we liked what we saw and he liked what we had to offer him. Having a stable player that can step up if needed is a nice bonus to have. Analysis: This was an area that I knew would need upgraded and made a concentrated effort to bring in some new players. I feel like we were able to accomplish this and as long as injuries dont cause me any headaches, I think we are in a good place with the midfield. Attacking Mid-Right Nikos Kryiakou (2.5/3.5) 25-year-old, Cyprus. Another new signing at the end of last season. His passing, along with great ratings in work rate, acceleration and pace brings us a much-needed upgrade to this position. He is another player who can play as an AMC if needed. Christos Sofokleous (1.5/3) 25-year-old, Cyprus. While he doesnt have the overall quality I need, his skills with the ball cannot be denied. He filled in nicely when Kryiakou was injured during the pre-season. So having that experience will be good, if we need it. He can also play AML so that flexibility is an added bonus. Analysis: This is another position that saw a good upgrade. Christos came work some magic with the ball, so if Nikos is injured again, I am not that concerned that Sofokleous cannot rise to the challenge. Attacking Mid-Central Nikos Chatzikonstanti (3.5/4) 16-year-old, Cyprus. This youngster is a little firecracker. Last season he had 11 goals and 11 assists in 32 matches. Not only is he good with the ball, but his Decisions (12), Determination (13), and Flair (12) are great assets. When matched with his Work Rate (12), Vision (13) and Teamwork (10) it is easy to imagine that he will continue to do great things. Giorgos Themistokleous (1/3) 23-year-old, Cyprus. On paper, he is my backup. But he needs to develop quite a bit more before I feel comfortable putting him into a match. Luckily I have some options to use if Nikos is not able to play and Giorgos is more of a last resort. Analysis: Nikos is a joy to watch. I think the challenge with him will be hanging onto him. But as long as I do, and he is healthy, I feel this is a position of strength. Luckily I have some depth from the central midfield that I can call on if Giorgos gets injured. Attacking Mid-Left Valentinos Sofokleous (2/3.5) 24-year-old, Cyprus. His Acceleration (11), Agility (11), Pace (11) and First Touch (9) will provide is some flexibility, but his Passing (5) is of some concern. He performed well during pre-season and I dont see any reason that wont continue. Giorgos Panagiotou (1.5/4) 23-year-old, Cyprus. Giorgos was a part of the squad last season. I just felt that there were some concerns with his First Touch and Passing (both are 5) that I needed to bring in an upgrade. But I think he can fill in if needed this season. Analysis: This position has been a need ever since I took over the side...and it still is. Sofokleous played well during the pre-season, but I dont think he is a good long-term choice for us. The same can be applied to Panagiotou, IF he develops (and that is a big "if" at this point) he will be a great player. But until he does, I need to keep my eyes open for upgrades. Striker Giorgos Charalabous (2.5/4) 16-year-old, Cyprus. This fireball scored 16 goals last season and had 6 assists. He needs to improve his Finishing and Bravery (both are 5) to make him one of the top goal scorers in the league. I am counting on him to do that. Andreas Kosma (1/3) 23-year-old, Cyprus. Andreas was signed at the end of last season, more as an emergency than anything else. His ability to finish and think on his feet has allowed him to score during the pre-season and I feel comfortable with him needing to fill in if anything happens to Giorgos. Analysis: Charalabous proved his worth last season and even though the competition has gotten better, my hope is he did as well. Kosma filled in nicely during the pre-season, but I didnt realize how weak this position was until I started this analysis. I am bringing in every free agent to see if I can find a player that someone has missed. I fear that Charalabous will get an offer he cant refuse...and I need to be ready for it...which I am not. Overall Analysis I think we look good, all things considered. The Board expects us to fight relegation, I think that is doable. I will be keeping my eyes open for upgrades though. I think I would be negligent if I didnt do so. Extra Note: I completed my National C license. As soon as the Board lets me, I am going to start on my National B. I figure it is the least they can do since I am working for free.
  5. End of the Pre-Season Friendlies Before we get off to the results, I wanted to share the season ticket news for 2024. This was a nice surprise and I hope we can continue to see this kind of growth. Friendly Results Income and Expenditures for the Preseason Thoughts and Musings: I didnt realize when I booked those friendly matches that the majority of them were against sides from Syria. I was more concerned how much income we would make from them. The first 2 were against teams from the upper levels in Cyprus and the difference in ability levels was apparent. On top of the losses, the team was not reacting well to my pep-talks. I even had a mini-rebellion on my hands. Winning the next match helped before 2 more games where we couldnt seem to get off of the ground. But the 4-game stretch at the end was a nice surprise for sure. Plus, the income we were able to garner from those matches will be a huge benefit as the season progresses. There were actually 2 of those matches where it was a sell-out, so I am hoping we can get some more fans in the seats. We average a little over 100 tickets sold last season, so I would love to see that increase to the 125-150 range. I know this season is going to be a tough one, but we are going to give it our best,
  6. Best Off-Season Signings Finally Found a Good Goal-Keeper Upgrades at Midfield Needs: Im still looking for an upgrade at Attacking Mid-Left and both Fullbacks. But this is a work in progress so I need to take it one step at a time.
  7. Season 2024-25 Expectations Note on Roster: The starting 11 will change from what is shared in the image due to some signings we have that will join us on 1 July 2024. Finances: I am very concerned that we dont go into the red. So I am going to try to keep as many people (staff included) on their Amateur deals. My Contract: I was offered a new contract which I accepted. I didnt ask for a salary because I need to try to save as much money as I can. Staff Update: One of the things that happened because we went professional is the board increased the number of scouts I can hire. But the best one available (rated 4 for JPA/JPP) wanted $2.1K per month. It was not worth it to me for that quality of a staff member. Scouting: I was pleased to find out that the "same level" scouting moves with us as we move up, so it is good to know I can look at players in this league to bolster the side.
  8. Decision To Go Professional While I understand this is needed to even have a chance to compete at this level, I am concerned about the possibilities of this ruining the organization.
  9. End Of Year Meeting How It Unfolded Best Eleven Moments to Remember Season-Ending Finances
  10. Final Playoff Standings I am really shocked that the team that won the league, Thoi, finished 7th. I think it may be that they lost their manager right before the playoffs started. There is part of me that wonders if they were not smart for not pushing to get promoted due to the challenges of staying up.
  11. May Matches Olympos (H): W, 3-0. The elated team returned home after securing promotion to easily beat Olympos. The team seems to play better with a "cautious" mentality. So we continued to use it with the team focusing on playing counter attacking football instead of a more attacking style. The scoring was shared as Giannis Papadopoulos (14th minute), Giorgos Vasileiou (22nd minute) and Giorgos Charalabous (57th minute) were able to find the back of the net. The only downside of the match was the injury to injury to 16 year-old Nikos Chatzikonstanti which would see him miss the next 2 weeks. This young man was responsible for 11 goals and 11 assists this season so his injury was definitely going to cause some issues. Elpida Astromeriti (H): D, 2-2. This back-and-forth match was marred by a series of fouls by both sides that eventually resulted in 3 yellow cards being issued to the visitors. Giannis Papadopoulos started out the scoring in the 15th minute. We missed numerous chances and eventually allowed the visitors to draw level in the 28th minute. The second half once again saw neither team being able to score until Nikolas Charalabous gave us the lead in the 56th minute, only to see the game draw level again in the 68th minute. On the ensuing kick-off, we took the ball down and were impeded in the box resulting in a penalty being awarded. Giorgos Charalabous stepped up to the spot and skillfully clatter the ball off of the left upright, missing the open net due to the keeper going to wrong way. Elpida (A): D, 0-0. This was an ugly match, just ugly. There was no desire, no fire, we played so flat. I think this is the worst match we have played so far under m leadership. The less sadi about it the better. It is over, yuck. We had 15 shots, 9 on target, and was unable to find the back of the net...I guess that says it all. Adonis (H): W, 2-1. We returned home to end out the playoff part of the season in the hopes that we would be able to go through this part of the season without a loss. In the press conference that was one of the areas discussed and I tried to play it down. This match also saw the return of Nikos Chatzikonstanti who I hoped would be able to work his magic and set up some goals for the team. Marios Panagiotou started off the scoring for us in the 3rd minute and I thought this was going to be an easy one. We were moving the ball well and the opposition were not able to even take a shot on goal. In spite of 21 shots with 8 on target, we were not able to score again. The visitors were able to draw level in the 52nd minute and it looked like we would be lucky to escape with a draw when in the 89th minute we got the winner. It was off of a corner, a shot was taken, careened off of a couple of players and was headed into the net by one of the defenders. That proved to be the final score and secured us the victory.
  12. April Report Adonis (A): D, 2-2. The team came into this one with their minds on something else as we went down 0-2 in the first half. I have to admit, I wasnt a happy camper in the locker room, but it seemed to have worked out. We came out and Nikos Chatzikonstani got us back on the board with a well-placed shot in the 49th minute. Giorgos Charalabous drew the match level in the 62nd minute. On paper we should have won this one, but the lack of focus really hurt us. I was pleased to get a draw out of this one. Apona (H): W, 3-1. We traveled back home to record a dominate win. Goals scored by Giorgos Panagoitou (18th minute), an own goal off of a well stuck header in the 36th and Giorgos Charalabous rounding out the scoring in the 41st. The team seemed to lose interest in the second half and finally allowed Apona to get one back in the 92nd minute. This is something I need to work on. We seem to lose focus at the end of the half and play really sloppily. But the win is a win, so I will take it. Foinikas (A): W, 2-1. This was a really poorly played game by us. We were finally able to score when Nikos Chatzikonstanti slotted one in from the penalty-spot and Nikos Kryiakou seemingly securing the victory by scoring after catching the defense out of sorts on a counter attack. But that lapse of focus hit us again as we allowed Foinikas to score in the 95th minute. This gets us closer to an automatic promotion place. Thoi (A): W, 2-1. It felt like this one was going to be an easy victory as Giorgos Charalabous scored in the 17th minute and Marios Panagiotou scored a fantastic goal in the 43rd minute. But once again, the end of the half, we got sloppy and allowed Thoi to score in the 47th minute. The second half was marred by sloppy play and a series of penalties. The one big concern was the injury to newly signed RB Petros Dimosthenous in the 35th minute. Hopefully it is not too bad of an injury. May Matches Olympos (H) Elpida Astromeriti (H) Elpida (A) Adonis (H)
  13. Youth Intake This is probably one of the best intakes I have seen. So now I may need to rethink my idea of leaving at the first chance I get... Yea, this is a good looking bunch of youngsters for sure
  14. March Report The start of March also saw the start of the promotion play-offs. The projections had us slated to finish 2nd, which would be enough to secure promotion. Foinikas (H): W, 2-0. This was a match that was not as close as the score suggested. Elia dominated the number of shots while having slightly less possession. 16 year-old Nikos Chatzikonstani started the scoring with a well-placed shot in the 37th minute. Even though we struggled to find the back of the net, super-sub Baptiste Soppo-Din put the game away with another goal while countering one of the Foinikas attacks. I was really pleased to start this new campaign with a victory. Apona (A): W, 4-2. Once again, Elia fired 21 shots compared to Apona's 14 and the score reflected that difference. Elia players spread the goal scoring around with 4 different players finding the back of the net. Ryan Williams started the scoring off with a well-placed shot in the 10th minute. Giorgos Panagiotou added a header from a corner in the 35th and Giorgos Charalabous scored on a breakaway in the 37th minute. Winger Giannis Iosifidis seemed to put the game away in the 58th by scoring on a screamer from 20 yards out. But the team seamed to looks focus as they allowed Apona to score in the 70th and 79th minutes. But we regained our focus and held off their onslaught to secure the win. Thoi (H): W, 3-1. This was an ugly game that saw us outplayed but we were able to earn this win. Giorgos Charalabous scored in the 35th minute and sealed the win with another well-placed shot in the 68th. Giannis Papdopoulos added the 3rd goal with a header from a corner in the 37th minute. Once again, we let them get back into the game with a score in the 77th, but that was all they were able to do against the changed team focus to very defensive in the last 15 minutes. It is a nice feeling to get a victory when the team isnt playing well...like happened in this match. Olympos (A): W, 2-0. This was a game that concerned me so I put us on a defensive formation with very short passing and a focus on taking advantage of counter-attacking. It worked to perfection as Nikos Chatzikonstani scored in the 25th and 35th minutes. Both of these scores came off of well-played counter attacks. With every win we get, I seem to get more concerned that once we lose, what it will do to our morale. Elpida Astromeriti (A): 2-0. This game saw us dominate all aspects of the game and the score reflected it. Giorgos Petridis scored in the 40th minute and Panagiotis Panagiotou sealed the victory in a well-placed shot in the 89th. I think we hit both posts and the cross-bar before we finally scored that goal that sealed the match. Elipida (H): D, 0-0. This was an ugly game with a rival, that neither of the teams seemed to want to win. We controlled the possession (65% to 35%) but were unable to take advantage of it. To be honest, I feel we were lucky to walk away with a draw. We just played ugly. Hopefully now that we have that out of our system we can get back on form. The highlight of the match had to be the penalty-shot save by our current goalie, Giannos Dimitriou, in the 84th minute. I KNEW when the penalty was awarded that we were going to lose the match, but Dimitriou rose to the challenge and helped secure the victory. Aprill Matches Adonis Id (A) Apona (H) Fionikas (A) Thoi (A) Thoughts and Considerations We currently are in 1st place with a 6-point lead over the 2nd and 3rd place teams (they are tied). We also have a +8 Goal Difference over the team in 2nd. So with 8 matches to go, I think we have a good chance of getting promoted. I have had no luck trying to find better players. I have sent a contract to a player that was released from the top-tier in Cyprus. Hopefully he will accept. That will be a huge one for us. The financial side of this save is going to be a challenge. I will be looking for a new opportunity as soon as things settle down. Unless we get a sudden influx of money, this team will struggle at the next level, just because we dont have the support to sustain ourselves at the higher levels in Cyprus.
  15. Mid-Month Updates Coach Course: The board has agreed to fund my first coaching badge. I was really nervous asking since we are in the midst of the promotion play-offs, but luckily they have agreed to do it. Additional Coach: The board also let me hire (that is so funny to say since we all work for nothing) another coach. I brought the best available in to help out. I figure every little point helps for sure. Financial Status: We are in an okay position, but only have about $22,000 and I know we are going to need more to compete at the next level. So, on top of the football, this is a major concern for me. Scouting Concerns: Right now, we have the scouting package to allow us to scout players in our league, the Cypriot Lower League. Sadly, the talent pool there is lacking, at best. I have been toying with the idea of increasing our scouting range, but the doubling on the monthly charge is something I just cant do right now. I am not sure if that will follow us if we get promoted. But right now, I am not sure about that added expense. Additional note about the team performance: I would love to take credit for how well the team has been doing, but they were in 2nd place with only 4 games left in the regular season and on a 10-game unbeaten streak when I took the reins. So, in all honesty, I have not really done anything to help the team. I am just hoping to use it as a spring-board to a more lucrative offer somewhere.
  16. End of Regular Season - February Games With only 3 games I didnt have much more time to see how the team would play before the playoffs. But, surprisingly things went really well. Elpida (H): W, 2-1. The game was not as close as the score indicated. 16-year old Nikos Chatzikonstani playing in the midfield is a real gem. He, not only pulls the strings on the pitch, but he also can seemingly score at will. He started out the scoring in the 14th minute. Striker Ryan Williams added to the tally in the 21st minute. Even though we had multiple shots on target and seemed to hit every piece of woodwork there is, we never were able to find the back of the net again. Elpida were able to pull one back in the 80th and I felt myself becoming more apprehensive with each highlight that they had the ball in. But we were able to hold them off and enjoyed the victory. Thoi (A): W, 3-2. This is one I actually had us down to lose, or at best get a draw. I changed the tactic to be much more defensive and to rely on the counter-attack instead of focusing on our traditional possession game. It paid off as 22-year old midfielder Giannis Papadopoulos started off the scoring in the 3rd minute. I was really pleased with how we were able to withstand their onslaught. But they were able to break through our defense in the 36th minute to draw the game level going into the half. The second half was just back and forth with both sides almost finding the net, but luck seemed to have abandoned both sides. Then another 16-year old, Giorgos Charalabous, playing as our striker was able to find a crack in their defense in the 70th minute. But the 2-1 lead only lasted 7 minutes as Thoi were able to fire the ball into the net after a harsh tackle in the box sent Andreas Makris to the spot. With the 2-2 game starting to wind down, Charalabous once again was able to beat the defense and find the back of the net in the 82nd minute. I still cant believe we won this one. It was really a back and forth game and I would have been pleased with the draw, so the victory was a nice surprise. Frenaros (H): W, 4-1. This game was never really in doubt. Charalabous scored a hat-trick (4,9, 54 minutes) and the other 16-year old Chatziknstanti scored the 4th in the 36th minute. We gave the vistors a concellation score in the 85th minute. The team is playing really well and I am pleased with how we handled these 3 games. We now are entering the playoffs. The top 3 teams after this 14-game “2nd season” will be promoted. I am not going to think we can take the top spot, but I do feel we can get into one of those promotion spots. Roster Goalie: I was able to find one, well, the best of those available. I still am not pleased with him, but he is holding his own. This is still my top target. The rest of the squad: I am bringing in everyone I can to go on trial with us so I can hopefully find some diamonds in the rough, so to speak. I am adding players to the roster (I have signed 9 players) but with us being an Amateur side I have some flexibility in who I bring in. Plans Going Forward My plans are to continue to bring in players and look for who I can find. Also, to finish the season strong and win promotion. We are on a 12-game non-losing streak and even though those look nice, it seems to add even more pressure to win since no one wants to have that loss that costs us the streak. I know it will happen, but I still like seeing all of those victories.
  17. Overall Organization Review The organization is an amateur organization. There are U-21 and U-19 developmental squads. Coaching Staff - Since it is an Amateur organization, none of the staff have a salary. I have hired the following staff: Coach Goalkeeping Coach General Manager Scout Physio U-19 Assistant Coach Team Analysis - there is a mix of positions represented in the squad so I will be using a control-possession 4-2-3-1. Strikers - Solid 1st choice but then there is a drop-off. I will be digging into the players on amateur contracts AMR/AMC/AML - Right wing looks solid with good depth. There is also some good options in the center. But AML is very weak. MC - Mid-level talent here so will be another focus as we move forward Fullbacks - Right is good, left not so well. So another need Centerbacks - A great one, a weak one. So another targeted need. Goalie - Actually none on the senior squad. So this is obviously my biggest need. Season So Far - End of January When I took over Elia Lythrodonta was in 2nd place. There were only 4 games left in the season and league-leading Thoi had a solid 9-point lead. The first game of my career was an away match against Adonis Id. Elia started the match strongly and recorded 16 shots and maintained a 65% possession rate. We left Adonis as the 1-0 winners with AMC Nikos Chatzikonstani scoring on a screamer from 21 yards out in the 2nd minute. I would have preferred more goals, but starting out with a win is always a good thing. There are only 3 games left in the regular season, Home against Elpida (3rd), a much-anticipated match at Thoi (1st) and finishing up with another home match against Frenaros (8th). We currently have a 3-point lead over Elpida. At the end of the regular season, the top 8 teams enter a playoff scenario. This lasts until 25 May. The top 3 teams will be promoted to the Triti Katigoria. Focused Items Sign a first-team goalie Upgrade the Central Defenders Upgrade at AML
  18. Setting It Up I am starting out as a 25-year old Sunday League player with no coaching experience, born in Bath, England (my favorite team even though I am an American) with a secondary nationality of German. I also speak Bulgarian, Italian and French. I am starting the game on 12 June 2023, the earliest day in Bulgaria. I have loaded the following leagues: Albania: 4 levels Andorra: 2 levels Bulgaria: 4 levels England: Vanarama North/South Germany: 5 levels Kosovo: 3 levels As I start the game, I have one additional “unwritten rule” that I will not apply for any jobs until after 1 January. So now it is just a waiting game.
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