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Posts posted by MHovel

  1. 30 minutes ago, jamessmith010101 said:

    dude calm down or you will get yourself banned. i know the me isnt perfect but i dont want it to be if you get perfect then youo lose the realism we dont want perfect passes or crosses or goals every time your striker gets a chance. i want my striker to miss 5 chances and only score 1. the only thing for me the me could do better is added skill in small areas like mazey dribbles and tricks which i think is missing as the only skill is the going past the opp with pace. kinda renders the flair obsolete 

    I'm calmed, I just made it big so you understand but obviously you didn't.

    Where from what I typed you saw me posting about strikers?

    I'm talking about specific issue not being fix 3 years, I never asked for perfect passes crosses, or strikers tricks what ever you refer to my post...

    please, just read my post again if you didn't understand, and if you still cannot understand what I typed and what problem I'm refering to, just ignore my post.


  2. 2 minutes ago, JPKD said:

    So you're saying you want to play more to be able to play the game later in the year?

    Nonsense. FM Beta is a great way to 'get in' to the new season before starting a proper game on release day. You are not obliged to take part in the beta and if you want to see how the finished game is you can wait until the Demo. Throwing your toys out of the pram over the beta over a week ahead of final release is not going to help anyone.

    What? no, I didn't said we or i want to be able to play more to play the game later (it doesn't make sense and it also not what I said or meant).

    If you knew how companies which I worked for working around with Recorders and QA testers you would understand where I'm coming from.


    I'm willing to help and make the product better (I EVEN PAID FOR THIS), by providing any information to make the product better.



    others might care about UI bugs, me personally care more about the ME.

    UI bugs is obviously much easier to fix, but 3 years to fix this issue and we are in 2018. this doesn't make sense to me.

  3. 20 minutes ago, forameuss said:

    Think you misunderstood what I posted.  When there's a free demo coming, I don't see why anyone would focus purely on reviews without forming an opinion for themselves.  Unsurprising these days, but still pointless.

    "Oh, JohnnyBloggs50 said the game was poor.  He must be correct".  When that person could just wait, download the demo, then form an opinion of their own either way.  If you had to spend £40 to form said opinion, reviews become more important.  When there's a free demo (which I keep stressing, but feel it needs to be) you really don't need to see anyone else's opinion.


  4. 2 hours ago, forameuss said:

    And to continue the pattern, you have to remember that most reviews - even from critics - are completely useless.  Especially user reviews.

    Honestly, anyone who takes those reviews at face value when you will be able to (although not yet) play a completely free demo and form your own opinion deserves to be miserable. Are people really that lazy these days that they're happy to adopt someone's biased, uninformed opinion as fact?  And that's not just for negative reviews by the way, you can level the same at those that just fire a 10 in when it's undeserved.  FM17 for me was probably around 6.5-7, and imagine FM18 will be around the same.  It's good, I'll get plenty of hours out of it.

    I've made a review there for the first time ever on steam.

    Does it means i'm lazy? Why talking in general term and disrespecting other reviews?

    How do you know what other users experienced from the game? What made them think of making such reviews?

    I bought the game to support this company and to support the frenchise, does it mean that i deserve to be misreble? Wth are you talking about?

    Anyway, I refund the game because i said the reasons in the previous page or in this, and i dont need other people opinions, i have a grip and i can get my own opinion, learn to respect other people opinions instead of calling them by names.


  5. 31 minutes ago, michaeltmurrayuk said:

    That's the whole point of betas - to catch bugs and get feedback on the game, unlike other games FM's betas are real betas and not just paid demos.

    If playing the beta frustrates you then you might be better off waiting for the demo to be released which will be in a more polished state and is generally released around the full release date.

    You either ignored or didn't understood what I typed before that.

    Companies does that all the time? instead or recruiting testing team which works more closely to the devs and QA, they are using us as a testers? The customers? that's really bad!

    let's assume i'm wrong in this part, we all gave a feedback last year and obviously the bug i mentioned in my comment which is so hard not catch, even if you will play one game you will see it happen, yet it wasn't fixed.

    Btw, Playing the beta doesn't frustrate me only, it was a general statement about how the beta which have lots of bugs could be frustrated for the customer, especially in a game which is already have some frustrating parts (I think I explained it better in my previous post).

    I think it was a legitimate question, and obviously this guy: @Deisler26 while we are talking, Isn't going to be happy after his save is probably going to the trash because he got sacked for no valid reasons (seems like from what he described). this is just strengthen what I said.



    5 hours ago, Wells said:

    Surely SI can't keep this UI for the full game or is it? just look at the amount of people that are disappointed about your decision of altering and changing things that weren't broken and making us do extra clicks.

    The wide midfielders defending and staying too wide is still not fixed.

    Some screens take too long to load specially player profiles and when I click the FM settings.

    Overall it is too buggy with broken UI in place. I have refunded the game for now and will just see and wait what FM 19 brings next year, (first time ever I did this - playing since FM 10)

    3 hours ago, Nic Madden said:


    This is not true btw. I would actually play the game yourself instead of hearing other users comments.

    If the Wide Midfielder is on a Support Duty, they will tuck in and help their players. If the Widest Player is on an Attack Duty, they will stay wider and be ready for the counter attack.

    I'm obviously disappointed to hear you've asked for a refund, as a fan of the game myself, this is a shame. However, please understand that this is an Early Access Beta and we are trying hard to fix and improve certain aspects of the game.



     I also refund the game, just around half hour ago I got an email confirmation to the refund from Nexway.

    There is no point to add about how bad is the UI.

    GK cannot catch crossing balls and sends it to corner etc... which is part of the ME from FM16, is completely annoying and the fact that we are now on beta for FM18, this probably will not change I assume since this was reported from the FM17 beta, and nothing has done to improve it.

    You are not the only one who is disappointed, I'm also disappointed, because I'm a fan of football manager and this current state of the game is simply unacceptalbe so I had to refund.


    BTW, if the game have so much bugs currently at the beta, what is the point to release betas (besides using the users as a testing center), the result of this is making the users more frustrated from the game? (it's already knonw how the game can be very frustrating at times)

  7. GK cannot handle the ball still an issue, I'm amazed how this issue which was very known in FM17 not yet fixed, not only that, also full backs crossing and they almost "being lucky to score"...

    If i were keeping the game, I would say that this is the 1st time I would use an unofficial skin (I always used the dark official one), but there is not point from doing that, cause the game will be refunded today.

    I appriciate the effort, but saying no thanks to this release.

  8. 1 hour ago, Cleon said:

    1 - Unless something has changed (which I don't think it has) then its additional not instead of.

    2 - Training load is exactly that.

    3- This is basically just telling you what the medical centre does (assuming you play FM18?) It's based on physical state, recurring injuries, recent injury history, injury proneness, etc

    4 - Use the medical centre to see what it actually says. It could be a number of things why its high ranging from not being match fit to playing 4 games in a week. Depending how you deal with the situation depends on what the actual risk comes from. Each risk if using the medical centre gives you the main reasoning for why it says what it does.

    5 - It's recent games, it seems to work on a 14 day period according to the text it gives you. It'll say like 6 games played last 14 days.


    Thanks a lot for your help.

  9. 10 hours ago, MHovel said:

    I have few questions which I cannot seem to understand:

    1. I have a RB which I set him to train as a complete wing back, I also picked an additional focus for a player (composure), If I set the intensity level as heavy, does it reduce the workload for other areas from the complete wing back training?

    2. I added a column named training load, what does it mean? i.e. the training load in a specific player currently is on medium, but the workload is on heavy.

    3. I added another column named injury susceptibility, for some of my players (even though i didn't set any training yet) it says very high, should I be concerned? does it mean that those players are more prone to injury? and if the answer is yes, is there a way to reduce the risk for a player to get injured? (I started a new season and on day one, even before pressing the 1st continue, it's on very high for some of my players).

    4. I added another column named overall risk, if the risk is high or normal, what is adviced to keep it lower as possible?

    5. I added another column named match load, is that refer to games per week? i.e. if a player is playing 2 games per week than the load will be much higher than light?

    I would really appriciate if some of you Mods or any Dev can answer because it's really confusing me and I really assume that it can help not only for me to clarify those columns.


    Thank you.

    Anyone please?

  10. I have few questions which I cannot seem to understand:

    1. I have a RB which I set him to train as a complete wing back, I also picked an additional focus for a player (composure), If I set the intensity level as heavy, does it reduce the workload for other areas from the complete wing back training?

    2. I added a column named training load, what does it mean? i.e. the training load in a specific player currently is on medium, but the workload is on heavy.

    3. I added another column named injury susceptibility, for some of my players (even though i didn't set any training yet) it says very high, should I be concerned? does it mean that those players are more prone to injury? and if the answer is yes, is there a way to reduce the risk for a player to get injured? (I started a new season and on day one, even before pressing the 1st continue, it's on very high for some of my players).

    4. I added another column named overall risk, if the risk is high or normal, what is adviced to keep it lower as possible?

    5. I added another column named match load, is that refer to games per week? i.e. if a player is playing 2 games per week than the load will be much higher than light?

    I would really appriciate if some of you Mods or any Dev can answer because it's really confusing me and I really assume that it can help not only for me to clarify those columns.


    Thank you.

  11. 2 hours ago, Defensive said:

    Everyone knows that the videos will be released before the beta, not just before the 10th November.

    I think the best is to just enter to one of the twitch channels who probably are going to stream the game and analyze by yourself if there are any improvements or if there are any improvements that you were looking for.


  12. 7 hours ago, BigRoboCrouch said:

    Jesus Christ, you are one of the biggest shills i've ever seen who'll blindly accept anything, as any criticism is "negativity wave". God forbid people use their brain to make some constructive criticism, right???

    You can already see the reason why he made such comment, leaking SI *** and getting what he was trying to get with his comment (which also include provocation in this thread that made this whole escalation).

    I didn't read all his way conversation with Ikork maybe Ilkork and him get's too passionate but his "negative wave" is just wrong no matter how you look at it, it's irritate me that someone think that way and being so narrow minded.


    19 hours ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

    We haven't even seen the engine so far (apart from a couple of very short snippets), so  how you can make an assumption like that from the videos we HAVE seen is utterly beyond me. 

    FM is turning into one of those games that people will NEVER be satisfied with. Yes, it's a simulation, but despite what Miles says, it'll never truly represent real football (and it's better for it, the majority of your average football match is an error strewn mess), it's a computer game with the core ethos of picking a team, a tactic, and buying/selling players. If more people treated it for what it is, they'd get far more enjoyment out of it. Yes, there's flaws, and the people who constructively identify them help the game grow, but sometimes the expectations are way more unrealistic than the perception of what the game is. 

    Again, you are ignoring the fact that we, the "loyal fmer's" already have an history and already pre ordered and have been there already.

    It's not like by one day "FM turned into one of those games where people will never be satisfies", it's always been like that, and it's not only in FM, it's in every thing in RL, WAKE the **** UP kid.

    A computer game is something the human able to fix, not easy to, but you still able to fix it.

    Instead, in order to promote sales (or to milk gamers) they are adding "features" which is welcome, but if you go around FEEDBACKS, negative and positive, you might find the same experience the users suffer.

    Yes, users trying to help improving the game, but it's time for SI to tell us the users if there is any point to provide them PKM's on the same bugs in every year (such as GK cannot hanle the ball, full backs get tones of assists, because Arbeloa is the new Dani Alves).

    GK consistently cannot catch balls or sending them to corner.

    defenders passing the ball back to corner (when there are no pressure).

    those bugs are here from 15, are they going to be fixed? let's play the demo to find out.

    TBH, if they cannot fix those major basic issue that ruins the user experience in 3 years, they can fix it in 1? I doubt, and i will be very glad to be proven as being wrong and i will apology for that publicly in the forums.


    Yes, I might sound too harsh to you @dagenham_dave but you "respectfully" deserved it.



  13. 7 minutes ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

    But people were expecting announcements on things like 'fixing defensive positioning' and the introduction of wild 'pressing' techniques - None of that would have been in such a video. It's a video explaining a few of the new features, not one addressing concerns that a few users had from the previous games. People have wildly unrealistic expectations of what should be included in these videos. 

    1st of all, I will talk about me personally. SI does a fantastic job in general, the product in general is amazing I put a lot of time on FM17 and in previous releases even though i put more time in searching for proper feature descriptions.

    Yes, some people might have high expactations, and even unrealistic ones from an engine and there are some who doesn't even care reloding the game every time they lose a match.

    Even before playing the Demo, the impression getting from watching the video (tactic screen), is that we are going to get the same flaws from the engine this year, and by flaws i'm not talking about positiong issues and high pressing lines and those who were mentioned here before, but again, it might be a wrong impression and I believe that who thought that way, will be gladly to be wrong.

    I'm more concerned about the most basic role in footabll, the offside trap which is absolutely bad in FM, THE MOST BASIC ROLE TO FOOTBALL that ruins user experience in the game.

    now, not saying that offside role is easy to translate in the engine, but this is an era they should have put more effort to improve in my opinion (obviously people probably have other opinions and I highly respect that), but it ruined a lot of users experience and not for me only for a lot of users here in the forums, just go to the bug forums and witness how many just reported it and now, imagine how many didn't reported it even though it's annoying.

    I mentioned the offside issue because you are saying that pressing technique is too wildly unrealistic or people have high expectation, and maybe you are right in some extend that it might be hard to implement such techniques to the ME.

    but what about the most basic role in football, is it too high expectation, if it's a high expectation for the ME, maybe it's time to take a step forward and please listen, I'm not saying it's easy to implement a new engine for football game, no, but if the basics doesn't work properly, than it's time to think different, because if it's impossible or very hard to implement such basic role, or basic "pressing technique" for a football that suppose to stimulate real life than it's not really a real simulation and selling it with words such as "real life simulation" or "the most closest to real life" is basically spitting in our faces. 

    I didn't played the demo yet to experience if the offside is the same experience as FM17 and previous fm's, but if it's the same on FM18 and on FM19 presentation I'm going to see the same engine, I'm immediately gonna exit the video without even watching it as a whole (You can call it storm out :D).

  14. 8 minutes ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

    Well yes, but the beta isn't even out yet, how on earth can you 'raise concerns' on something you've only seen a handful of 5 minute videos on and never played yourself? 

    As is so often said, if you're unsure about it, wait for the demo, try that and then you're in a far better position to (constructively) 'raise concerns'. 

    However, it's an open forum, so everyone has the right to post whatever they want, within the house rules, so fill yer boots. 

    Yes, waiting for the demo to test the final product is the final conclusion.

    But the video didn't even covered those areas where the users asked for a very long period time, which why people start to question and even they get a "picture" (dejavu) of what is coming next or what they are going to get, and to be fair, that's why they are so disappointed with the video.

    When a customer being dissapointed from a product and raising his "concerns", it's better for SI, than having a customer being disappointed and they won't hear from him again.

  15. 5 minutes ago, Keyzer Soze said:

    The pre-match briefing, it's something that i don't really get. So, will our tactic change, according with the conversation we have? Or the familiarity of the tactic have some sort of boost if the talk goes well? Really curious to know how the talk will affect the tactic and the behavior of the players.


    I think that after a while some of us (if not most) are going to let the AM to deal with the briefing, since the conversations are probably going to be repetitive (I might be wrong, just an assumption compared to the converstions we have to the press and we all let the AM to deal with that at the end).

  16. This is a very good improvment for scouting. :applause::applause:

    Apart from that, the most annoying about scouting screen was that it was very slow in processing when searching or entering the scouting screen.

    I remember myself also reporting this issue in the bug forums, I hope there will be an improvement for that.

  17. 2 hours ago, Svenc said:

    Some of my primary concerns too, but I think this is looking at it from the wrong angles. There is and has always been mass evidence of people struggling here exactly as is -- they're actually struggling with that in basic terms in football. What do you think why half the fansites are dominated with "push continue to win" downloads with any sup bar team despite assistant managers being decent enough to carry the show? Sure, sure, instant gratification will never go out of style, and it may become even more of a thing with coming generations due to various reasons (it's a social thing in general). But that's not it.

    Wait wait wait, when you are saying people downloading tactic, did you ever asked them what is the reason they downloaded the tactic?

    does they download the tactic because of the lack of understanding of the in game feature? which might be a valid reason.

    everyone in the forums including you and the experienced players and the mods agree that the description in any feature is either misleading or just badly described or whatever it called in English.

    And a Huge question from my side, what you expect from a casual gamer that just preordered the game and downloading a tactic which promoted by the FM Official facebook page ? what does they promote in this downloading tactic?

    A way to approach the game? or more like a way to get frustrated in the future?

    After the tactics fails, in the next day, when the casual gamer will decide to implement his own style of way (tactic) due to his failure he will create something on his own, but it will remain the same amount of TI's, PI;s etc... He will think that using multiple TI's, PI's like the downloaded tactic he used before is an OK/fine way to approach the game, but, this time he will use his own way... and evantually he will fail on his own way.

    what happens when the casual gamer starts to lose, how he is going to identify what's the problem with the downloading tactic? (the official FM facebook fan page promoting the opposite of what the game really needs, or maybe it';s good for sales, i'm not in this position to know, and i'm not assuming i know what's good for sales, i'm looking at it as a user experience).

    the downloading tactics included mostly 100 TI's, Pi's etc...  (is BASICALLY THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT RASHIDI, HERNE, CLEON and THOG etc... tried to deliver for the casual gamer in this forums).

    @Svenc why you blame the casul gamer only, when the FM official site promoting those tactics? yes, it might be a failure for a casual gamer to understand football, because not all of us have pro licence or not all of us have the same understanding, vision etc... when it become to football. 


    And i didn't mentiond the lack of misinformation there is in the net which will make the game even harder to understand, just imagine someone reading alot about the game from http://www.guidetofootballmanager.com/ which contain some information that was clarified here in the forums that are false in some extent and now the user need a different trusted place to read from, IT BECOMES EXHAUSTING, me personally finding myself reading about the and searching what each feature does more than playing and enjoying the game (myself is just as example from dozens that from some reason afraid or feels ashamed of their failure to agree with me here).

    You might have a valid reason why the casual gamer might struggle in understanding FM, and also real life football in general. But it's not fair to put memes here :D and blame it on the user only even if they decided to download tactic (it's not like the ME is perfect and it's only the users fault).

  18. 2 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

    A little bit bemused about everyone saying they won't be pre-ordering and everyone else patting them on the back for it...

    If the match engine is your main focus, surely you'd never pre order, and always wait for the demo, irrespective of what any video ever said, because a playthrough is the only real way you can evaluate the match engine. 

    Seems pretty standard to not pre order if that's your main focus of 

    I take myself as an example, and I assume there are plenly of users like me who pre-ordered previous versions)

    I pre-ordered FM16 and FM17 you don't know what you are talking about, i was even streaming FM17 Demo early purchase (for FM16 i didn't had a proper system for streaming).

    When I pre-ordered the games I expected to have a more improved ME. So, now you became a mind reader of every FM'er?

    like most of your comment I read, you cannot be objective and I can understand that, because you are a forum moderator. But atleast don't talk in general terms when you obviously have no info on each of the users.



    3 hours ago, Andrew_Goats_Gruff said:

    Just pre ordered, i’m such a loyal fm’er!!! 

    1 hour ago, Andrew_Goats_Gruff said:

    Guys guys guys, pre order it before tomo to get it for £28 if you have fm 17, get your loyalty bonuses in ! Then look forward to puttin hundreds of hours in to the game.


    It's very good to be loyal, I would really appreciate such person especially IRL that no matter what, he will remain loyal (friendship loyalty).

    BUT, here we are talking about something different, here you are called loyal by "Buying" a game which supposed to give you something in-return.

    While in the video you can already see a bug, or even if it's not a bug, it still doesn't make sense, I'm starting to ask questions about the game and how me as user going to play and enjoy the game after the demo?

    Is it going to be another year when i will see myself encountering too many bugs which turns me off from the game and capturing the moments in order to send reports in the SI bug forums in order for them to improve the product? And after getting a reply I or other users will see the same comments such as "it's something we look to improve in the next releases".

    Yes, the best way for the company to improve the product, is us providing feedbacks, but when providing examples, it's obviously not being ignored in the forums, which is good. but the problem is, those bugs appears again in the next year version

    every game has flaws, I agree it's hard to fix everything it's way more complicated than what we the user sometimes or even most of the times ask.

    but before implementing a new feature, the most important is to fix the most basic role in football.

    Put aside the tactics and the TI's etc... flaws the game has.

    This is the most basic example you can get, the Offsides in this game which supposed to be a the most basic role in football doesn't work properly in a game which supposed to stimulate real football, and it even becomes completely annoying when referee's doesn't let the players keep playing when there is an advantage (and no, I'm not talking about referee's mistakes which was the answer from the SI staff member when I provided one of my examples, because if it was referee's mistakes i would rate it 99% of the times for the referee to be mistakes in the game).

    when a user picks a comprehensive highlight, I tend to believe that we don't want to see 2 minutes highlight just to watch my players being on offside over and over again, as an assumption and it could be wrong, if this is supposed to be a sign for the user that the player is getting caught on offside just because he is not in a correct role, or team mentality as a whole than, that's really bad and can be exploited but I care less about highlight modes.

    It might be hard to implement a proper offside role in the ME, I'm not saying it's easy. But instead adding a feature which can make the game so bad with the amount of new problems it will add to the game (and i already posted an example of it in the Dynamics presentation video, you should've improved the offside role in the ME because this is way much better for the user experience and not only that, it's most importantly a basic role in football).


    You are encouraging people to go and buy the game, but you need to understand, people aren't like you, they won't pre-order just because the franchise called football manager.

    if you call me a personal who isn't loyal to the game, i could say the same about the SI company not being loyal to the customers till now with the 3 last FM editions I got.

    people have more worth to the money they put hard work to get, not everyone have the privilege like you/others to buy games just for them to be called "loyal FMer" when there is nothing worth it in-return.

    Maybe i was too harsh with this post, but that's my overall feelings.


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