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31 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    AC Milan

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  1. Am I the only person who likes the new UI? Maybe it's because I've been kinda disappointed with it since FM19, but I think it looks very cool, even the colors.
  2. Which file controls the part marked in red? The bottom part is cut, I want to fix that
  3. I also would like to get this fixed. In FM22 I had no problem with this, but this year version it's completly broken
  4. Amazing work once again, it looks even better than previous versions
  5. Having the same issue after the update. I use my DoF to offer my young players and every single offer is like this
  6. Are you using Notepad ++? If so, can you tell me where can I get that skin? It looks really good
  7. File name: TestDOF.fm In the file that I uploaded, I already added the player to the unwanted list. It's Mario Hermoso. The agent said we could get an offer of 8,5M from him. DoF will reject the two offers. I also added Kolasinac to the unwanted list, but for some reason, the DoF won't negotiate/reject that offer and just leave it to me.
  8. From these offers, no, but I can offer another player and it will happen again.
  9. Another example. Added him to the unwanted list, to be sold for the asking price of 20M. We received an offer of 21.5M and it gets rejected.
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