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Posts posted by Rehnzz

  1. Hi, sorry if this has been posted before.

    I'm trying to play around Tonali playing as a Regista. He has all the necessary attributes but is very far from natural in the role.

    Is he able to adapt to a full competence Regista in FM 20?

    I'm a bit concerned i might buying into a long-term plan that will never truly prosper.


    Also, what would be a good third midfielder role for a Regista to work well. 

    I've a BWM CM and a Mezalla on At, but they feel a bit cluttered and i can't seem to spread out the midfield more with instructions

  2. 2 minutes ago, Seb Wassell said:

    If you're after a specific way of operating, look for a club that matches your own vision.

    Alternatively take the Mourinho route - just enforce it on the club of your choice, but ensure you achieve/overachieve the competition goals set out to ensure you don't give the board a reason to reconsider!

    The bigger your reputation and the more success you achieve the more leeway you'll be given, as in reality.

    This comment is rendered invalid by takeovers.

  3. Takeover


     I spent 7 seasons building a solid foundation, getting between 10th-3rd places.

    Spent all this time raising children and making small profits of of players until i had amounted a nice 60 mill in my transfer budget, thought this was the year. 

    My 5 year plan was realisticly to establish Brescia as a Serie A team.

    Suddenly- A takeover affair begins. My transfer windows became unmanageable, for 2 years. Every window, same problems.

    The takeover happens. They take all the money i have saved up,all my hard work. Sign some Ukrainian player against my will, valued 5 million Euro, for 60 million Euro. 

    They change the club vision to qualifying for Champions League, every year. To play heavy possession, entertaining, high pace attacking football.

    No money left, they invested 0 Euros into the club

    My team is poor, i won't be able to live up to this. 

    I've been Man United'd

    How my FM 20 story ended.

    Thanks, i hate it.

    Cuckold simulator 20-

  4. Just now, bobbyb12345 said:

    I'll believe this if they fix them... 

    Can we just appreciate how amazing the goalkeepers function and see the positives.

    Do you remember the state of goalkeepers for the past years?

    Now people are miffed that they are too good instead.

    A lot improved, you can feel the difference in the way your players move around the pitch with your traits and individual instructions.

    Not to mention, there has been a pretty fair amount of long distance goals lately. It doesn't seem completely out of order.

    1 v 1's maybe could use some tuning, but i'd rather have difficult 1 v 1's than my goalkeeper scoring own goals just to have a laugh at me

  5. 26 minutes ago, frank_olaf said:

    Is there a way to let my u19 manager decide on the tactics he uses for that team? In FM19 there was an option in Responsibilities to say I want the u19/Reserve team to play with the first team tactics or not. I can't find this option in FM20. It seems to default to the u19 team using the first team tactics.


    I was looking like crazy for this too. 

  6. Hi.

    I was wondering if it'd be possible to give your director some sort of directions as to what kind of players to sign.

    I finalize and often renegotiate the deals he initiate, but sometimes a player just looks good through the stats and i confirm it.

    The problem with this is that, playing in Italy i can only sign one NonEU player per season, and he goes on quite some sprees..

    I've ruined my NonEU quota for 2 years ahead due to this.


    Maybe you could implement some form of setting, so i can tell him to only sign players from Italy, or EU, or under 18 years etc.

    Would be really handy!

  7. 4 minutes ago, Luke Cro said:

    Honestly, FM 2020 looks to me like updated version of FM 2019, but quite enjoyable for now!

    Just quick question! Maybe I'm missing something, but why I can't discipline player after he played badly? I know code of conduct is set before season, but there isn't anything related for bad performance...

    My captain both showed up for training and missed training the same day, and i am powerless. And now my other players are getting angry at me for not punishing him, but i can't cause he showed up for the training he missed.


  8. Can we have an option to give our director instructions with the signings he initiates?

    I like him doing the initial bids and then finalizing or renegotiating them if i fancy the player.

    But he keeps signing NonEU players, which if im not really careful can affect my " One NonEU player per season " quota really badly.

    Would be nice if we could instruct him to sign only national, Eu nationals etc.

    Ty for your time and for a great game

  9. 4 minutes ago, upthetoon said:

    you are absolutely right. currrently you can just create a gengenpress tactic with any team and be hugely successful. its too overpowered and there's very little recursion for playing gegenpress with teams who simply don't have the players required for this. if you play gegenpress with a very low tier club, there should be alot of mistakes by players. because that gegenpress tactics works with only very few teams in the world and even Klopp has a different kind of pressing strategy depending on his players available and opponent. 

    i dont think the ME in it's current state can replicate all the drawbacks of extremely high pressing for unsuited team, but as you said, it should start atleast with huge penalty in fatigue for a start.

    Fully agree. Should also result in more cards and errors by the offensive-minded players who don't have the stats for ball contention.

    90 % of my cards are on my defensive players, even though they should technically be more clinical.

    ( Even though every player on the pitch presses equally hard to regain the ball )

  10. indeed, Napoli would be capable of doing that controlled with a default AI tactic too.

    There are many ways you can get away with a very offensive team. 2 WB's complemented by a Libero set on AT for example, will always leave you with bodies back but involvement going forward. 

    I ended up 2nd as Brescia last season, playing slow possession-based tactic with " Regroup "  Hold shape "

    This season i am 3rd after doing a 180 and turning to gegenpress with blitz counters. But with the same tactical system.


    I'm not great with tactics and individual instructions and such, i can only conclude that my team is a top 3 team in Italy wether or not i rely on the pressing.

    While i agree Brescia shouldn't be up there, it comes down to transfers, not relying on an abused tactic.

    Maybe it's the system just sitting well on the pitch.


    If anything, i'd say the game is just too beatable in general


  11. 1 minute ago, endtime said:

    That's fine, what isn't fine is that you can implement a heavy pressing system at every level of football in FM and it'll be equally effective. You can tell part-timers or amateurs to press heavily all game and they'll maybe drop into 60% condition after 90 minutes.

    Yeah i agree on that. I remember in FM 18 i had to sub my wingbacks every game due to their movement and intensity.

    The effectiveness of the pressing is fine, but i totally agree it should have more consequences over 90 minutes and long-term on injuries

  12. Pressing is overpowered in real life if executed right. You can target man like your life depended on it, if you are pressed right you will lose 9-0 to leicester or 7-2 to Bayern.

    I understand and agree it makes the game quite one-dimensional, but Burnley isn't going to win any titles any time soon with their soak pressure and long ball tactic.

    The best teams press.


    So do you want a realistic game or a modified reality that attends your needs ?

  13. About director initiating signings

    So i have been setting my staff responsibilities so that my director can iniatiate signings for young players while i finalize the signings.

    However, twice now ( partially because of my own ignorance ) i have confirmed signings of players who looked like good prospects, only to realize they are NonEU and take my very competitive 1 NonEU slot per season.

    Would it be possible to implement a setting for the director to stick to some criteria, like not signing NonEu players ?

  14. 7 hours ago, superposh said:

    I want to say a big thank you to all of you that are persevering with the beta. I've seen people reaching a second season already, fair play to you. I can't handle it in its current state, at times it feels like the best Football Manager in years, at times it's maddening and almost laughable... but that's a beta for you. 

    I gave my feedback several pages back, I'm having the same issues that many others are having. I trust most of them will be sorted by release day and I can't wait to get properly stuck into this beautiful bastard of a game. 

    I really don't know what you mean. There are some minor things, thats all really. The way the players behave etc is better now than it was by March im fm 19.

    5 seasons in and nothing has happened to me that was gamebreaking, the closest being a few players being a bit too cheap.

  15. @Seb Wassell

    Just a question about team talks.

    We played Porto in our CL group, and at halftime we were down 0-3. Somehow the lads fought back and we ended up with a 3-3 draw.

    After the game, under neither of all the moods was there an option to tell the players they had done great to come back.

    The closest i could get was " Despite the result, you did well out there ".

    Not really what i felt like saying. They appreciated it of course, but maybe you've just overseen the scenario?

    I've not seen the " You've done great to come back "  or the good ol' " That was a bit of a Jeckyll and Hyde performance " yet, 5 seasons in.

  16. 1 minute ago, bigmattb28 said:

    This would be good in the MLS, as there's a lot of trades go on in that league. But in general there's not many player for player transfers that happen

    That's true, i know it's a fairly uncommon thing. But the option to contact another manager and ask if there's anyone on your team he's interested in swapping for exists in real life, up to the manager ( which is me ) wether i want to make player for player transfers to happen

  17. Something i would love implemented is some sort of indication in transfer bids for what kind of players the team i'm appraoching could think of trading. I've never really found any form of use of player swapping, but i would love it to be more fluent as a tool.

    Maybe my player develops into a really good CM, whilst my intention was always to play him as a DM. Rather than have to sell him and see how much money i can scrape by for a trade, which might be too late by that point and so i end up with money and no player... 

    Just some form of hint what kind of players the team would be interested in swapping would be amazing.

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