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Everything posted by Abdiel_rivera10

  1. I was trying to use a new-gen face pack and completely unsure why, but a player's main nationality isn't displaying, however the 2nd nat is. Any ideas?
  2. Possible. Switched to the base skin and adding tweaks little by little to see what is causing it
  3. Don't think this is supposed to happen...... right? A After this the game crashes so not entirely sure how to get around it.
  4. Found that out the hard way lol. Aside from the guides that are pinned on the topic, are there any places I can read up on skinning tips? Really is something I always wanted to do just never really paid attention to what needs to go into it.
  5. I actually managed to get it working another way. Couldn't figure for the life of me how to get TCS to become transparent to show backgrounds so I moved the client object from the base transparent skin and replaced the TCS one. Surprised myself tbh
  6. Sorry if this has been asked before. Totally new to skinning and trying to muster up my own skin from a combination of panels for personal use. Trying to use the player panel from TCS skin and I am getting this weird overlay color when I don't want that reddish hue. How can I get rid of it? Also getting this in the match tablet while in a match. I don't hate it, but would like it much more without it
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