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Posts posted by Mikeonhisboat

  1. Still no dice. Have tried copying appearance="boxes/custom/interface/tab bar/paper" into each other obvious line with no impact. This is my titlebar.xml. Where am I going wrong with the copy-pasting?


    <!-- normal header container used on all screens except the match screen -->
        <container navigation_container="true" >
            <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" />

            <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_alignment="right,extend" horizontal_gap="-15"/>
            <container class="bordered_box" appearance="boxes/custom/interface/tab bar/paper" red_replacement="primary" blue_replacement="background" green_replacement="black">

                <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="left,extend" offset="0" gap="-10" />
                <layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical" offset="0" gap="0" />
                <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" />

                <!-- Back Button -->
                <widget class="screen_history_button" id="back" fixed="true" width="50" appearance="buttons/custom/interface/navigation bar/button" icon="icons/26px/back" icon_alignment="centre" gamepad_icon_alignment="top,centre_x">
                    <attachment class="get_global_attachment" get_property="hnpt" set_property="itms" />
                    <record id="click_event" event_id="GOTO" event_target="brow" scin="-3" />
                    <string id="controller_button" value="left_shoulder" />
                    <attachment class="test_global_attachment" get_property="MnuS" mode="1" value="true" set_property="hidn" skip_if_null="true" />

                <!-- Next Button -->
                <widget class="screen_history_button" id="forw" fixed="true" width="50" appearance="buttons/custom/interface/navigation bar/button" icon="icons/26px/forward" icon_alignment="centre" gamepad_icon_alignment="top,centre_x">
                    <attachment class="get_global_attachment" get_property="hnit" set_property="itms" />
                    <record id="click_event" event_id="GOTO" event_target="brow" scin="-2" />
                    <string id="controller_button" value="right_shoulder" />
                    <attachment class="test_global_attachment" get_property="MnuS" mode="1" value="true" set_property="hidn" skip_if_null="true" />

                <widget class="picture" file="chrome/patterns/title stripes" width="36" image_alignment="centre" red_replacement="secondary"/>

                <boolean id="should_force_refresh" value="true" />

                <container height="50">
                    <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="right,extend" offset="4" gap="-15" />
                    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" />

                    <!-- main logos container -->
                    <container id="MnLg">
                        <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="left,extend" offset="8" gap="0" />
                        <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" />

                        <!--left sided main logo and quick flicks-->
                        <container id="flik" width="80">
                            <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" layout="-1,20" gap="6" />

                            <!-- Primary Logo -->
                            <widget class="picture" id="lgtF" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" image_alignment="centre">
                                <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="4" />

                                <attachment class="test_setting_attachment" get_setting="show_badges" default_value="true" set_property="hidden">
                                    <boolean id="value" value="false" />

                                <!-- tells the picture to listen to the 'main picture' global property being set, and set its own file property from it -->
                                <record id="object_property">
                                    <integer id="get_property" value="mnpc" />
                                    <integer id="set_property" value="file" />

                            <!--quick flicks-->
                                <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" />

                                <widget class="quick_flick_button" id="flkl" auto_size="all" appearance="icons/16px/up" icon_enabled="true" cached="true" step="-1" red_replacement="secondary" >
                                    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left,top" inset="16,0,0,0" />

                                    <attachment class="get_global_attachment" get_property="stPQ" set_property="click_event" />


                                <widget class="quick_flick_button" id="flkr" auto_size="all" appearance="icons/16px/down" cached="true" step="1" red_replacement="secondary" >
                                    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left,top" inset="30,0,0,0" />

                                    <attachment class="get_global_attachment" get_property="stNQ" set_property="click_event" />



                        <!--object name and search bar-->
                        <widget class="titlebar_search_panel" id="Tits">
                            <record id="object_property">
                                <integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
                                <integer id="set_property" value="objt" />


                    <!--in game editor edit object button-->
                    <container width="40">
                        <attachment class="test_global_attachment" get_property="gset" value="false" set_property="hidn" />
                        <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_autosize_vertical_centre" horizontal_gap="-15" />
                        <widget class="edit_object_icon_button" id="edit" fixed="true" cant_be_toggled="true" icon="icons/16px/edit" icon_alignment="centre" appearance="chrome/buttons/items/button" auto_size="none" multiline="false" width="40" height="42" secondary_icon_enabled="false">
                            <record id="primary_icon_properties" red_replacement="secondary" />
                            <attachment class="flash_colour_attachment" auto_start="false" rate="850">
                                <colour id="first_colour" red="49" green="52" blue="63" />
                                <colour id="second_colour" red="46" green="103" blue="182" />
                                <flags id="colour_property" value="bkcl" />



            <!-- Group of buttons in the top right -->
            <container >
                <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_autosize_vertical_centre" horizontal_gap="-15" />

                <!-- World dropdown -->
                <widget class="world_popup_button" id="wrld" width="58" height="39" icon="icons/26px/world" appearance="chrome/buttons/items/button" secondary_icon_enabled="false" icon_alignment="centre" alignment="centre" >
                    <attachment class="test_multiple_globals_attachment" default_value="true" >
                        <list id="get_properties">
                            <record get_property="gset" test_mode="equal" value="false" />
                            <record get_property="iVMg" test_mode="equal" comparison_mode="or" value="true" />
                        <integer id="set_property" value="hidn" />

                <!-- Comment this out if the tutorial is disabled -->
                <!-- Help button -->
                <widget class="icon_button" id="hlpB" appearance="chrome/buttons/items/button" hidden="true" icon="icons/26px/help" width="58" height="39" disable_wheel="true" icon_alignment="centre" click_event="ohlp" >
                    <translation id="hint" translation_id="466619" type="use" value="Help[COMMENT: Help button on titlebar]" />

                <!-- FM button -->
                <widget class="popup_button" id="fmst" fixed="true" appearance="chrome/buttons/items/button" icon="icons/26px/fm" width="58" height="39" disable_wheel="true" secondary_icon_enabled="false" icon_alignment="centre_left" controller_button="start_button" gamepad_icon_alignment="centre_right">
                    <event id="click_notification_event" event_id="FM" item="NULL" />
                    <event id="menu_layout_notification_event" event_id="mlne" event_target="fmst" />
                    <record id="items" file="menus/game" />
                    <translation id="hint" translation_id="292829" type="use" value="Options[COMMENT: menubar game options button]" />

                <!-- change manager button -->
                <widget class="popup_button" id="ChMN" appearance="chrome/buttons/items/button" disable_wheel="true" height="39" auto_size="horizontal" text="-" style="semi_bold" >
                    <event id="click_notification_event" event_id="FM" item="NULL" />
                    <event id="menu_layout_notification_event" event_id="mlne" event_target="ChMN" />
                    <attachment class="get_global_attachment" get_property="Hmen" set_property="itms" />
                    <attachment class="get_global_attachment" get_property="HmeV" set_property="Shwn" skip_if_null="false"/>
                    <attachment class="get_global_attachment" get_property="HmeD" set_property="disa" skip_if_null="false"/>
                    <attachment class="get_global_attachment" get_property="CHum" set_property="slct" />
                    <attachment class="test_screen_size_attachment">
                        <list id="properties">
                                <flags id="alignment" value="horizontal" />
                                <integer id="min_value" value="1366" />
                                <integer id="max_value" value="10000" />
                                <symbol id="set_property" value="auto_size_maximum_width" />
                                <integer id="true_value" value="200" />
                                <integer id="false_value" value="60" />

                <container width="20" />

                <!--calendar button-->
                <widget class="current_game_date_widget" id="cgdw" height="60">
                    <attachment class="test_global_attachment" get_property="cont" set_property="disa">
                        <list id="value">
                            <integer value="-5" />

                    <!-- continue button -->
                    <container id="ctnu" file="generic/continue" height="60" width="150">



  2. As per below image - how do I get the coloured titlebar to extend full width of screen? 

    In titlebar.xml i have it pointing to exact same appearance image as I use for my tab bar. And that tab bar image does fit the screen. So the issue isn't about resizing the image.

    I think it's because the 'titlebar' itself does not extend the full width of the screen as the stuff to te right - fm, world, continue etc buttons I think are all in a separate container and the header bar is split between the container for the titlebar and the one for these right hand buttons.

    But I can't figure out how to solve that. How do I get everything in header into one container with one background image? Or as a workaround, how do I set a background image for the righthand buttons (if I use same image as titlebar it'll all look as if it's just one image)

    On a separate note. Is there any way to increase the opacity of this image? Via the image's paper file I imagine? But what would I add in there to increase opacity?



    Screenshot (23).png

  3. So I think the last time I dabbled with skinning was around fm12..... At the time a lot of skins had a larger, faded version of a team's logo used in various places - the skin I used had them in the titlebar of each team behind the main, brighter logo. And behind the player pic in player profile/attribute screens.

    I can't find any trace of these logos in game or in the resource archiver files. Are they gone from the game? Sad if so.

    If so, is there any xml code I can use to recreate the same effect using the standard logos? So a container, put logo in container, set to all sides attachment - so can control size by changing container eight and width? Then something to make it faded? Is this posible? Poss by putting an overlay in same container? Anyone able to give any advice/sample code?

  4. Thankyou!!!! This worked!

    For simplicity for anyone else searching the same answer in future:

    1. The colour of the text in the tab bar is governed by the colour id values set in the button.xml, button showing.xml and button selected.xmls within the various tabs folders within graphics folder.

    2. By default the colour id in these files is set to "text". So it displays whatever colour value is set to the "text" label within settings/fm colours.xml. So you could just quickly change the colour by changing the settings/fm colours.xml files to display a different colour for "text". BUT this will change with it a lot of the text colour in the game as A LOT of text has it's colour id set to "text".  Obviously. Plus you can only change these generic type settings to rgb values or shorthand versions recognised by xml eg "white". You can't use "primary" or "secondary".

    3. So to set just the text in tab bar to one specific colour, or to always change to reflect a team's colours, you need to change the colour ids and red replacements etc within the various button folders above. Either to whatever rgb values you want (or to a shorthand name and then set the rgb values for this shorthand name in settings.xml). Or to "primary" or "secondary" if you want the tab bar text colours to reflect a team's colours.

    Thankyou for those who helped me figure this out - it only took me 2.5 days and drove me nearly insane!!

    I'm going to be making a LOT of mistakes and asking newbie questions as I create my own skin. But to try help others in future I will try remember to come back to any psts where I asked a question and if i've since figured out the answer, try round off the posts with a plain english explanation for the sanity of future newbies like me! And where the main topic of a post has shifted as the post evolves, rename it to something easy to find for folks in future.

  5. I think this link refers to my other question in a separate post re/player attribute panel rejigging.

    I'm still searching in vain for the text that controls the text colour in tab bar in above image. Desperate for help if anyone has any knowledge re/how to change that. Am no longer thinking it's related to settings.xml.

    But the various paper.xml's seem to only control the image colour, rather than the text colour.

    So what controls the text colour in this bar??

  6. Trying to change colour of text on tab bar. Having played around with various skins that have managed to change this, the key text is definitely somewhere in the settings.xml. However two issues:

    1. I can't find a 'complete' settings.xml anywhere! The base skins have v little info in their settings files. A few of the skins i've downloaded have a huge amount in there. I can't use their settings files as messes up whole rafts of other areas. Where d I get the base settings file from showing all of the lines?

    2. Once I have this, which lines am I looking for that control the text colour in the tab bar - as circled below? (It's set to white, I want to change it to be the team' main text colour to match the title search bar text


    Screenshot (21).png

  7. Cheers. Following that directory path, how do I know which paper file relates to the one I want?

    I followed the directory path for the actionbar/tabbar image in client browser .xml: boxes/interface/tab bar/paper and changed the xml paper file colour Id red etc replacements to be secondary, primary etc but saw no change in game.

    Am I changing the wrong file?

  8. I'm loving your retro-esque club info page/s with the seating colour displayed etc. If I want to recreate that in my own skin, would it just be a matter of copying across various .xml files from your skin? Which ones? (If it's ok to do that - just for my use, very definitely not for release!)

  9. Hi there,

    I'm VERY new at this. Any help much appreciated...

    I'd like to tweak the player image, club logo etc on the player attributes page (note, not the player 'profile page').

    In the image below i'm hoping to:

    a) Increase, significantly the player image and club logo circled in orange (q: can you increase the size of these independently eg player face x2; logo x3?)

    b) possibly move or resize the attribute analyser circled in blue

    c) make room for (a) by moving the text circled in green up to the right as indicated. So it sits alongside the similar text. Then moving all this text lower to make room for increased pic size.

    I'm guessing this is one/several of the xml files in panels>players but can't figure out which?


    Any help very much appreciated.


    Screenshot (19).png

  10. Sorry man - just seen your most recent post above. I am reading your posts in full. I genuinely just don't understand. This isn't my forte - it's just something I'm having a good go at. Thankyou for helping.

    Are you saying add the following lines within client object browser.xml?



    Where within the file should I add those two lines?

    Do I need to do anything else?

    Apologies for my slowness.

  11. I'm so sorry - trying to understand but it's just going over my head.

    I've found that line as you say in the widget just above. But as per the line above it already says "red_replacement="primary" but the tab bar is showing up as transparent. I don't understand how i'd go about making it the team's primary colour if the line already says it should be the team's primary colour?

  12. Thankyou - I've found the sections menu strip in client objects browser, but all that is there is this:

    <!-- actions and sections bar -->
                                    <!-- please dont change the ID of this bar, if you really need to please notify Isaac as it will effect gamepad stuff :) -->
                                    <container navigation_container="true" id="tBAR" >
                                        <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" />
                                        <container class="sections_menu_strip" id="acse" />

    There is no widget code or colour properties to edit. Do I just insert these lines? If so any idea what I should insert and where within this section of code?

    Thankyou so much for your help!

  13. 10 minutes ago, Loda said:

    titlebar search panel is a different panel, you've presented the code pointing to it in the titlebar.xml. 

    2 different panels. 


    You are then looking for something similar to the below (from my skin, yours will differ slightly):

    <!-- title area -->
                    <widget class="text" id="sect" font="title" alignment="centre" size="14" style="semi_bold" multiline="false" auto_size="vertical" wants_mouse_events="false" dont_give_default_focus="true" colour="secondary">
                        <record id="object_property">
                            <list id="get_properties">


    Change the size value to your preference. 



    If you are lacking this panel you will need to extract it using the resource archiver, guides in the sticky posts. 

    Cheers man - do you know which archive/file I extract titlebar search panel from? I know how to extact - just no idea where this particular file is. Or what's the name of your skin n I could download that?

  14. This code?

    <!--object name and search bar-->
                        <widget class="titlebar_search_panel" id="Tits">
                            <record id="object_property">
                                <integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
                                <integer id="set_property" value="objt" />

    I don't understand how that allows me to change size of the heading?

  15. Hey all, apologies if this is answered elsewhere (searched with no joy).

    I'm trying to make the main titlebar and the club name and colour bigger. I have editted header.xml to make the container height = 100 rather than 60. But for the life of me can't find the file to edit to get the team colouring to expand to same height as the container. Currently look is as in pic below. I want the blue colouring behind team name to expand to fill the whole newly enlarged totlebar. How do I do that?

    And similarly how do I increase size of the text and logo here too?

    Many thanks



    Screenshot (17).png

  16. 19 minutes ago, ajt said:

    Freaky indeed. I myself have had my 2500k since 2011 haha. Such a beast of a Cpu it's unreal really.

    If you haven't used the site called partpicker before then I recommend having a look on there. You can see price trends for all components.

    Looking at the benchmarks in that thread I am yeah. I benchmarked fm with my 2500k (you can see it in that thread) and the performance difference is pretty stark.

    I'll quote you in this topic when I finalise my choices (I've got 2 on part picker now, price should come  in under 800 for both). I already have the gfx card (AMD rx 570) and it runs WoW well enough (have been dabbling on a private server for my undead priest build :lol:).

    Thanks man - would be very interested to see your build choice, esp if it includes things like motherboard and power/cooling options as I have zero idea about that. Looking at the new amd chip raw pre-release info and likely prices I see what you mean... I'll likely go 3700x I'd think, but we'll see. Does lower power/tdp likely mean quieter too, all other things being equal? (3700x is 65tdp, 3800x is 105 and am drawn to the 65...)

  17. AJt - that is freaky. the i5 2500k is what I've had since 2011.... Haven't really gamed properly in 3 years but coming back for proper FM (have been playing Touch) and for WoW classic.

    Are you expecting a huge jump up from the i5 2500k with your new rig? Would be v interested to know what you go with. I susect my deadline to have the new rig up and running by second half Aug is similar to yours.. :p

  18. 1 hour ago, ajt said:

    There are new AMD processors releasing tomorrow so if you can wait a month or so I would wait to see benchmarks vs current Intel processors in games.

    There is a benchmarking thread on this forum where you can see the difference between the i5/i7s.

    Aha - re/AMD release - that's interesting news. I doubt i'll go for something as current as that. Likely stick with Ryzen 2000 series if AMD or intel 8th generation - but do you think it likely the release of the new series of AMD chips will mean a price drop in AMD 2000 series? I can wait a month or so if that seems on cards

  19. On another note - desktops.

    I'm looking to upgrade my dated desktop too. I want something that can run a large number of FM leagues and large DB (though many can be on view only). Obviously hoping for reasonable processing speed but it doesn't need to always be super snappy as the career years progress (I remember the days of having a good book open alongside playing FM...)

    I'll also be playing games like World of Warcraft (classic) and similar spec mmorpgs, but not the latest releases.

    My budget will be £650-825. (£825 is def the max)

    A few questions:

    -Any big impact FMwise for going Intel i5/i7 vs AMD Ryzen equivalents?

    -If intel, then FMwise, is i7 much faster than i5 for equivalent models?

    -I'll likely go 16gb ram. I presume no advantage to 32gb? What ram speed would you go for? Looking to future proof to a degree but without paying for the latest motherboard given the budget

    -any advice on keeping things cool n quiet?


    Thanks so much (again)

  20. On ‎03‎/‎07‎/‎2019 at 08:10, Smurf said:

    Hi Smurf, thanks for the reply - sorry about my slow response.

    That one is too much I'm afraid - max really is £425, plus also I need th 14inch rather than 15.6inch screen for portability as that's also a key use. Battery life also very key (I use it for work/travel)

    I was wondering though - if i'm mainly using this for scouting players, playing a few matches, making tactics etc. And just running a few days/weeks per gameplay session - would the slower i5 8250u processor hamper me that much? It wouldn't be my main fm rig so I wouldn't be playing through months and months of game time consecutively on it. It would be more when I'm away from home for a few days/on the train mostly doing 'supplemental gameplay'

    That given are any of the above 4 workable? Would the ryzen give me an edge graphicswise? (thinking about other games too?) Or stick with intel for slightly better processing speed for FM? Anything else to bear in mind from the above 4 comps? (Or anything else 14inch in same price bracket you can recommend)

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