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DaveTheEditor last won the day on March 7 2022

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559 "Wax on, wax off"


  • Interests
    Graphic Design

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    FM Editor 2023

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  1. @Grumblewatcher Please upload your file so we can take a closer look and help to find the problem.
  2. @michelol057 Please upload your files, so we can take a look what you already have done. But most likely you just need to set the rankings correctly to make the "correct" round appear.
  3. Most likely due to the reputation of the competition and the teams playing in the final. But I have to say that I can't say how much the FM takes into account the day and time of the final. In other words, I don't know whether a game on Wednesday at 11:00 am is calculated differently from a game on Saturday at 4:00 pm. Nor do I know if it depends on which prestige games are on the same day.
  4. @Peterdk For this kind of questions it would be very helpful to upload your Editor file so people can take a look, thanks! Cheers, Dave
  5. @anitamui: I am giving @matkingwill my unlimited permission to use my files to update them for FM24.
  6. The next update is out too! All files are now available in 23.1, 23.3 and 23.4. Next step is CONCACAF and the rest of the extra files. Cheers, Dave
  7. I am very sorry, but I have to **postpone** the release for one hour! The new time is now **12:00** and NOT 11:00. ☝️ You can thank one of my friends, whom I now have to pick up somewhere after an evening of drinking. 😅
  8. +EXTRA+EXTRA+EXTRA+ Release of 23.3 is on Saturday, 11:00 am CET. 🥳 Because it took me so long, I have a small surprise for you: The update includes all files of Oceania. 😉 We are going right to finish the AroundTheGlobe megapack. Stay tuned! 😏
  9. Hey mate! Here is an updated version of the file of you want to start again. Unfortunately the FM plays dumbed, if the transfer window ends a bit to early. Because why not.... Sorry for the inconvenience! Cheers! Dave Thailand_by_Dave.fmf
  10. I have also had another look and everything fits. Please check the other files to see if there have been any adjustments. In any case, everything is correct from my side.
  11. THE WAIT IS OVER! V2 of the AroundTheGlobe Megapack is finally available for download. Africa, Asia and the amazing Atlantic Cup are now ready to be conquered and to be trophy cabinet. Let's go! The starting post has been updated!
  12. I am very sorry. Google gave me the wrong abbreviation for the Philippine time zone. It is PHT and not PST. I hope no one planned the release for Pacific Standard Time.
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