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Posts posted by MHovel

  1. 10 minutes ago, Dr. Hook said:

    You're right, anticipation has its own icon, and so do decisions. Vision has one too- 'player can't pick out a pass' or something like that.  I remember seeing 'lack of game intelligence' a few times and it has seemed to be a result of a combination of attributes , else it was not really explainable.

    Oh yes you are right, there is an icon for vision.

    I think you might be correct, the cause of the icon @craiigman upload might be a combination of mental attributes.

    I might say the combination of Anticipation, Vision and Decisions might be lower and they are the cause of the icon to show up in the player cons. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Artin said:

    yes i understand that part. if i want my GK/DC to be involved in attacking set pieces, i move them forward in the set piece instruction. my second question however is NOT regarding set pieces.

    late in the game (say 88 mins on), down by 1 goal. i want my GK and/or DCs to join the attack... how do i do this? i'm thinking overload + very fluid should do it but are there any other TIs i should tick (like "take more risks" or "pump ball into box" for example)?

    I undestand what you are saying, I don't think it's possible with team shape and mentality only.

    Atleast in my experience and I played a lot with overload and very fluid shape, I never saw my GK going forward late in matches when we were 1 goal down.

  3. 1 hour ago, craiigman said:

    Which attributes, visual or hidden effect this as a negative?



    If I understood your question, I think it's vary between players.

    If you post the player profile or name it might be easy to say which mental attribute is the cause, I might call this for vision since anticipation has it's own "icon".

  4. 13 minutes ago, Artin said:

    what if it's just a normal attack (meaning not a set piece) late in the game? how can i make my DCs/GK join the attack? would overload + very fluid be enough?

    Set pieces routines is the only way to influence who joins the attacks in set pieces, mentality and shape has nothing to do with that.

  5. Wilshere finds Drogba, how it ended up?

    was it a goal? or GK becomes superman?


    in the 2nd picture, Gradel finds Ibe in the other side and the Goal is almost clear, did it end up as a goal? or did Ibe pass it to the opposition GK for "safety"?


    in the 3rd picture, the only threat the opposition had, while i understand that suppose to end up as a.... (i will let you guess), but what is francis doing?

    marking of 14, concetration 12, positioning 14 and anticipation 15, wondering how a full back with such attribute cannot hold his player...and instead coming to the middle when he doesn't suppose to and while my CD are totaly useless at the middle.

    in this particular scenario of the 3rd picture, francis suppose to mark gabiadinni (#20), and leave tadic (#11) to the central defender... which as you can see doesn't happen.

    so let's see if you guys can guess how those ended up?




  6. OK, so today I decided, that's enough for me.

    This is an honest review from a customer from 2015.

    SI, If you really care about this game, you should really investigate your game and maybe adding some workers for testing the products (assuming you are not familliar with the problem the game has, which i'm really doubt about it, because there are many bug reports from users).

    Me personally stopped posting in the bug forums section because with the amount of time typing the problems in the forums i won't find time for myself to play, and I'm already limited with my time to play.

    Anyway, I posted yesteday a thread (well, huge one with screenshots) in the tactics forums, to get some help, I guess it's either no one really willing to help because of the emount of information I provided there, or just no one care which is understandable because of the amount of info and screenshots I provided, but I tried to be as informative as I could.

    My last comment in this thread was just too much for me and was too much to handle for me after long run of frustration.

    I really love the concept of the game but the engine ruins every aspect of the game.

    I know it's not a piece of cake to produce such of engine, but this engine exists for a long time, and watching past years FM's (before 2015, basically before I started to play) and being witnessed for the same issues that already have been in the past releases and not being fixed, is really disappointing.

    In fact, my feeling when I bought the game and saw the social media which I was excited from was a huge disappointment, but mostly I felt like you guys in SI ridicule the customer (me) intelligence by releasing this feature out and intreducing this as a feature.

    That's my honest opinion and my honest feedback is that the game needs a touch in the engine, it's more important than social media and better FM skin since the majority of the FM community doesn't even use the default skins anyway, so why bother?

    From what I say it sound like I'm trying to tell you what to do, but no, this is just a feedback and sharing also my disappointment of the final product.

    I'm 90% not going to buy the next release, and I assume that i'm not the only one who felt or feels that way, and for the 1st step in the next releases, you need to bring back the trust from your customers who lost faith on you in this release.

    I wish you all the best and good luck in the next releases, I would love to see if there are any improvement in the future releases and hope to see you in the future.

    Thank for the effort with the game.


    Best Regards,



  7. Just now, Marcusme1981 said:

    I would say what makes it unrealistyc is the keeper's reaction. Although own goals like that happened, happens and will happen in real life, you'd expect him to react in some way.

    I was referring more for the passer because people gave here examples about some goals being conceded in real life due to a bad pass which lead to an own goal by mistake.

    But I totally agree, the goalkeeper reaction is annoying in this case, I assume the average user will expect atleast from the keeper animation to try and save the ball (even if it still ends as a goal, the GK atleast tried his best to save it).

  8. 11 hours ago, Artin said:

    I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure this isn't supposed to happen -- 


    I saw this sort of goals tend happen in FM17 more often (watching people's stream).

    I would really check if the player who passes the ball, pass the ball with his weaker foot? if yes, in-case his weaker foot is weak or reasonable, this can really happen in really life.

    if the pass was with his strong foot i would say it doesn't really make sense it went so inaccurate.

    But if this scenario tend to happen for you!!!! twice or 3 times in a season i would say that sort of annoying and i would have post this as a bug.

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