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Posts posted by tmpusr

  1. That would depend on the circumstance I believe. In my saves (I typically play in Greece), after a few good seasons both my first and my youth teams become way better than the rest of the league, thus having a youngster play would not harm the team's results (which is important so that they don't get bad match ratings).

    That being said, since writing this I figured out that this is already possible though not explicitly: in the "Available first team players for Under 19s match" email, one can set which players should play in the next youth match (and, crucially, their position as well).

  2. With the risk of being seen as obsessive (given that many of my posts revolve around this topic), I believe the game lacks depth regarding financial development.
    My suggestion would be to add a financial center (similar to the development center) that would:

    • Provide detailed information regarding the team profile in different countries, merchandise sales etc. I've outlined most of my ideas in a previous feature request.
    • Provide more information regarding sponsorships (potentially with suggestions on how to get better deals the following year).
    • New staff roles that help your team's financial development (marketing advisor, sponsorship advisor etc). While such additions might sound weird, Real Madrid even offers a specialized MBA on sports management, so it makes sense to add such roles.
  3. Youth team managers decide which players to field based on CA instead of PA. While this is expected, it should be possible for the first team manager to suggest/force playing wonderkids to help them develop optimally. Given that one can loan a wonderkid to other teams and "force" them to play him as a first team player, it makes sense to be able to do this in the youth team as well (which is under the manager's authority).

  4. It's not clear to me how player reputation, team success and merchandise sales interact.
    I've become the most reputable club in the world and my merchandise sales is hovering around 12M , while the merchandise sales of e.g. Real Madrid is around 100M. Note that I purposely bought 2 Japanese players, 2 South Korean players, 1 Australian player and Donnarumma, and I've established commercial affiliations with clubs in Japan, China and Australia. Even though it does make sense to take a few years till I reach the sales of Real Madrid, unless I actively try to buy players with the goal of increasing merchandise sales they remain stagnant.

    Essentially my question boils down to: in order to increase my merchandise sales I need players with high reputation (or mediocre reputation but originating from countries like Japan, South Korea and Australia), unless I'm missing something. If my team success doesn't increase the reputation of the players in my team, how can it be increased? Is there maybe another reason that merchandise sales are so lower for me (I'm playing with AEK from Greece) that I should focus on fixing?


  5. Quite often I'm playing a very condensed schedule with games every 48 or 72 hours . Such cases are extremely hard to handle because of fatigue. As a result I would suggest adding (at least some of) the following options:

    • Add an option to rest players because of a very condensed schedule. The players should be (much more) willing to  accept it compared to the standard rest interaction options since it is fairly obvious that only very bad personalities would insist on playing on 70% condition. This should help alleviate the "not enough playing time" complains when heavily rotating.
    • Make the players more willing to rest league games if they have already won the league and are still in cup competitions (e.g. CL). This is more generic and not so tied to condensed schedule but it is an addition I would like to see since it would help develop other players and it sounds fairly realistic.
    • Add selective training, where some players are following a different schedule than the rest. When I have a game coming right after I've played one and I can't rotate, I typically only schedule recovery/rest/match preview/match review sessions, in order to improve their condition as much as possible. It would be nice to only apply this to players that have played in the last game or are fatigued, while the rest improve their attributes through normal training,
    • Players could volunteer not playing in games if they're very tired (e.g. condition < 80%), again to avoid the "not enough playing time" issues.

    Obviously, the best solution would be to have better scheduling with games spread out more neatly in the season but I understand that it is not an easy problem to tackle.

  6. Also a super minor fix:
    The color of transfer debt is counter-intuitive. If I have a negative transfer debt (i.e. I'm owed more than I owe), it should not be colored as red but either as black or green. Intuitively, red implies that I should fix something.

  7. Currently, we can only passively interact with agents: we negotiate contracts and that's it. It would be nice to have more interaction with them. For instance, assuming I'm managing a top club and one of my players has a regional scope agent, it makes sense to be able to "threaten" him to stop, otherwise I will avoid signing his players in the future. Same thing when he's "drumming up" late interest on a transfer after we've agreed on a deal. Of course it would be up to them to decide whether they would stop or not.

  8. It would be great if we had a much more detailed breakdown of our team finances. For instance in my current save I have:

    • A Japanese player that is constantly leading my shirt sales. He also has one of the most hefty contracts in my squad. It would be extremely helpful for me to know how much money I'm making from his shirt sales in order to decide what's the maximum amount I should pay him.
    • 3 affiliate clubs for merchandise reasons (increase profile in foreign country). I would like to have an estimate of the income I make from each to decide whether I should cancel the affiliation or not. Also, when a player is scouted and the scout provides a "marketability" estimate, it could also include which percentage of that amount affiliate clubs are responsible for (e.g. if I have an affiliation with a club from the player's home country, X% comes from the affiliation).

    In addition, some other merchandise info/estimations I would like to access:

    • Friendlies/tours. E.g. is it better to set up a pre-season tour to Japan or to Qatar ? How would it affect my merchandise sales for the upcoming season? How would it affect my team's profile in these countries in the long run? If I tour all the time to foreign countries, does it affect my home country fanbase/merchandise sales?
    • A map with my team's profile per country (e.g. very popular in Japan, mediocre in South Korea, unknown in USA) as well as suggestions on which countries to "target" for merchandise improvement.
  9. No need to be harsh. This whole thing can be fixed trivially. Just change the pop-up text of "Fee" to "The amount of money your team will pay to the opposition for match participation" and the pop-up text of "Income" to "The estimate amount of money your team will make from this match".
    Not sure if we should add it to the bugs category or not though. @Lucas (or any other SI personnel) please let me know if you would like me to create a bug entry for this so that it gets fixed. It's a minor problem but its solution is trivial so it should take virtually no dev time.

  10. 48 minutes ago, Cougar2010 said:

    You are telling him though - You have told him he has "backup" status but then don't give the required amount of games to match that status.

    As usual the issue is your understanding of the term "backup" is different to what "backup" means in FM.

    In this case, it could be interesting to have the ability to put this in numbers when signing a contract. E.g. you should expect to play 10 games/season (or for instance 5% of the games in the season). If he gets this playing time (or more) then he should be happy, otherwise he should complain. I'm not sure if this is something that happens irl tbh. Maybe however it could be part of the interaction with the player.

  11. 6 minutes ago, apvmoreira said:

    No, only your knowledge of the player, the starts rating

    Not sure I understand what you mean. The knowledge of the player is the box #1 in attached image. Box #2 shows how good the player is compared to the rest of my squad (in his position). The question I ask is whether box #3 is the scout's estimation of the player's CA (or PA), or something else.


  12. The biggest concern I have with this feature is the interaction between the player expectation and the squad happiness. If you're not playing in a top team (e.g. Real, United), players come very often with requests for contract renewal (in most cases asking for ridiculously high salaries that the team can't offer anyway) and requests for first team soccer (even though they are playing a lot and their status is not first-team/indispensable). If these issues occur much less often, then this feature will be a very interesting addition. If not it could be extremely frustrating to face coups all the time.

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