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Everything posted by Womaz

  1. So I have the squad planner shown here . Its similar to the old version, but its not all of the players. I have 5 strikers and only 3 show up. I have looked to see if I can rectify this but I cant find any way to get them to show.
  2. If you click on ask assistant manager in this screen it will sort out the order for you . I would love the old squad depth screen back though In my case in the above screen it may show 3 strikers for example........but I have 5 strikers. I want them all to show.
  3. Well that’s a first , I have never been called a snowflake before . Hey let’s not derail the thread
  4. He is trying to help you..........maybe take a less aggressive tone?
  5. Really? I am stunned. I used this all of the time to assess my squad
  6. Where has the squad depth screen gone? I used to use this a lot to assess ......guess it....the depth of my squad. In squad planner there is a screen which sort of resembles it, but it is much inferior. Am I missing something ?
  7. Ha Ha yeah, when I get that hairstyle I immediately use the Editor.....I cant be looking at that . Thanks for the post
  8. Please someone share a screenshot of the Regens......I need proof that they have kept the Cartoon like faces I hated them in FM22 ,and was hoping it would be addressed in this release.
  9. Hi Guys, what are the Regen faces like?? Please please tell me they have improved
  10. So in my case as they are numbered it will be in that order? To get theem to go to the FC12 Kits all I would have to do is remove the numbers from the files?
  11. Sorry for all of the questions , but trying to learn if I have a n FC12 kit pack and a standard kit pack for the same league or team, which one will the game use?
  12. Sorry I meant when i already have the file. For eg . I now have the updated face pack, the full download. In a few weeks an uo pdate will be available. When i download it i will be asked whether I want to overwrite the fike ....I always ansere yes to all. I have just assumed this was correct. I do the same with the logos and the Stadium packs too
  13. Yes I decided to start the process again and do completely new downloads …….it seemed easier to do this. it all appears to be working fine now , thanks for your input. it was a frustrating day as the lap top I purchased did not fold fiat despite being told by Lenovo that all of their laptops folded flat when in use. Anyway I have just had to adapt my set up a little
  14. Yes this is exactly what I decided to do . Every time I was trying to transfer the files over it was quitting before it was finished. So I started from scratch and all appears to be working . My files are a bit of a mess with a lot of empty folders so I may delete them if I think it’s ok to do so . I assume this is because some of them were created when trying to transfer the original files In future when I update a face pack or logos etc do I tick yes to all when it asks me what to do with a replica file ? Thanks for your input it’s much appreciated
  15. I have decided to start again from scratch and download all of the packs again Its a shame as this will be a long process but it could be quicker than transferring and it kept crashing anyway
  16. I think this is where I went wrong . I copied all of the folders onto my desktop …….they should have been copied to my documents I assume Now trying to transfer the files from my USB MY Passport and I am encountering issues. It estimates 9 hours but it stops after about an hour . I have managed to get the saved game into the correct folder so I can now play , but it’s with no graphics etc
  17. I think that was the problem . I copied them over to my desktop On the old pc they were on documents folder. So I have copied the save game across into the documents folder and it has found it . So that’s a start\ However now trying to move the other files across . It starts the process , it has an estimated time of 8 hours ……but it stops doing it after about 30 mins
  18. Hi I have got a new lap top and I have transferred all of my Graphics packs etc to a new Sports Interactive folder on the new lap top. I have downloaded Steam and FM22 and when I load the game it does not find my existing save or any of my graphics packs. This is despite me taking over 4 hours to copy the folder across I am sure it is something simple that I have missed ...can anyone help with this please My apologies if this is posted in wrong forum......
  19. Sorry I am not that good with this type of thing I use Steam so I just followed the instructions on there and downlaoded the game. I assume this is on my C Drive yes.....The SI Folder is def on my laptop
  20. Hi I have got a new lap top and I have transferred all of my Graphics packs etc to a new Sports Interactive folder on the new lap top. I have downloaded Steam and FM22 and when I load the game it does not find my existing save or any of my graphics packs. This is despite me taking over 4 hours to copy the folder across I am sure it is something simple that I have missed ...can anyone help with this please
  21. https://www.box.co.uk/82K100HDUK-Lenovo-ideaPad-Gaming-3-Intel-Core-i5-8G_3778691.html I will probably go for this one as soon as I get confirmation it folds flat
  22. Very helpful thank you......I just need to get some sort of response from them about the lap top folding flat and then I can make my purchase. I may have to ring tomorrow as the email process is slow
  23. Quick question would I be better off if I placed more emphasis on a Geoforce graphics card rather than 16Gb ram? in relation to FM
  24. https://www.box.co.uk/82K100HDUK-Lenovo-ideaPad-Gaming-3-Intel-Core-i5-8G_3778691.html This one looks OK. Never heard of box.co.uk though. I have emailed them asking if it folds flat
  25. As above I am looking to get a better faster lap top as mine is approaching 4 years old.......however the specs on my lap top dont look too bad ( although if I am honest I dont know a lot about processors etc) . I have attached a photo below I am trying to compile a small shortlist but having difficulty finding out if they fold flat. Has anyone purchased any of the laptops recommended in these pages and if so do they fold flat? I am tempted to stick with Lenovo as I know they fold flat
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