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Everything posted by Kyznar

  1. Hi, ive been looking for an answer to this queston, but cant find it. Ive changed the attribute ranges in the relevant xmls, but how do I go about changing the "Attribute Key" to match the new ranges I have set myself?
  2. This is my 541 box tactic that focuses on an aerially dominant Striker, which I created during my Hellas Verona save over on my Twitch channel. As explained in my video this requires technically competent wingbacks and attacking midfielders, with a strong base of mentally strong attributed Volantes and Centre-Backs, to go with the huge Striker. With Hellas Verona, I won the Champions League in 3rd season, followed up by 2 years of winning every trophy except for the Champions League again(had some bad luck). VER 541 BOX Final Version.fmf
  3. I dont know what has changed, but the 2nd half of all my matches are completely dead. Played 11 matches last night on stream with the new patch, 17 goals scored in 1st half, only 5 goals scored in 2nd half. 9 goals conceded in 1st half, 4 goals conceded in 2nd half. I dont know if its the different AI team selection or AI subs/tactical changes during a match or something to do with the half time team talks fix, or a combination of all of them, OR even something unlisted, but something is VERY different. Ill have to even go as far as counting shots attempted by both sides for each half, because there is a HUGE drop off in 2nd half, and its inexplicable, even when subbing on my star players after resting them in initial selection. If im not winning by half time, i wont win the match, I was completely baffled on stream last night!
  4. New update will be very much welcomed next week. But I see nothing about the Newgen Player ID issue. Is that going to be resolved in this update or future one?
  5. No that didnt fix it. Was still the same penalty screen when I came back into match.
  6. Just using this skin for the first time on my Twitch stream, and I encountered a strange in match UI lockout bug. Ive taken a clip of how it happened, after watching a shot highlight from the 'shot accuracy' tab, I attempt to click on 'Pitch' but there appeared to be a hidden/invisible button next to it that took me to the 'penalty takers' window with no button to confirm/cancel out of the screen to return to the pitch view again. https://clips.twitch.tv/MoistConcernedMinkYouWHY-XBP_4nlW_NGv1dIX
  7. Just a quick continuation of this post, with shots of that example I used, as it was more extreme than I thought. I had won every match in all comps since November and hadnt lost since mid October. 2 random 0-1 Away losses that displayed football TOTALLY different to the Home matches before and after. Where is momentum? Where is form? Where is philosophy? Why do they just forget it all for an Away match but then instantly remember it again the following Home game? Like I said, difficulty needs reasoning and answers, not pure frustration and helpless resignation.
  8. The problem isnt the difficulty in winning away from home, like the stats suggest. Its how its being played out, and the vast difference between the football on display between Home and Away games. My players with neutral to positive body language and high morale shouldnt instantly forget how to strike a ball cleanly, like they do in Home matches, just because they are Away. Yes the AI is more 'adventurous' and 'positive' in home games, it is noticeable. BUT that doesnt excuse my football being played out completely differently. A potential reasoning of "the AI presses more when at home, so you cant play your own game" just doesnt fly with me, sometimes we are talking about world class players. The amount of times my Liverpool side in the BETA lost the CL away leg 0-1 playing awful football to then win 5-0 at home, was almost EVERY single knockout round. I lost 0-1 to PSG in 1 occasion away, and played absolutely diabolical football, despite not losing in all comps for 5+ months. The 2nd Home leg comes around and I win 6-1 and totally ruin them with insane football. A more pressing, positive AI tactic doesnt account for that. The Home and Away differences in terms of numbers might match up and might be ok for SI, but what we see on the pitch is nonsensical. Difficulty should have reason and answers, not frustration and resignation of "ah well, ill just beat them 5-0 in the home leg".
  9. Do we know if the game is out at midnight? I just presumed it was gunna be early afternoon tomorrow. But now im 2nd guessing myself, it would be nice if we had the time confirmed. But a lack of communication is unsurprising.
  10. Ok, ive decided to throw my 2 cents in the mix. Ive been streaming FM over on Twitch for 8 years now, im one of the longest running FM streamers, not that it matters, we are all equal consumers and player count to the fanbase. Since I was a little kid ive seen this game grow and grow into a well established cornerstone of yearly release gaming, and ive loved it for the past 25 years. This year is the 1st year im totally and completely underwhelmed/not hyped for the latest release. Ive gone beyond from being a "passionate yet frustrated critic" wanting to see my favourite series take even bigger leaps forward, to just being a "tired, dejected, routine-like consumer" seeing the game direction go in uninspiring circles around itself. You and I could sit here and break down each individual feature/mechanic and have 48 varying views about what is right and wrong, but that wont get us anywhere, and it certainly wont get SI to go anywhere. BUT Sports Interactive have fundamentally failed to utilise that biggest resource. THE FANBASE. Years and years of an open forum of every single individual, throwing random opinions about every minor or major part of the game is a completely unproductive way to gather feedback and implementing change to the game. For bug reporting, sure, absolutely perfect. But when it has come to game changing opinions being effectively communicated to the developers, them instances are few and far between, due to this directionless feedback loop. One that comes to mind off the top of my head was a few years ago when the game launched and we had MAJOR balance issues with one-on-one chances being near broken and patches were pushed through to find a solution, but that took a huge collective outcry. In the video game industry, developers need to make use of this massive opinion and data collecting machine, and SI have NEVER made any extensive effort to connect in an engaging way with the fans. Ill list off a few things that come to mind in what I think is done inefficiently or not at all. 1. Consistent and regular livestreams/content creation from the ACTUAL studio and developers. Not "presenters" that barely know how to click through the menus, but people who work on the game, know its function. Open that line of direct real time feedback. Give us personalities from within the studio that work on our favourite game that we can become attached to and importantly give/receive TWO WAY COMMUNICATION that engages with the fan base much better than yelling random opinions into a replyless void like forum space. I must say listening to the handful of devs that we got on the FM23 Headlines Feature video was fantastic, we need more of that, lots more, not once a year. 2. Developer diaries. Ill use the example of Paradox Interactive for this one. Go on their EU4 forums and they still post development updates about upcoming changes and future plans for that game, WHICH IS A 9 YEAR OLD GAME! The posts are made directly from a member of the development team, it gives you an insight on what they think is wrong/right with the game, they critic their own features in a open and honest manner and provide sneak peeks at what they are working on. BUT more importantly, the feedback thread from fans that follows the post is then directed towards the mentioned topics/issues. Its a focused feedback loop, not a random assortment of varying opinions throughtout an indepth game. This surely has to be incredibly useful to the said dev members to guide them in what they are doing is correct/flawed in the changes being made and feature direction. 3. Transparency. This point might be a bit more of a personal view and is a philosophy rather than anything physical. But the idea or "conspiracy" that SI think their game is perfect and everything they do is the right decision and that they dont make mistakes or the "they have no direct competition in the market so they dont care", is a common viewpoint that SI have brought upon themselves as proof of how distant they are from the fanbase. Whether that viewpoint is factually correct or not, DOESNT MATTER. It exists and has to be managed and relieved, which has failed to been rectified for years now. The player base can only make assumptions based on the information they are given, if you give us no clear open information we will ultimately jump to conclusion/beliefs whether they are right or wrong, we are justified to make them as dedicated fans/consumers. There is probably a few other things that I wanna say but theyve probably slipped my mind in the moment or its hard to muster them together into anything that can be categorized in a constructive manner right now. Ultimately, SI MUST improve how they treat their passionate fanbase. Treat us with respect and honesty and we can provide a valuable collective resource in the games growth and development. THEN and only then we can start to break apart what is right/wrong with the game features and changes year to year, patch to patch. This developer-fan relationship doesnt not work right now, realise that, please. Changes cant happen instantly and all at once, we arent unreasonable, and we have seen 1 or 2 signs of small progress, such as dev apearances in the headline video. (ALSO it just came back to me, remember that ONE TIME we had a playable beta branch for ME changes before Winter Update? That was awesome! Where'd that idea go?!) More intent needs to be shown through transparency about that direction of improving relations/communication with us. Ill leave it for there now, I could probably write a whole lot more and thats before I even delve into my own opinions/feedback on game direction. If you read through all this, thank you for your time. And I am personally curious as to what others think of this viewpoint of completely changing/improving developer-fan relations in order to improve our game.
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