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Posts posted by Aubibeen69

  1. Il y a 13 heures, Akasha a dit :



    Here is a french thread where the user explain he has an issue with injured player who have their salary count in the salary cap.

    They are in grey and he can't unselect them.

    I don't understand very well MLS's rules so, i ask myself if it's a bug or not.

    He attached 2 screenshot & a link of his savegame.


    Do you need more information ? Is it a bug or not ?



    If needed i translated his message with deepl.com : 




    J'aurais pu te répondre mon pote... Les blessés ne peuvent pas être libérés et comptent donc dans le plafond salarial (les joueurs ne sont pas fort protégés en MLS où on peut les licencier pour un oui ou pour un non, mais le syndicat protège les joueurs blessés) . C'est râlant mais c'est comme ça. Moralité de l'histoire: éviter de conserver des joueurs en vue de les libérer "s'ils ne conviennent pas" au moment de l'enregistrement... Ou alors, les mettre au repos assez tôt pour éviter les blessures.

    Il faudrait que je passe plus souvent dans la section francophone...

    Latex lover... :)


    My reply: as far as I know, an injured player is protected and can't be fired, that's why he still remains in the salary cap but not in the squad registration. He can be waived after recovery and then be removed from the salary cap if under non-guaranteed contract. Correct me if I am wrong.

  2. How much GAM does a team get each season ? It looks far too high in the game... 

    According to the MLS website, each team got $1,525M in 2020, plus some primes (CCL, not in the playoffs...). I checked Impact Montreal Impact. In 2021 they had no GAM anymore, two year later they have more than $5M... No transfert outside MLS... 

    Links to the MLS rules: https://www.mlssoccer.com/league/official-rules/mls-roster-rules-and-regulations#allocation-money

  3. I have uploaded the file "MLS Registration". 

    Version is 21.1.3

    I took control of Chicago Fire in May 2021. The guaranteed contracts are over the salary cap, so even if I unselect all players, the salary cap is not respected. I have signed a Senior player and I am required to register him. But this is impossible as the salary can't be respected. The game seems to be in a loop. If I go on vacation, the player I signed is placed in the waiver list and I can go on. As soon as I do not change anything in the registration, it looks like I can go on...

    I hope it helps... :) 

  4. I play with Austin. I am in the middle of the first season. I have checked the other teams and most of them blow the salary cap without any problem. Then I created a new coach and took control of Chicago in the middle of the first season. Everything is fine until the first match : I have to modify the registrated team as the salary cap is blown, but the guaranteed contracts' impact is higher than the salary cap. The game is in a loop: even if I remove all players of the registration, the impact is over $5.21M. Impossible to go any further... 

    Once again, MLS is unplayable... and as a fool I continue to buy this game year ofter year hoping that the MLS will be better... It is worse and worse year after year...



  5. Il y a 13 heures, Mars_Blackmon a dit :

    There isn’t a waiver draft in March. Unregistered players hit the waiver wire.

    O.K. Thanks.

    Sounds weird... So many players are available just after registration. I could have waited until March to build a very good team with Austin... In fact, the problem comes from the struggle the AI encouter to build a good roster team, as you mentioned. Very good players are available in the beginning of the season.

    Sorry if I do not use the right words (waiver and so on). from Quebec I always play in French. :) 

  6. Le 22/11/2020 à 03:43, TheGhostyBear a dit :

    This is why I'm probably going to wait for custom USA league databases to come out before I do an MLS save. Wait for Uncle Sam or one of them to fix the USA pyramid for SI. I love SI and this year's edition of FM is ****ing amazing, but as a fan from the US it hurts a little bit to see the US leagues so broken.

    I have never tried the custom USA league. Is it the real rules and pyramid with drafts, salary cap and so on ?

  7. Le 22/11/2020 à 18:42, Dan Ormsby a dit :

    We have done some further work on the naturalisation issue which will be included in the full release of FM21, so this should hopefully cover this.

    Thanks !

    I have just tried with the full release and it works.


    I play with Shandong. For the matchs of Superleague of China, my Chinese naturalized players (Pedro Delgado) is still considered as foreigner and my player from Taipei, Tin Chow, too.

  8. Le 12/11/2020 à 07:39, Flashman\'s School Days a dit :

    I'm having an issue with registration where it's showing me that I meet all criteria but when I try and submit the squad it says "Squad List Invalid" but doesn't tell me why

    I have the same problem. The issue comes from the player from Chinese Taipei. All criteria are met, but if I register the guy from Taipei,Tim Show at the bottom end, "Squad List Invalid" too ; if I do not register him, everything is fine.


    with tim.jpg

    Shandong Luneng Taishan_ Enregistrement-2.jpg

    no tim.jpg


    Same problem also with transfers : too many foreign players in several teams.

    Moreover, the Chinese naturalized player is considered as a foreign player during the match.



    EDIT : I have succeeded in confirming the registration. I came back to the inbox and confirm in the message and it worked. BUT the Chinese naturalized player and the Taipei player are both considered as foreigners on the match sheet. This is a big issue in China where there are so few foreign players allowed.


  9. il y a une heure, Sebastian Szlenkier a dit :

    This was by design as it was a decision taken by the team to ensure that the Expansion and Superdraft worked correctly in the first year. These should all be present from 2021 onwards.




    This is weird... Many players with an expiring contract will be released from their club without being available for others. I know I can trade them anytime, but it makes it so easy to build a team with all these players...  

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