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Everything posted by DarJ

  1. It has been like that in previous FMs and the solution has not changed. Have someone at the far post and 1 or 2 at the edge of the box
  2. You could arrange friendlies and play only your reserve team
  3. If you go to the rules section of the league you will see the start and end dates of the league
  4. this kind of stuff has been in the game for a while, I don't think it's because of the player rotations. I complained last year about one of my fullbacks going to win the ball at the other side of the pitch when 2 centre backs are there in a good position
  5. It is not as easy as you think. You as the manager have a picture of how you want to play and although I'm not a game developer I can't see how they will make the AI understand that so they can give you more contextual advice, it's not like they can read minds. It's the same problem with people expecting to go to the datahub and expect the data to be put into context. I might be deliberately allowing the opposition winger to put in crosses because I have 2 or 3 centre backs I expect to win every ball but the game will see it as someone getting free space to cross the ball into the box so it will tell you to tight mark that player.
  6. The fact it is easy for you doesn't mean it is easy for everyone. There are 2 youtubers that are playing as Brighton and they almost got sacked.
  7. My strategy which is risky is to spend most of my wages on the best 11 I can find then fill out the squad with just bodies that are cheap and hope I don’t get long term injuries
  8. You can’t steam has to be open in the background
  9. yes you can use steam remote play to stream the game from your laptop but I won't recommend it because of the UI scaling
  10. I think I might have found a solution to squad players asking for new contract after they've played regularly in the first team. I had a player with 3 years left on his contract complain about wanting a new contract and I just took him out of the first team and after 2 months I got the message saying he no longer wants a new deal because he recognises his current contract is good enough for him
  11. How are you guys sure they don't switch in game. I have not checked but I think that view shows the formation the team finished the game with. I was playing against a team that started with the 4231 and I was 1-0 with about 20 minutes left the got a goal back and they immediately switched to a 433 basically moving the AM to be a DM and after about 5 minutes I scored a second goal and they immediately switched back to the 4231. This is not the only game where the AI have done something similar. Some of them I've seen going from the 352 with 2 strikers and switching to a more defensive variant to either keep a lead or keep the draw
  12. this is a bit hard to do because we can't predict what will happen game so unless someone saves before every game that's a bit tricky
  13. one can argue that you already have that depending on how you play. It could be more difficult for example if you delegate transfers to your director of football
  14. Because of the way pressing and marking works in the game it's not possible unless you specifically ask your defensive wingers to press those players but that is a bad idea because they will follow the player all over the pitch ruining your shape. The best thing you can do is use opposition instruction to mark them tight that way when ever they get into the zone of any of your players they get closed down very quickly or you can ask your defensive winger to mark the wingback and you accomplish basically the same thing I just explained but it will be your defensive wingers specifically closing them down
  15. That is never going to change. It is still a game at the end of the day and 5 million people need to be able to play it and it's only a small minority of people that would be okay staying stuck in one division through the entire game cycle if you are looking for ultra realism
  16. I’m curious to see how people are doing these tests because if you go to the previous page at the top you will see that someone ran the simulation and concluded that it’s fine or better then it was last year
  17. I don’t use a Mac so I don’t know the specific directories where the files are stored but if you do then click on the arrow that says “top” then go to the root directory and navigate from there.
  18. I don’t think you understood what I meant. If anything it’s the opposite, pace and acceleration are absolute while the rest are relative to the division you’re playing in. What I mean by saying that attributes are relative to the division you’re playing in is because when you’re playing with a 10th division team you’re not going to have players that have 15 for first touch, passing, vision etc. you will be playing against players that have 8 or 9 for those attributes just like your players so you should still be able to play what ever style of football you want.
  19. I had that problem in FM23 and cancelling all recruitment focus seem to stop it
  20. Attributes are relative to the division you're playing. If he's playing that way against Premier League level teams and winning then it's a problem. I've never understood the notion that a lower division team shouldn't be able to play a certain way when in reality they only play against opposition of similar quality
  21. I think it’s the opposite. I think they follow instructions more now. I was playing against Barcelona and they way my tactics is setup although I don’t really care about possession that much, I will still have most of the ball so in the game I went 1-0 down and Barcelona were just passing the ball around for fun and at this point I only had 30% of the ball so I decided that since I’m not seeing most of the ball anyway I might as well try to go a bit direct and I ended up winning 2-1 and in both goals it too 3 to 4 passes before the goal was scored
  22. I disagree with this I’ve never liked the fact that when you play in lower divisions the players just boot the ball up for no good reason even when they’re not under pressure and I think it’s a “lazy” way of solving the issue. I would rather them rework pressing to give more control to the user and AI that way if your press is effective you will force the other team into an error and you won’t need to “artificially” make them boot the ball up to lose possession. They other alternative which they are already trying to implement is more inaccurate passes and first touch from players with bad passing attributes and technique
  23. I think the W cuts inside more frequently than the IF at the moment and their movement seem to be less predictable both on and off the ball. I think they should rework the IF and get rid of the IW because I don’t see why you’d need one at the moment
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