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Tom Elliott

SI Staff
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Everything posted by Tom Elliott

  1. Thanks - we'll have this rectified for a future update.
  2. Many of these are incorrect, some have been changed - thanks for those.
  3. Thanks, @Ente35 - all of these have been checked and verified.
  4. This is allowed, as we currently do not support staff members working across two clubs, and Soriano is a director at both Manchester City and New York City FC under the CFG umbrella.
  5. Thanks, @Anguscl, I'll have those added for a future update.
  6. Sverre Nypan is too young for inclusion in FM23, as he was 15 upon the game's release.
  7. There has not been a new data update since the full release of FM23 on 8 November - Laporte will be included in the next data update.
  8. Bailen-Cobo was added after our final datalock for the full version of FM23, but will be included in a future update.
  9. Thanks, @lbowman6 - looks like we had his retirement set as for professional football only, hence why he still appears in the database.
  10. My mistake, appears the issue is now reproducing. We're aware and investigating, thanks for the report.
  11. That's up to the relevant Head Researcher With your editor issue, that's not something I'm familiar with - if you need help with the editors or skinning, please visit the relevant sub-forums and I'm sure somebody would be glad to assist.
  12. In an ideal world I'd agree, but there are of course time and resource constraints, and often difficulty in sourcing data for non-playable leagues, too. You're right that playable teams in the 'vanilla' game will have their kits set, of course.
  13. You need to create the kit in the editor first, so that the game's 3D match engine can utilise those colours and styles. I believe, by 'kit pack' you are referring to third-party, unlicensed graphics, which can then be added via config once a kit is created in the editor. As this team is non-playable without any additional editor files, it would understandably not be of high priority for those kits to be created in the database - although that would be the decision of the Head Researcher for Finland, @Vesse.
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