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Everything posted by SimonHoddle

  1. Seriously!? It happens to me all the time! Cup finals, league matches etc. rolls through half time straight to 2nd half. Touch has few inputs to influence a match so this is a big bug. Other people have commented on same problem
  2. Just seen this as well. Negotiating a future fee, game crashed when typing in price
  3. Does anyone know if the match graphics quality on Touch have been downgraded a little since the update? TY
  4. If it is bug please don’t fix it! Spurs squad needs new everything 😂
  5. Lol. FMT was once described by @Miles Jacobson as tactics and transfers. With no opportunity to scout either the next opposition or matches how do you prepare for tactics and transfers! I’m sure it will be fixed before FMT24.
  6. Shame isn’t it. You’re getting a lot of people agreeing! What have they done to the ME?? Feels like they’ve hit the minimise variety button but god knows why! Add on defender kicks out for corner under no pressure opposition completely unmarked from set pieces attacker plays pointless pass when in strong position some goals on a loop. Creativity and dribbling minimal. I always play with a top PL team so I can see them scoring great goals. I barely watch the match now. Press play and do something else. It feels worse than 22 (which I enjoyed tbh). the real shame is I remember playing 17 on my iPad. My missus must have thought I had dysentery i pretended to go to the loo so much I was so addicted to playing the game. what they did after beggars belief. The graphics were an insult and the ME poor. It’s going in the right direction at last but 23 post update, damn! i play Touch. It costs £60. That’s fifa pricing and this game is no fifa. And don’t get me started on the bugs! i have no doubt SI work bloody hard and only have the best intentions. But something needs to give.
  7. Lol. Let’s wait until the final update. But if next opposition and general scouting isn’t working that’s a big problem.
  8. Yh it’s one of their new things for 23. Fatigue everyone! I guess it’s designed to make you think about selection more but it’s not realistic. CBs don’t get shattered IRL…maybe mentally but not physically. Some super fit players on my team are in need of a rest 2 months into season. All a bit silly. Which sums up 23 IMO. silly balls over top of deep lying defences, silly fatigue issues and absurd mistakes made by world class defenders. can’t blame SI for trying to jazz things up but not enjoying this anymore.
  9. Yh but how? If you’re set to a slow build up, work ball into box, no counter attacking, and PIs of don’t shoot…what you got left in your locker???
  10. Did this for first three league matches of my new save post update. Guys this is a £60 game, effectively more than full fat. Bugs like this should be fixed or players should be told it’s an unfixable bug.
  11. Really interesting. Much appreciated. I’ve avoided pressing because of shape but will consider it more often now. Cheers.
  12. I play the new look 4231DM. just wondering if your playing against eg 433 and the opposition has dangerous CMs - would pressing the opposition CMs pull my DMs out of position? Same question for tight marking. any advice gratefully received.
  13. Not entirely sure what’s going on with fatigue since update. I don’t play a gegenpress, quite neutral if anything. But Harry Kane is constantly fatigued and in need of a rest. Feels like (another) clumsy intervention by SI with good intentions but not properly managed.
  14. @Desmond Richardson sorry to tag you but multiple people asking on this forum if this is a bug or not (hence not in bugs forum). I’ve put SI in the title and another person was asking about this weeks ago. simple question. We can’t find match reports after scouting. Is it a bug or are we looking in wrong place! many thanks
  15. I agree. It’s a concept I get but it’s represented cackhandedly. Sometimes I remind myself that a few years ago this was a text only game and we should forgive the little wobbles in development. Then I also remember that 17 visually was fantastic so what on gods earth have the developers done to go so far backwards!
  16. No because not sure if bug and idk where to find reports. But this has been raised before so beginning to think it is a bug. Would be great for SI to advise
  17. Not sure why Gary Lineker getting abuse on a thread about trying new football cultures?? Lol. he did it years ago when he went to Japan, so was years ahead.
  18. Appreciate the answer and the question mark in my subject line is there because I’m not saying it’s wrong for a fact. You are definitively saying there is no known data hub issues and I can trust the stats. thank you.
  19. @Neil Brockand @Desmond Richardsonhope you are both well. I have raised this before and was hoping for a change after the update. I play Touch but assume this is a cross platform problem. in my save Spurs are having an average Spurs season. 6th. Not scoring or conceding many goals. Playing usual standard fare. yet according to data hub we pass better than City, cross better than Beckham and stifle the opposition better than anyone else. We’re either secretly brilliant or the stats are wrong. Data hub is a major part of the sale. I stand to be corrected but this doesn’t look accurate to me.
  20. Just trying to scout World Cup matches and reports don’t seem to appear. Is this an unresolved bug and one we can’t expect to be resolved this year?
  21. The fetishisation of the annual update is ridiculous. It will only ever make marginal gains and rarely justifies the wait. The same has happened this year I agree. But what can they really do in 3 months anyway. I actually quite like 23 and the ME/ graphics. Such improvements after the disaster years post 17. but considering I play Touch for effectively £60 a year it should be bloody brilliant. Like 17 was. And it really really isn’t.
  22. Last word on this subject. Glad I started this thread and appreciate all the replies. I think the consensus is no need to change. one last thought. If an attribute is your maximum capability should they ever be reduced from peak capacity? At least until aging kicks in. It would kind of make data updates worthless. As a manager your skill is unlocking that maximum potential. I see some spurs players have dropped attributes in the recent update. Surely that’s unfair. Their form is rubbish but because they once were great they can be again??
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