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Everything posted by StephenFMT17

  1. Does the testing mentioned in the update only apply to the PC version?? I swear I put forward my interest if there was a way to do it for Touch???
  2. I’ve hit that 40 year old brick wall too My main FM playing time comes on the work commute with FM Touch on my iPad or iPhone. It’s not the full fat game nor is it the mobile game. I typically get through 5+ seasons depending on a number of factors. My home time is now largely together time with my fiancée
  3. This decision feels like that experiment many decades back when some scientists kept a dogs head alive for a few minutes...this game is about to die a nasty death.
  4. You only use micro's when you're impatient and want quick success. Earning it the real way s far more authentic.
  5. You can also tap on each tick by each player on the left hand side to select multiple players before long press to get the same actions above.
  6. Glad to see I'm not the only one with too little time on his hands to play full fat and rely on FMT & FMM!
  7. If this is not addressed in the Winter update I'm serious considering stopping my Arcade subscription as its really effecting my enjoyment of the game.
  8. Apple Arcade and in current save have England, Scotland, Denmark, South Korea & Germany (all leagues) loaded.
  9. I’m literally the same but I scout using all the range of money from no cost to the most expensive.
  10. There was a previously unanswered thread about this and I’m just wanting to know what’s happened to this feature? I like transfer focus but surely scouts irl still scout by region??
  11. Was just thinking the same thing as well. Very annoying to have the transfer focus forced onto us and the scouting assignments by region etc almost lost in the system!
  12. I was adding players to my shortlist and for some reason my shortlist is showing no players. But…when I tap somewhere a player’s profile shows up. I’m sorry I’m it sure how to upload a Touch save file…even after looking at the guides section IMG_9451.MOV
  13. I accidentally discovered that you can pinch & pull on your iPhone to zoom in onto certain parts of the screen making buttons bigger
  14. Think about it from this angle...you start a save on your iPad through Arcade and you're about to go on holiday irl. Whilst you're at home you can (hardware permitting!) cast your iPad screen onto your Apple tv or any smart TV and actually watch your Touch games through your TV. If you're too engrossed into the save and it comes time to go on a long trip...you can disconnect...save game...go on your journey pull out your mobile and log into Arcade and continue the save in the exact same way you would on your iPad. I'm really looking forward to actually having a 3D engine game on my phone for the first time!
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