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14 "You're a bum, Rock"


  • Biography
    I have been a Manchester United fan for 30 years and been playing football manager forever it seems

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  • Favourite Team
    Manchester United

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  • Currently Managing
    Manchester United

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  1. Hi I’ve just started a wolves save using same formation but can’t get my striker to score many. I’ve tried Silva and Cunha as the strikers because I play Kalajdzic as the number ten where he’s doing pretty well so far. Also did you get much funds in January please thanks
  2. @snowofmanthanks I did it cheers appreciate that
  3. Hi can someone tell me what I need to change in the file please to change the colour of the writing please I want the grey scorers either white or any colour so I can see them better please thanks
  4. Hi I have the base skin but it’s so hard to see the writing with the backgrounds is there any way I can change the colour of the writing or make the writing darker please I have looked in the config file and just can’t work it out thanks
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