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  1. Given SI are completely replacing the entire game engine with Unity, that's going to, by extension, require a change in ME.
  2. No, I think they would be refused entry.
  3. About as quickly as they were fixed in FIFA when directly competing with Pro Evo - if capacity allowed them to between fixing literal game-breaking issues (like crashes and save corruption) and developing the next year's game.
  4. Or make sure the graphics drivers, etc, are all up to date.
  5. Pretty much, plus getting all the licensors (K League, J League, and the dozen plus others) to sign it all off.
  6. FM, however, doesn't solely have the European leagues, and have a lot more national leagues and international/continental competitions to take into account than the likes of FIFA.
  7. Have you tried making sure the file is on the actual PC, rather than the cloud? Looks like it's freezing because of trying to download the tactic file.
  8. Yep, this is exactly what I use, but then people who are at high injury risk or higher I'll give an ad hoc rest day to, so they keep fit.
  9. Easily managing to get from National Leagues North or South into the National League proper - it's so easy to mess up one or two games, and then end up either having to fight through play-offs, or just be outside the top teams, and then you have to go through it all over again.
  10. Mostly because they have no interest in getting sued by a club or player, and impacting the goodwill they have with a number of clubs, on top of the likely issues it'd raise with licensing.
  11. There's no chance they'd go back to an old game to fix it, when the AI doesn't use it and all the player needs to do is not use it either.
  12. When it's FIFA that banned performance-based fines for all football carried out under its purview (so all league and international football), yes.
  13. Given this is discussing a third party unofficial app, please go and ask the developer for that app how to resolve issues following updates to the game.
  14. Plus, SI are very approachable about this stuff if it's genuinely seeking to help or highlight an issue. Hell, Chesnoid (Twitch & Youtube streamer) had, in his Cambridge save, all 3 of his goalkeepers get 3 week-3 month injuries in the span of a week in-game, and since this was after the patch to fix GK injuries, he sent his save over to SI to check whether it was just pure bad luck that it'd happened, or if it was an issue of the fix not doing enough. Ended up with him just being unlucky (one got injured in a match, the other got injured in training, and the third had low sharpness and hurt himself in a match), but SI were more than happy to check to ensure it wasn't a bug resurfacing after they thought they'd squashed it, and he doesn't have a super pinky-promise close relationship with SI.
  15. Plus, having seen how critical Rashidi is of tactical and match engine side issues when they seem to be counter to how either the tooltips present them or how they behave IRL, I know full well he isn't wanting to protect SI - he's wanting FM to be better. Part of that is by providing passionate constructive criticism where it is due, and part of that is seeking to highlight where people have things wrong so they're more aware of how the system does work, and therefore aid them in providing better criticism and data to help the game.
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