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Posts posted by Kyznar


    This is my 541 box tactic that focuses on an aerially dominant Striker, which I created during my Hellas Verona save over on my Twitch channel.

    As explained in my video this requires technically competent wingbacks and attacking midfielders, with a strong base of mentally strong attributed Volantes and Centre-Backs, to go with the huge Striker.

    With Hellas Verona, I won the Champions League in 3rd season, followed up by 2 years of winning every trophy except for the Champions League again(had some bad luck).





    VER 541 BOX Final Version.fmf

  2. I dont know what has changed, but the 2nd half of all my matches are completely dead. Played 11 matches last night on stream with the new patch, 17 goals scored in 1st half, only 5 goals scored in 2nd half. 9 goals conceded in 1st half, 4 goals conceded in 2nd half. I dont know if its the different AI team selection or AI subs/tactical changes during a match or something to do with the half time team talks fix, or a combination of all of them, OR even something unlisted, but something is VERY different. Ill have to even go as far as counting shots attempted by both sides for each half, because there is a HUGE drop off in 2nd half, and its inexplicable, even when subbing on my star players after resting them in initial selection. If im not winning by half time, i wont win the match, I was completely baffled on stream last night!

  3. Just using this skin for the first time on my Twitch stream, and I encountered a strange in match UI lockout bug. Ive taken a clip of how it happened, after watching a shot highlight from the 'shot accuracy' tab, I attempt to click on 'Pitch' but there appeared to be a hidden/invisible button next to it that took me to the 'penalty takers' window with no button to confirm/cancel out of the screen to return to the pitch view again.


  4. 17 minutes ago, Kyznar said:

    The problem isnt the difficulty in winning away from home, like the stats suggest. Its how its being played out, and the vast difference between the football on display between Home and Away games. My players with neutral to positive body language and high morale shouldnt instantly forget how to strike a ball cleanly, like they do in Home matches, just because they are Away. Yes the AI is more 'adventurous' and 'positive' in home games, it is noticeable. BUT that doesnt excuse my football being played out completely differently. A potential reasoning of "the AI presses more when at home, so you cant play your own game" just doesnt fly with me, sometimes we are talking about world class players. The amount of times my Liverpool side in the BETA lost the CL away leg 0-1 playing awful football to then win 5-0 at home, was almost EVERY single knockout round. I lost 0-1 to PSG in 1 occasion away, and played absolutely diabolical football, despite not losing in all comps for 5+ months. The 2nd Home leg comes around and I win 6-1 and totally ruin them with insane football. A more pressing, positive AI tactic doesnt account for that. The Home and Away differences in terms of numbers might match up and might be ok for SI, but what we see on the pitch is nonsensical. Difficulty should have reason and answers, not frustration and resignation of "ah well, ill just beat them 5-0 in the home leg".

    Just a quick continuation of this post, with shots of that example I used, as it was more extreme than I thought. I had won every match in all comps since November and hadnt lost since mid October. 2 random 0-1 Away losses that displayed football TOTALLY different to the Home matches before and after. Where is momentum? Where is form? Where is philosophy? Why do they just forget it all for an Away match but then instantly remember it again the following Home game? Like I said, difficulty needs reasoning and answers, not pure frustration and helpless resignation.


  5. 1 hour ago, Jack Joyce said:

    This is the second time I've seen someone mention home/away game balance in their feedback, but we're yet to see any convincing evidence that there's an issue.


    According to our statistics, people have a win rate of 66% at home and 51% away from home so far in FM23, which is within the ranges you can see from real football above, especially considering that a lot of people don't adapt their tactics for away matches.

    The AI managers are a tougher challenge this year, which means that you might need to adjust your plans when you're away from home. Teams will have a plan to hurt you! Just to show the increased challenge this year - the overall win rate is 58%, when in FM22 it was 62%.

    It was easier to get away with just playing the same plug-and-play tactic every match before than it is now.

    The problem isnt the difficulty in winning away from home, like the stats suggest. Its how its being played out, and the vast difference between the football on display between Home and Away games. My players with neutral to positive body language and high morale shouldnt instantly forget how to strike a ball cleanly, like they do in Home matches, just because they are Away. Yes the AI is more 'adventurous' and 'positive' in home games, it is noticeable. BUT that doesnt excuse my football being played out completely differently. A potential reasoning of "the AI presses more when at home, so you cant play your own game" just doesnt fly with me, sometimes we are talking about world class players. The amount of times my Liverpool side in the BETA lost the CL away leg 0-1 playing awful football to then win 5-0 at home, was almost EVERY single knockout round. I lost 0-1 to PSG in 1 occasion away, and played absolutely diabolical football, despite not losing in all comps for 5+ months. The 2nd Home leg comes around and I win 6-1 and totally ruin them with insane football. A more pressing, positive AI tactic doesnt account for that. The Home and Away differences in terms of numbers might match up and might be ok for SI, but what we see on the pitch is nonsensical. Difficulty should have reason and answers, not frustration and resignation of "ah well, ill just beat them 5-0 in the home leg".

  6. My best presumption on this based on experience of other "similar" mechanics would be an under 21 player that didnt originally have "Regular Starter" status or higher, has now been increased to that status from a lesser one. Recalling a guy out on loan that was already on "Regular Starter" probably doesn't meet the criteria. On top of the that, the player would need to be "natural" in the same position as the player sold.

  7. 7 hours ago, FMLegend1983 said:

    Lovely central play including a hat-trick from my AMC Olmo!


    Look at them goals from a Newcastle point of view, first one is the passage of play after a Throw in, with static defending, been a problem for years. Second goal the Newcastle right fullback should be closing down, he is marking no one, stood in no mans land. And the forth goal the centre back does absolutely nothing to block the shot. Its not good play, its broken passive defending.

  8. 3 hours ago, fidelitywars said:

    Seems to me that the insane negativity of the AI distorts the ME; as soon as human managers win a few games, the opposition becomes far too negative, causing a lack of space and central play whilst ensuring low-scoring, repetitive, set-piece-dependent football. Suspect that there's a decent ME veiled beneath this but it's almost impossible to tell. As things stand, the game is pretty joyless largely owing to the opposition having little interest in contributing anything constructive; such congestion and lack of adventure sees little/no space for creative players to operate in, making full-backs and wingers vastly overpowered to the detriment of all else. Been a massive problem in both FM19 and FM20, IMO.

    THIS! 100% THIS! Hits the nail on the head, u make a tactic and style of football, its looks to be a great foundation to build on, few tweaks to improve the tactic. You start going unbeaten in like 8, then boom the AI "re-assesses" you, usually noticeable in the pre-match "odds" you now become favourite to win all of a sudden. Therefore the AI just goes fully committed to being defensive and conservative in their play. The AI doesnt counter your tactic, it counters whether you are the favourite in pre-match or not. The realisation of this effect has never been so obvious in FM than in 20. This FM regardless of current patch version has the AI playing deeper and narrower than ever before when you are the favourite, and the match engine tweaks from patch to patch dont really compensate for this extreme reaction from the opposition AI over the course of the season. Its like a constant tug of war from one extreme to the next. u go on a bad run and your tactic kicks into gear again playing how u set it up to be. Start winning a few and then the AI shuts up shop and your tactic cant function anymore. Its a realistic reaction to have from the AI but the problem comes when the effect is far too strong due to ME limitations, you COULD have a backup tactic that breaks them down, but you cant because u end up with 10 blocked shots per match, wildly poor chances being created that miss 75% of the time, opposition fullbacks on 10+ tackles per match etc etc. So what happens is that some people are experiencing WILDLY different things in the PB ME. "This works for me" then the counter "Well that isnt what im experiencing, this isnt working for me" etc etc etc. This new PB patch is an improvement, but there is still so many issues, and always will be. For me what the guy I quoted is the main point about FM20 ME. Dont sleep on people saying this, thats how you figure out the match engine.

  9. 20 minutes ago, Neil Brock said:

    We hope to do this as soon as we're able to, but given the complexities of certain areas of the game this isn't something we can rush.

    I came up with a funny but imo relevant analogy while I was streaming last night for when we hear this from SI. Its like FM has become the NASA space project from the 60s/70s to modern day. Its like FM worked, it was great, we landed on the moon, the potential was insane in how far it could go. Years later it evolved and developed into a situation where we werent capable of landing on the moon like we once could. The process to achieve the desired results changed through their own doing/lack of doing.

    The assumption being, Its as if SI no longer have the ability to understand what they created because it is "too complex" to tweak and optimise on the fly.

    Might be a bit outlandish and stupid of me to say that, but its the consistent vibe/attitude that we passively get from the developers in combination with lack of communication on top of the player bases pure passion for the title that make us jump to strange but oddly correct analogies like this. 

    Also Creative Assembly recently tweeted this level of communication about WH2:TW (Both under SEGA btw) "If you are on 1.8.2 for WARHAMMER II, please be aware that this beta will be shut down and made live at approximately 10AM Monday (13 Jan). The MP leaderboard fix will be the only fix in this update – however, we can confirm that there will be a patch before the next DLC."

    No time frames for the big updates/DLC, but acknowledgement of how the next fixes/patches will be structured. Football Manager is "too complex" though to do this....

    The player base needs to stop the mentality of "Football Manager has no direct rivals" because its allowing the Developers to potentially be complacent. They create video games in the same industry as all of the others, they should be held to the same ever demanding and changing standards.

  10. SI need to start doing one thing game developers do more often now. "Developer Diary". Tell us whats going on and where youre at. Transparency is key in this modern consumer environment we live in, so we dont escalate frustrations into potentially incorrect assumptions/opinions. For a long running game series such as this there should be more back and forth between community and developers. Right now, it feels like a lot of back and no forth. 

    Also, the typical response to what i just said would be to imply that delays can occur in the patching/development process and that some updates in specific areas may get pushed back or cancelled entirely, therefore it would unwise to create a "Developer Diary" that could have negative effect on the games image. For me though, IT IS OK to inform the player base about potential changes and then they dont actually get implemented due to unforeseen issues after said "Developer Diary" was released. YOU WILL NOT loose sales over this, I am still going to buy the latest version of the game even if I know that the following year there is a planned big feature/ME inclusion/update.

    The point is, I firmly believe the current player base interaction strategy is completely outdated from SI Games.

  11. I believe there could be a more underlying issues with first time returning passes to fullbacks that is effecting open play and set pieces. I am noticing a lot of instant return passes to fullbacks in all scenarios, when it is not necessary. Almost like they are trying to play static one-twos with them, despite tactics not encouraging it. I will try to save a couple of PKMs today showing this, for both in open play and set pieces in the same match showing the exact same behaviour.

  12. I would like to add another match, again one of many i could post, specifically highlighting the Headed chances.  They all seem to have the exact same ball physics upon connection with the attacking player. I have listed and classified the headers in question below, 2 of them being extremely close range headers wildly missed. But the ones listed as "Lobbed Headed Shot" all have the EXACT same ball physics and outcome after hitting the attackers head, this involves multiples situation with multiples players, it is not 1 culprit. When the ball is headed it lobs over the goal in between the posts but above the crossbar, every time.

    00:25 Sesko - Lobbed Headed Shot
    03:45 Bisseck - Lobbed Headed Shot
    05:55 Sesko - Lobbed Headed Shot
    21:35 Bisseck - Off Target Close Range Header
    29:05 Morilla - Lobbed Headed Shot
    41:00 Galdames - Lobbed Headed Shot
    42:10 Holm - Lobbed Headed Shot
    56:50 Moukoudi - Lobbed Headed Shot
    80:30 Bisseck - Off Target Close Range Header

    I hope upon watching this you can see that something is clearly wrong with heading, I can provide more examples if needed, even with using a different tactic.

    Córdoba v Rayo Vallecano.pkm

  13. 1 minute ago, RTHerringbone said:

    It isn't really. It's based on assumptions that the poster can't possibly know to be true. 


    Our assumptions hold weight regardless of whether its true or not, we base them on the little SI tell tell us about the games development. It is a reasonable assumption to make based on the patch quality, whether its true or not, is somewhat irrelevant. We are the ones buying the product. If they wish us to jump to more accurate assumptions they should communicate more with us and show a bit more transparency, that I for one would appreciate. 

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