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Everything posted by SPE3D

  1. Get the feeling the guys at SI towers are more motivated than they have been in years. Just feels a different energy from them this time around. Getting excited for FM24. It could be an icon of the series.
  2. As this is going to be the final iteration of the series I would love it if SI were strong enough to leave out the elements of the series that haven't worked. Things like squad planner etc. Producing a slim lined game featuring only the best bits of the last 20 years would be a fitting final product imo.
  3. The game is being released in 2024. If it releases a game with graphics akin to a 2015 release it will be laughed out of town.
  4. I don't know about you but AI squad building is so dire and has been for years.
  5. My take from this apart from the obvious need to update the dour graphics is this game is far too easy. Hope they make next edition harder so you don't hear everyone taking lower league teams to champions League glory.
  6. AI managers was one of the very few major updates to this years game. Why are most playing the same formation?
  7. Graphics are a joke. If I had FM22 I would not have touched this edition with a barge pole. Headline features so underwhelming.
  8. Cleon read through the book. Real eye opener for me and described everything I had been doing wrong till now. Basically your book is about creating space. At least that's my take away. One questionn though I noticed you didn't touch the passing or tempo sliders when creating your tactic. Is this something you avoid doing or just something that suited this tactic?
  9. Potentially silly question but if you are saying we should have one base tactic and stick with it does that mean you don't train three tactics? And if you do could you explain your thinking behind how you come up with your 3 tactics?
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