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Everything posted by DJ

  1. Memphis done. Veerman coming on. Koeman has decided we need more midfield.
  2. I'm glad you accept a refereeing present gracefully, but as you see even half the English fans here say it wasn't a pen
  3. What you guys probably did not know yet or remember: a few seasons ago, BVB went to pick up their usual defeat against Bayern. A certain Bellingham of BVB remarked after the match that 'with a ref like that, you need not wonder', very much implying that Zwayer bent the result in favour of Bayern. Jude got a fat fine for that. I hope Zwayer hasn't forgotten Getting nervous, yeah? Counter-jinxing already ^^ I bet there will be little to complain about. It is not an English ref
  4. That's one cattenaccio team out. Let's hope the other goes out tomorrow
  5. This is even more pathetic than Turkish wolfsigns tbh but it is against diving Cucaracha so all is well
  6. Whatever personal tastes people have, one thing is for sure: that was the worst reffing in a final ever and it's not even close (maybe 1966 comes near it). Another shining example of English refereeing
  7. Yesssss we did it! Road to the final is wide open!
  8. Grit, determination, etc. Breathe, breathe...
  9. When they get a yellow, the captions will state 'misses next match'
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