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Posts posted by Mikeonhisboat

  1. I made myself a skin on fm20. Not the world's most inepth, but I liked it. Took me forever as i'm not a natural to skinning. I also had plenty of time back then in lockdown 1... 

    Then I got bored of the fm20 match engine.

    But have heard fm21 much better and more varied, and i'm thinking of starting over on that version. How much work is it going to be for me to update my skin to work on fm21? Main changes were to layout of squad, team and player profile screens, some bits on the competition screen. Nothing much with the match screens. Or is it nightmarishyly complicated beyond being worth attempting?

  2. Basically I made shedloads of changes to fm20 - adding in lots of extra competitions and changing verious leagues. Many are my own, but one big file was the England down to level 11 file which was made my a well known forum user, which I also then editted significantly (moving teams around between divisions, lots of reputation and financial changes, some new cup compettions etc.

    Then I got bored of the fm20 match engine. But have heard fm21 much better and more varied. How much work is it going to be for me to get these edited databases working reliably on fm20? Or is it nightmarishyly complicated beyond being worth attempting?

  3. Resurrecting this.

    so i’m In same above situation - chatted to player. He agreed to make self available immediately as staff. I said, yes please. His staff attributes now show. BUT when I offer him a new contract and change role to “player/coach” (or whatever staff role previously discussed, he rejects the contract, barring the mixed “player/coach” role from further negotiations. So despite him saying he’d make himself available immediately, he then won’t sign the contract to enable the transition,

    Same issue effects 3x players in my team.

    Any advice?

    is this a bug?

  4. So now i'm happily set up, I want to get rid of the in game editor icon.


    1. Unticking "show in game editor in menu bar" option from preferences menu doesn't remove it (it does make it unclickable though)

    2. I've even tried going into titlebar.xml and commenting out the container for the ingame editor. Reloaded skin and cleared cache. IT'S STILL THERE!

    I know when setting up the save I could tick to prevent use of editor but I don't want to do this in case need it later on for grapical tweaks. Plus, have already set up my save.

    How on earth do I get rid of the thing???

    @wkdsoul Any ideas?


  5. UPDATE: Checked Messi's original file. And tried reloading it alongside all my other additional DB files too. All awards work fine there. INTERESTINGLY though in Mesi's file the awards all use the short names eg "Team of the Week" whereas in mine they use the long name "Northern Premier League Team of the Week". What can I possibly have changed in the editor to have made this change?

    (It's not the skin - using same skin with both.)

    Both versions of the file have long names and short names set identically in the database. 

    Completely stumped. Help!


  6. As per pic below, names of some awards (I notice team of the week in particular but seems to apply to some other awards too) are missing in-game, but present in the editor.

    I haven't editted any of these awards. However I have editted some of the leagues (including league names) that they link to. And my changes are built on top of Messi's lower league file which obviously itself added a huge amount of changes, including creation of the lower league awards.

    The issue is that the names of the awards don't show (the awards themselves DO function correctly). eg I wll get a news item for "Lancaster City player named in ." The inbox item will correctly show the pitch with players of the week. But the title of the award is missing. Some drop down menus for past award winners also omit the name of the award. (See pic below) Everything looks good in the database.

    I'm only loading one English leagues file, but am loading a good 20 or so other database files. I don't think any do anything with the english league/competitions/awards though. Some might move players about from english leagues, but that's it.

    Is this caused by a db clash?

    Screenshot (159).png

    Screenshot (160).png

  7. I'm no expert so could well be wrong, but might be worth playing with some of the below settings from settings.xml:


    <!-- inbox colours -->
        <colour name="unread headline"                             value="fg"/>
        <colour name="read headline"                             value="fg alpha"/>
        <colour name="selected headline"                         value="fg"/>
        <colour name="must respond headline"                     value="fg"/>
        <colour name="unread category"                             value="fg"/>
        <colour name="read category"                             value="fg alpha"/>
        <colour name="selected category"                         value="fg"/>
        <colour name="inbox_sidebar_background"                 value="bg"/>
        <!-- Box background colour - red_replacement -->
        <colour name="inbox_content_background"                 value="text"/>
        <!-- Box background colour - red_replacement -->
        <colour name="inbox_button_box_background"                 value="card bg darker"/>
        <!-- Box background colour - red_replacement -->
        <colour name="inbox_attachment_background"                 value="bg"/>
        <!-- Box background colour - red_replacement -->
        <colour name="inbox_icons"                                 value="card fg"/>
        <colour name="inbox_text"                                 value="black"/>
        <colour name="link_button_inbox"                         value="card fg"/>
        <colour name="inbox_must_respond"                         value="bg negative"/>
        <colour name="inbox_optional"                             value="bg alert"/>
        <colour name="inbox_selected"                             value="rgb (87,3,12)"/>

    <!-- Card colours - used for places where the colours are inverted in the default skin. Inbox, Report cards, etc -->
        <colour name="card fg lighter"                                                             value="rgb(255,255,255)"/>
        <colour name="card fg"                                                                             value="rgb(244,244,244)"/>
        <colour name="card fg darker"                                                             value="rgb(205,205,205)"/>
        <colour name="card bg lighter"                                                             value="rgb(65,65,65)"/>
        <colour name="card bg"                                                                             value="rgb(55,55,55)"/>
        <colour name="card bg darker"                                                             value="rgb(40,40,40)"/>

  8. No idea how i've done this as haven't intentionally editted anything to do with replay panels. But somehow the height of the replay panel now fills the entire screen. See pic. Anyone have any idea where I can find the code to fix this?

    (Tried match replay controls panel but a)I def haven't editted that panel today and also that file has panel height set to 75, so it's def not that)


    Screenshot (149).png

  9. Ah match footer pnel is what i've been searching for... 

    Still stumped though - any chance you can help with the layout code? 

    Into match footer.xml i've copy-pasted the tab bar code below the existing commentary code. See below. This inserts the tab bar but to the right of the commentary, on the same line (so mostly offscreen) I get that, that's what the existing layout lines at top of footer xml is telling it to do. But however I try change these two lines eg to arrange vertical attachment and top or bottom extend, it doesn't work, instead not showing anything in game. Any chance you could tweak the layout code here to display tab bar and commentary bar vertically above one another? (Will likely switch them round to have tab bar on top later, but just stumped with the layout code.)



        <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="left,extend" offset="0" gap="0" />
        <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" />

        <!--commentary and away tactics popup button-->
            <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="right,extend" offset="0" gap="0" />
            <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" />

            <widget class="match_commentary_panel" id="cmif" height="35">
                <record id="object_property">
                    <integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
                    <integer id="set_property" value="objt" />
            <!--tabs/match feed/content menu-->
        <!-- @archie.buck The tutorial relies on this id not changing, if you need to adjust it please also update TUTORIAL_MANAGER -->
        <container class="main_box" height="38" appearance="boxes/custom/match/titlebar/paper" id="secT">
            <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="left,extend" offset="5" gap="0" />
            <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="4" apply_to_children="true" />

            <attachment class="test_multiple_globals_attachment" default_value="false">
                <list id="get_properties">
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" value="MRev" skip_if_null="false" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="mMMr" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="htmt" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="atmt" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="hilp" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="TacH" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="htpT" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="htpP" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="htpS" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="htpR" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="htpK" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="htpH" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="htpN" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="htpC" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="htmt" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="hopi" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="htpF" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="TacA" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="atpT" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="atpP" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="atpS" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="atpR" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="atpK" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="atpH" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="atpN" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="atpC" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="atmt" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="aopi" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="atpF" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="AnaH" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="AnaA" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="AnaN" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="mazp" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="mspa" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="matm" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="mapl" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="mshp" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="mhan" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="maan" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="bmfs" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="bmts" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="mtst" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="hfms" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="afms" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="mtrp" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="mgup" skip_if_null="true" />
                    <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="mpst" skip_if_null="true" />
                <integer id="set_property" value="Shwn" />

            <!--team switching radio buttons-->
            <widget class="match_team_selector_panel" id="mtsp">
                <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" />

            <!--tab bar-->
            <widget class="sections_menu_strip_match" id="tree" auto_size="horizontal">
                <record id="default_properties" colour="text" red_replacement="text"/>

            <!--tactics buttons/content menu-->
                <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="right,extend" offset="0" gap="0" />
                <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" />

                <!--human tactics popup buttons-->
                <widget id="Htbu" class="match_console_quick_tactics_panel">
                    <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" />

                <!--content menu-->
                <widget class="popup_check_box_button" id="conm" fixed="true" auto_size="horizontal" icon="icons/16px/widget" secondary_icon_enabled="false" appearance="buttons/subtle/normal/button">
                    <record id="primary_icon_properties" red_replacement="text" />
                    <record id="secondary_icon_properties" red_replacement="text" />
            <translation id="hint" translation_id="468964" type="use" value="Select for more match information[COMMENT: hint for the widgets button in the match]" />
                    <attachment class="get_global_attachment" get_property="CMIT" set_property="itms" />
                    <attachment class="get_global_attachment" get_property="CMDI" set_property="disa" />
                    <attachment class="test_multiple_globals_attachment" default_value="false">
                        <list id="get_properties">
                            <record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" value="hilp" skip_if_null="false" />
                        <integer id="set_property" value="Shwn" />

                <!--settings/save match-->
                <container class="match_playback_control_container" id="TopR" file="" hide_past_match_buttons="true">
                    <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="left" offset="0" gap="0" />
                    <layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="horizontal,fill" offset="0" gap="0" />
                    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" />

                    <record id="object_property" get_property="maCo" set_property="maCo" />

                    <!--button to fire up the upload panel-->
                    <widget class="icon_button" id="uplo" click_event="uplo" auto_size="horizontal" >
                        <global id="hidden" name="platform_is_stadia"/>
                        <translation id="text" translation_id="441069" type="use" value="Review and Share Highlight Video[COMMENT: FR21694 - button to view the upload highlights panel]" />

                    <!-- @archie.buck The tutorial relies on this id not changing, if you need to adjust it please also update TUTORIAL_MANAGER -->
                    <widget class="widget_popup_button" id="Sett" width="42" icon="icons/26px/settings" icon_alignment="centre" widget_type="match_settings_panel" mpmF="generic/modal popup panel match" alignment="right,bottom" secondary_icon_enabled="false" appearance="buttons/subtle/normal/button" controller_button="start_button">
                        <record id="modal_popup_properties">
                            <boolean id="darkened" value="false" />
                        <translation id="hint" translation_id="332230" type="use" value="Click to show the match settings.[COMMENT: hint for a button to toggle showing the match settings panel]" />
                        <record id="primary_icon_properties" red_replacement="text" />
                        <record id="secondary_icon_properties" red_replacement="text" />

                    <!--save match-->
                    <widget class="button" id="svmt" click_event="svmt" auto_size="horizontal">
                        <global id="hidden" name="platform_is_stadia"/>
                        <translation id="text" translation_id="232965" type="use" value="Save Match" />


  10. I'm trying to move the main tab bar to sit above the commentary panel, rather than beneath the match titlebar.

    A few questions/issues:

    a)  I can't find whatever panel controls the layout of the various panels on the match screen? ie/which panel tells the commentary panel it should live at the bottom of the screen? If I could find this, should be easy to make the changes I'm after.

    b) Because I can't find above panel, as a workaround, i've stuck the tab bar code in the match commentary panel. However whatever I then do re/layout arrangements, the tab bar and commentary panel always overlap. I can't get one to display above the other - see pic below. Any clues on how to acheive this?

    c) If I do manage to move tab bar to bottom of screen above commentary, i'll then obviously delete it from it's current position. Question - when I then go to display the various match analysis panels/widgets will they auto recognise the top tab bar is no longer there, so dsplay a little higher up the screen than currently? If they don't then the bigger ones will overlap my new bottom tab bar presumably. In turn meaning i'd have to manually go through each widget panel and adjust page positioning. Seems like a long way round - is there any alternative?

    Screenshot (144).png

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