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Posts posted by superdave

  1. Usually my RB and LB have similar defensive stats.  But every once in a while, when I check in on my team stats, one of them will have 6 interceptions at 30 minutes and the other will have one.  So clearly the opposition is exploiting that flank.  So what I want to do is try to take advantage of that my a combination of clearing to that flank (which is impossible) and have my striker shade toward that side, since the other team's FB is upfield, so my striker is 1v1 against a CD.

    what can I do to make this happen?  What are some other ideas on how to exploit a team that's lopsided?

  2. On ‎9‎/‎26‎/‎2016 at 15:34, superdave said:


    the problem is that I'm getting little or nothing from the AMR and AML.  My two main ones are young enough to still be improving, so that ain't it.  In particular, my AMR who has been great as a RMD is averaging about 6.8.  If I can get him back to the player he was last year (15 goals) then I'll have a good team.

    Got a goal from my AMR and an assist from my AML in my two matches that I played yesterday, one a home match against 14th Arsenal and one a road match against #2 WBA.  So, maybe it was just a string of bad luck. :D

  3. 3 hours ago, Bigpapa42 said:

    Well, your DLP is the main guy moving the ball about... how close are the AMR and AML to him in average position? The fact that you have shortened his passing means they may be out of range for where you are telling him to pass the ball. A CM as DLP on defend is gonna hang pretty deep, whereas the AMR and AML will be quite high.

    That said, don't just go by the average rating. Are they getting touches? Involved in passing sequences? Making penetrating runs? Players can still be highly effective even if they aren't the ones getting the credit with the goal or the assist. But if they aren't seeing the ball, they are too isolated.

    sorry I wasn't clear about something...my AMC is an AP.  so the DLP and AMC are working very well together.  But the AMR and AML aren't contributing much.    The new system has helped my possession and defense.  The goals and assists I've lost from the wingers, I've just traded for Gs and As from the CF, AMC, and DLP.  I'm just trying to claw back some of the production from my wingers.

    but I'll take a look at the heat maps.  My AML is usually on support, so that shouldn't be a problem.  One other thing I might try is changing the DLP to the left CM from right CM, to get him a bit closer to the AML.

  4. I'm running a 4-2-3-1.  Many teams IRL task one mid with being the main player moving the ball from back to front, and a different mid tasked with making the assist.  I'd avoided that with FM because I figured it would confuse my players, but after 3 years of sub-mediocrity, I thought what the heck.  So I changed my CM to DLP (D), short passing, and it's working very well.  I'm better defensively without giving up any offense.

    the problem is that I'm getting little or nothing from the AMR and AML.  My two main ones are young enough to still be improving, so that ain't it.  In particular, my AMR who has been great as a RMD is averaging about 6.8.  If I can get him back to the player he was last year (15 goals) then I'll have a good team.


    DL on support, DR is WB on support, CF, other CM is BWM (D).  Everything else is pretty vanilla; I usually play control or standard depending on opposition and home/away.

  5. I can't remember EXACTLY what happened, but a few seasons ago I was messing with my tactics and "lost" one of them.  I had 3 and when I started messing with a 4th, one of them disappeared.  When I added it back, my team had to start from 0 on familiarity.

    I want to add a 4-4-1-1 to my quiver, but am afraid of losing something I've worked on when I do this.  Please advise.  (If the only option is to just ditch one of the tactics, how do I choose which one?  Because the main thing is I don't want to lose my base, 4-2-3-1 again.  If I lose my 4-4-2 counter, or even my 4-1-2-3, meh.)

  6. Define "crushed"? Your corners set up seems ok on the face of it. However, if you are last in the league by some margin that would indicate to me you have something a bit more serious going on than just conceding a few corners.

    We're last in CK goals by some margin. We're 3rd in the league as a whole. (There's an enormous knot of teams from 2nd to 7th with almost the same number of points.) If we were merely "bad" conceding goals on corners, we'd be clear 2nd and set for promotion.

    That's the thing. My team is good. We score well, and our defense outside of corners is good. We concede a CK goal basically every third match. Just unbelievably bad, unrealistic numbers.

    If it was a glitch in the match engine it would be OK, because we'd be scoring on CK's every third match and it would even out. But we're about -10 on corners, so clearly I'm doing something wrong.

    Also...I'm managing Notts County. It's year 4 and we're in the Championship trying to get to the Prem. (I can't believe it myself.) Another thing that's hurting my team is that we're pulling an Arsenal...we drop too many points to the bottom 5 teams. I'm sure it has something to do with my pep talks. Any advice there? We make up for it by doing well against the teams at the top, but I'm a perfectionist. I wanna beat those bad teams too.

  7. Sometimes my highlights show my team continually holding the ball too long when there are clear, easy options for passes. It's not due to PI; it'll be several players I see do that.

    Is the fix to change to a higher tempo, change to dribble less, or retain possession? I'd guess it's higher tempo by process of elimination. 1. The problem isn't overdribbling, it's over-holding. 2. To me, "retain possession" means being more willing to pass the ball around in the middle third, rather than looking for the high risk/high reward pass into the attacking third.

    As a side note, does the company put out a (for want of a better word) translation guide? I'm an American and used to American tactical wording, so oftentimes I look at my various options to get my team to play like I want and can't figure out which option to pick. My question here is a good example of the problem. "Stop dawdling on the ball everyone" isn't one of my choices!

  8. Playing a 4 man backline against a lone striker, what is the best approach? Should both CDs just be regular defenders, or should one be stopper and one cover? I assumed the latter, but I tried it and it didn't seem to work. But it SHOULD work. So I think there was something wrong with how I implemented it. I played the slower defender as stopper and the faster one as cover, for one thing. Does limited vs. ball playing vs. regular make a difference? I didn't do anything special with mark tighter, either TI or PI. Was that a mistake on my part?

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