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Everything posted by Brasillmatic

  1. So I was trying to create a Pro/Rel structure in the US, as so many have before. I created the bare bones structure in basic rules, verified the rules, all worked fine. I changed it over to advanced rules, attempted to verify it again (without making any modifications) and got a 'wrong number of teams error'. In previous years with MLS teams, this error has come around when future teams (Austin, Charlotte in this year's case) were included in the structure, so I went ahead and erased the rules, removed them from my pyramid and made them extinct, then went ahead and recreated my league structure. Same error still comes up. Then I figured it might have been something with the playoff structure, so I started over without one; same issue. I did notice, however, with the playoff that the number of teams missing varied, even with the exact same file. Anybody have any help on this? Do I have to fully remove MLS/Austin/Charlotte as opposed to simply making them extinct? Anything would be super helpful. Thanks in advance! Photos attached below are with Austin and Charlotte, with playoffs, but exact same file ran twice. Never had two different results come back for the same file before. usa pro rel test.fmf
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