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Everything posted by wicksyFM

  1. Trying to. Assistant makes it hard work and it takes ages to set up. After a while I will know every single player at my club and won’t touch that screen again
  2. Just got promoted from 3.Liga to 2.Bundesliga playing attacking possession football. Nothing but praise from fans. They loved it. All of a sudden, when we get promoted fan culture wants me to play direct and defensive. 🤷‍♂️
  3. Yeah. I’ve noticed that it is giving the extra spots for nations coefficients two seasons prior. That seems wrong. We’ve all heard it’s the season before. In 11 season on my little test England got the xtra spots in all 11 seasons and Spain had 10 out of 11. Germany got it once. Would of hoped for a little more variety, but if their the best performing nations then that’s how it is
  4. Ive had had a look ahead to see how it works out. What i have noticed is that only England and Spain are getting the extra group stage spots. So they both have 5 teams minimum in the group. 5 years in a row. Has anybody noticed any other nation getting the extra spot yet.
  5. Where do deleted saves go when you delete them from this load game page. It hasn't gone to my recycle bin. Completely gone. Cant find it anywhere. What's strange though is when I delete a save from the Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\games folder, that save goes to the recycle bin and you can restore if you want
  6. This is not what is happening for me. Those A+ players with Extensive knowledge that are in the ‘In Progress’ tab have not ever been recommended to me. Months now they have just sat in the in progress tab.
  7. They are ongoing focuses, and they have been going on longer for a 2-3 weeks. Seems a bit stupid that they might move over after a certain point/time. If the scout has extensive knowledge then just move him over to recommendations then
  8. So, i am starting to think this feature is not working, or i am just doing it all wrong. i just cant understand why im not being recommended players. Ive set up focuses for lots of position and ive probably been recommended about 5 players now. Loads of players just stay in the 'In Progress' tab despite being an A+ recommendation with extensive knowledge. They stay 'In Progress' for weeks/months and never get recommended. I will give an example of whats going on. Here is my recruitment focus for ST. It is pretty basic to maximise the players it can find From this focus i have been recommended this one player below. Not very good either. The players below are the ones that refuse to move from the 'In Progress' tab to the 'Recommendations' tab. I just cant see why they are not being recommended. Ive spoke to all their agents and some are just not interested in a move, but some are keen and i can afford them and their wages. Out of the 24 'In progress' players 18 of them are at leats an A- recommendation. Got to be something not working here.
  9. Ignore this, as I have just noticed i have players I have scouted to Extensive with an A+ recommendation that I can easily afford and have interest in the transfer but haven't moved from in progress to recommended and it has been months.
  10. I've been having these exact problems. I have loads of players in the in progress tab, but they never come through to recommendations tab. Iv got hundreds of players scouted to extensive with A+ recommendations. Maybe it could be something to do with price of the player and their interest in the transfer. Above Angelo is showing he costs about 11.5-15m. you have a 500k budget and no wages to give him. maybe that's why he is not moving to recommendations tab
  11. Previous FM games they went to recycle bin when deleting directly from the game
  12. NO. Nothing touched. immediately after picking your club and starting the save. Never pressed continue
  13. 100%. Not touched anything. Both completely different and my club wasn't the only one that was different.
  14. Where do deleted saves go when you delete them from this load game page. It hasn't gone to my recycle bin. Completely gone. Cant find it anywhere. What's strange though is when I delete a save from the Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\games folder, that save goes to the recycle bin and you can restore if you want
  15. exactly what mine looked like. clubs poached my scouts. was not paying attention until i had none at the club. now i cant get any
  16. At the start of a season i focus on sessions that increase team cohesion, individual roles and those that give a little boost to upcoming match in that order. Once team cohesion is high i change it to individual roles, team cohesion, boost to upcoming match. Probably use about 10 of sessions for the entire save. Works fine
  17. They didn't start off the same. Day one of the save season preview predicted 7th and media predicted 22nd.
  18. Not exactly sure where to post this. Just noticed that the Scottish Cup is the second most biggest domestic cup in the game. Only the FA Cup has a bigger reputation
  19. Chievo Verona are currently in the game. I could be wrong but I'm sure that they don't exist anymore. In the game they have just been promoted to Serie C.
  20. My club has no Chief Scout or scouts and i cant ask for any. Has anybody come across this before and is it something that will fix itself. Ive posted this as a bug but just wondering if this happened to anybody before
  21. So, my club has no scouts or chief scouts and i cant request for new scouts. So at the moment i cant scout anybody at all
  22. Just started a save and the expectations between my board and media are massively different. Board Expectation: Reach play off Season Preview: 7th Media Prediction: 22nd ( Bottom of the League) Another team that has the same odds as me for the league are predicted 7th Makes it difficult to judge a team your unfamiliar with. I know the board and media are two different sources so they can have different opinions, but that is a huge difference. One thinks i could get promoted the other thinks im getting relegated Im not sure if this is a bug. Looking for peoples opinions before i post it as a bug.
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