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Colonel Tigh

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Everything posted by Colonel Tigh

  1. I think reputation wise that won’t be an issue. I’m more interested to know will the women’s game scale in terms of popularity, infrastructure and finances as you progress through the game. That could be fun
  2. It has always worked that you get to select what divisions you want loaded and there is zero indication this will change
  3. I enjoyed the update. Lots of data driven decisions that just make sense. I hated the touchline shouts and reading Miles twitter feed it turns out I didn’t even understand how it actually worked in the first place either
  4. Yeah this would be my biggest issue with it. A tournament takes about 2 seasons to process through. If you are a big nation then the qualifiers are boring squash matches. The actual tournament are fun but a tedious build up to it Whenever I have done international management I’ve always had a club as well to help pass the time until the tournaments
  5. I have played a few save’s and Arteta always stays long at Arsenal in them all. Whenever he was close to the sack he’d win the FA Cup or Europa League. Pep is a lot more dominant to. Klopp always seems to go to Madrid after Ancelotti leaves. No issues for me
  6. Oh yes that 20% salary decrease clause. Does the game support that clause? Would love to have it for my team but I say it would be a tough ask to get the players to accept a clause like that. They would just want a much higher base salary
  7. After a scary amount of hours played, I haven’t once lost a three goal lead.
  8. I had this in my Serie A save to. The break was used for extra international games. Not sure if it’s going to happen next year in real life either
  9. I am getting killed with short throws. I did have a laugh though when I got a short throw in the final third and thought to myself finally I’m going to get a goal like this. I ended up getting tackled and counter attacked for an opposition goal
  10. Tried so many times to get inverted full back and Libero to work but was getting hammered. I have gone back to a basic 442 with default roles mostly attacking with wingers. I’m old school and proud of it
  11. My game feels faster than fm 23 as well. On 2 star, the processing of the days feels a lot smoother
  12. Started a save as Man Utd and I’m losing a lot. My initial thoughts is that it’s most realistic FM yet
  13. Yeah I’d say it’s safe to assume around the same. FM25 will be the big jump so interested to see the requirements there
  14. Really liking the look of this year’s game. My final wish is to fix the fitness levels during club World Cup /international competitions. I think international football can be completely revamped but that would have been a headline feature so will settle for just fixing the fitness levels
  15. From today’s update it looks like they are fixing extreme player reactions. One of the biggest pain points last few years
  16. Before the Ronaldo deal there was probably not enough demand. Since then it’s exploded with transfers. It would logically make sense to add the league because they are seemingly going to be a big part of the transfer window going forward. The part I’d be in the dark about would be the logistics behind adding it, licensing, research etc. I am not sure how long that takes
  17. Would love to try the J League as well. But I’m not expecting it in the game because they didn’t specifically say. Unless they want to surprise
  18. Music to my ears. I love going far into the future but squads being full of 30+ aged players killed the immersion and made it very easy for me to win.
  19. Long term player here. What a great article and I would encourage Miles to continue doing this. Very excited for the future. - Carrying your game over between FM’s is huge. So many times I stopped creating a new save between August til October because I thought what’s the point with a new FM coming - I’m hoping FM24 fixes the development of players so by 2035-2040 most squads aren’t all 30+ players. - Womens football. Very interested to see where they take this as it will add a new challenge and experience to the game - FM25 - new graphics and interface. I was hoping this was the future plan and delighted to see it’s almost here
  20. I used to play a few of them. Premier Manager (the one with Kevin Keegan on the cover) and Player Manager. Loved Player manager but didn’t really like Premier Manager I didn’t have a PC until 1999 and that’s when I got CM 99/00 which felt like the greatest game of all time in comparison to the PlayStation games
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