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78 "There's no crying in baseball"

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  1. Not at all, my comment is 100% factual, I'm merely backing up DabviitOzkan's agreement with my viewpoint.
  2. Correct. And the same situation occurred with Kylian Mbappe a few days ago. Neither he nor his agent announced his plans to PSG when Real Madrid first made him a contract offer, PSG they only 'officially' found out when the announcement was made. So: this notification is working true to real life.
  3. But you only get emails on things where 'people' want you to know something, or on something which is common knowledge. A player accepting a pre-contract offer elsewhere does not fall into these categories. It works just like real life: if if my fixed term contact is due to expire and my employer has made no effort to offer me a renewal / extension then I am not under any obligations to share my future plans with them.
  4. It's not an issue, it's how real life works. And it's easy enough to avoid if you want to try to keep the player.
  5. I've just checked and the ball does still have a shadow (and one per floodlight in night matches) in FM24. I've got all my graphics settings at the highest level.
  6. Chelsea has hundreds of million of prior transfers paid by instalments, so these fees will have a massive impact on you for a few years to come.
  7. I'm not too sure if this is a bug as in real life a player is no obligation to let their current team know what their future plans are.
  8. You can do that with the in game editor.
  9. Rangers were relegated for effectively going into liquidation and reforming as a new entity, not for FFP reasons. In the English Premiership I believe the largest penalty available for breaching FFP is a 12 points deduction and a financial penalty. I'm not sure about other leagues / countries.
  10. Thanks for this. For the Transparent skin can you explain how we can make this darker and lighter? I've tried and failed I'm afraid - edit - now found it, darkened the background and it looks just dandy now, Also in the past we could edit the "paper" file to remove the blurring effect but this appears to be missing this year. This was explained in this link - a few years old now but it worked for FM17-23: If it is possible to do this for FM24 then can you explain how, please?
  11. The budget is based on the 350 p/w amount. That's the amount the club is paying the player.
  12. It may be "totally acceptable" to you but it isn't to others. And as XaW says, it is also totally illegal both from a FIFA and (certainly in the UK) from a contract law perspective. In any case, performance is subjective. One persons 5 rating s another persons 8 rating. Hopefully this unrealistic option will be gone in FM2024.
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