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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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    Aston Villa

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  1. drew_3, Thank you so much, mate. First time I’ve had to uncheck that and it totally skipped my mind. -dj
  2. Great skin! Thank you for making it! I’ve noticed a pair of issues. On “home”, the right side pane resets to “team stats” after leaving “home” and returning (by clicking on the “home” shortcut on left). I think that’s the only panel doing it. The other is on a player’s “overview” tab. The same issue as above occurs in the bottom right and bottom left panes. They both reset to “plans” if you navigate to another area and then come back to that or any other player. -dj
  3. Etebaer, Thank you for your insight. That helps understand what FM is trying to emulate. I still have questions for how FM 23 behaves. I see Club, Club Reserves (restricted to U18) only), and Club 2. I appreciate the U23 part. What I still don’t understand is how FM23 expects the CRH to work. If I set it to Club 2, will the players I’ve sent there have contracts handled by them or myself? When a player has that icon, a mouse over says “contract renewals handled by <my manager name> on behalf of Club 2”. However, before I changed any of it, players on Club 2 were complaining about contracts and/or going out of contract (where I’d have thought it controlled by Club 2)…. Hence my confusion. -dj
  4. Thanks for commenting! There is one there yes, but the players there all ended up complaining about contracts over first 2 seasons so something isn’t making sense. I’m trying to understand what the CRH icon is indicating for players since the option for me to renew contracts stays either way. I can set these for the staff too, and when I do, the “offer new contract” button becomes “Handles Contract Renewal” pull down and has Club 2 selected. If I set to Club instead, the button reverts to Offer New Contract. Id love to have Club 2 manage their own contracts because they’re down to just a few non-grey players, all that aged out of my U18 reserves… -dj
  5. Hello fellow FM addicts! I’ve never tried a Bundesliga save until this year and am a bit confused by the “Club Reserves” vs “Club 2” teams. As far as I can tell, there’s an age cap for Reserves that keeps it exclusively U18 and that the Club 2 can be anyone. If there is anything else, please comment. My big question though, is how does “Contract Renewal Handling” work? Select a player on Club 2, go top right to Actions pull down, under Contracts one finds a selection for Handles Contract Renewal with two options of Club or Club 2). What is this selecting for? Thanks for any insight. Regards, -dj
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