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83 "There's no crying in baseball"

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  1. Hi all, Already posted this in the bug forum but just wanted to get others opinions on this, whether we think it should be updated- if the new format can be put in the game surely at least an estimate of the new prize/tv money should be also?? The prize money for the new 32 team Club World Cup is exactly the same as the old smaller format and hasn't been touched- £4m for the winners, £3m for the runners up, £2m for 3rd place and £1.6m for 4th place. Everyone else gets ZERO prize money for playing 3/4/5 games? Also I received a total of £92,000 (LOL) in TV revenue for playing all 7 matches? There is no way the biggest clubs in Europe are going to play 7 matches in summer for less than £100k TV revenue and a max of £4m prize money. This has to be fixed ASAP as it makes it feel wildly unrealistic and pointless in-game This cannot be correct as everything I have read indicates the tournament is going to be massively lucrative with huge TV and sponsorship deals. Exact figures may not yet be known but at least guestimate and make it more realistic than it is now?? Please see the following links -United States to host expanded 32-team Club World Cup in 2025 - ESPN This link estimates 'hundreds of millions of prize money for the clubs'. In game there is a total of £10.6m shared between just 4 teams, everyone else gets £0? Again, this is massively off. Inter Milan likely to participate in 2025 Club World Cup (sempreinter.com) This link estimates 100m euros in prize money for the winners! In game it's £4m for the winners which is ridiculous. Explained: Which Premier League clubs will feature in expanded 32-team Club World Cup in 2025 | Goal.com UK This link indicates each team will receive a minimum £25m just for taking part. A 56 match tournament cannot generate just £10.6m in prize money for 4 clubs, while all other 28 teams get nothing, and less than £100k TV money! Every club participating should be receiving in the tens of millions in prize and TV money I would imagine.
  2. Just to add, I have also tested terminating the II managers contract, rather than him resigning, exactly the same issue occurs as described above. II team and u19s disappear from all normal functionality.
  3. Hi there- very strange bug here. When my II/B team manager resigned at Paderborn, my b team and u19 teams have just disappeared. They no longer show up in options for training or in the column on the left hand side of the screen, and can not get them to display there. In staff responsibilities, I can no longer choose to control those teams training anymore - the option is no longer there, nor is the option to set who decides their tactics, who buys players, who hires/fires staff, or renews contracts for these teams. I tried hiring another II manager, but this does not fix the issue. I have uploaded a save the day before my II manager resigns (May 31st), the issue then occurs the next day, June 1st, once he resigns. This has totally ruined my save as I can't find a way to make these teams visible again- please help! If you can find any temporary fix for this until you guys hopefully manage to fix in the main game please let me know! Screenshots also uploaded demonstrating the bug.
  4. Doesn't really explain why the game has invented a rule that doesn't exist in either real life, FM23 or new saves in FM24 though haha.
  5. It seems to be happening on FM23 imported saves only. New saves started on FM24 don't have this rule. Very strange, but it's ruined my FM23 save and forced me to start a new one unfortunately.
  6. Doing it now as I'm convinced it's a bug. Can't be right that IRL prem u21 teams are packed full of foreign kids, yet in game none of them can play an u21 match, simply cos they aren't registered in the 25 man first team squad. They can play in the actual Premier League maches without being registered, but not the u21 league!
  7. Hi, is the u21 Premier Division new rule working as intended?? The rules state 'no foreign players not registered for the first team in the match squad'. This can't be correct surely? I would have thought it works the same way as the actual Premier League, whereby u21 players are all eligible. It seems ridiculous that I have an u21 squad with like 10 foreign kids, and none can play ANY games for my u21s. This isn't the case in real life as u21 premier league sides are full of foreign kids?? This will surely affect the development of youth when playing in England and must be a bug??
  8. I played Chelsea in 2029 recently and every single player in the starting 11 was at the club in 2022! Their line up includes a 35 year old mendy, 35yo Lukaku, 34yo kovacic, 38yo kante, 32yo chilwell etc. Clubs are embarrasingly bad at bringing players through in this years game. Its so broken I've stopped playing.
  9. As it's 2028 in your save I assume he's 33? If you go into club vision and look at your boards visions, do they have a restriction of maximum one year contracts for players over the age of 32? I have this restriction in my current save. If that's the case, that will be why you can't activate the extension, as your board won't allow 2 year deals for someone his age.
  10. Hi there, it's the same every save I've played so I'm assuming no-one is getting Champions League TV money in any save. Both on Beta and full game. So if you just holiday a season with any CL club you should see that you get no end of season TV market pool money for the Champions League, only co-efficient payment.
  11. Hello all. Two seasons in a row, after the CL final was done, I received no TV money. All I received was the co-efficient payment. In previous versions of FM, you would always receive 2 payments at the end of the CL season, one for co-efficient payment, and another for your share of your country's tv money. All I am getting is one payment for co-efficient. Is this the case in anyone else's saves? I am managing in France btw.
  12. Please see screenshots below- I am a top flight club, have plenty of money, and have already upgraded training facilities once since I started the save. As you can see, I now have the training facilities upgrade option again, but still no option for youth facilities. This is really bad for long term saves as I will never be able to have top youth facilities.
  13. Hi all, A big bug that was in the last patch of FM22 is still in the FM23 beta. I have 'great' for both training and youth facilities, however I am over a year into the save and I only have the option to ask for training facilities to be upgraded (this has been done and upgraded). This bug was also in FM22s final patch and we were told it was a known issue and wouldn't be fixed until FM23. I really hope this is fixed ASAP as being unable to upgrade youth facilities is really detrimental to saves.
  14. This is still in FM23. Started with great youth facilites and 1 season in I'm unable to request an upgrade. Really hope this is fixed for the full release!
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