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24 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"


  • Biography
    A young Australian whom is trying to conquer the FM world one save at a time. I prefer lower league saves as I find them more fun then splashing the cash as a manager of PSG, Man Utd, Real Madrid etc. I follow YouTubers such as Doctor BenjyFM, Work the Space and Second Yellow Card.
    I do have my own YouTube page which I do lower league challenges across the globe.

About Me

  • About Me
    Melbourne, Australia


  • Interests
    Football Manager

Favourite Team

  • Favourite Team
    Melb Victory, Accrington

Currently Managing

  • Currently Managing
    Notts County FM21 Touch

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  1. James_Fraser


    As someone who likes to develop players and clubs rather than jump from club to club or start with a top side, it would be great to see the development of staff. Being able to sign that young up and coming coach and see their development as well as potential. Have the technical director provide a judgement on a staff members potential or how they are developing. Also provide feedback on when a staff member is unhappy with their role or salary. You may have a 25 year old coach in your u19/u20 who wants to be a manager one day. This could be a pre-set when they generate or an event within the game (similar to when something happens to a player and their determination jumps or drops).
  2. Looking at match plans as this is something I have never used. Potentially a very powerful tool. 1. Dialogue box which advises at match plan is about to take effect or ask if you would like to proceed with "Insert Match Plan Name Here" 2. Have specified subsitutions i.e. sub on u21 players, player returning from injury Part of my thinking is the times when you're cruising in the league and forget to make subs at the 50-75 minute mark when you want to bring on that 17-19 year old who you don't think is good enough to start but want enough time to develop. Or getting minutes into your star player who is returning from a month off. At this stage, the options are very limited
  3. Hoping that with iOS getting FM Touch this year that the Android version will be back next year. I was personally shocked when FM 22 was released without the touch version. As someone who sits on a train for an hour going to and from work each day. FM Touch on a tablet was crucial. Especially without an app which integrates into Full FM to get my fix throughout the day. Simply put, there is still a demand for the touch version. There doesn't have to be the development there is in the full game. Just the minimum set of features. Or just give us an updated database. Having shouts and mentoring in the game was a massive plus and then the production just stopped.
  4. If you remove your face scan you can remove the stud. Or SI can stop wasting time with features which no one wants and fix the bugs which have been in the game for year's, reported but not addressed.
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