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Posts posted by CEVR1996

  1. 8 minutos atrás, 99 disse:

    Same here.

    I guess it's that tale of the boiling frog: if you put a frog in a pot of boiling water it will instantly leap out. But if you put it in a pot filled with pleasantly tepid water and gradually heat it, the frog will remain in the water until it boils to death.

    FM didn't went that backwards (graphically) from one edition to the next, but over the course of various editions.

    I may have not played FM11 in ages now but I do vividly remember nonetheless how the match engine looked more vibrant and detailed back then, both on the 2d and 3d simulation aspects in comparison to FM 20 for example which seems massively counterintuitive and difficult to rationalise.


    The AI itself didn't seemed any less sophisticated than that from the 2019 iteration, in fact, I dare to say FM11's match engine actually had fewer simulation bugs than FM20's, at least I don't remember seeing back then goalkeepers kicking the ball against a player right in front of them once in a while to concede an absurd goal which no accountable tactical arrangements hold any responsibility over, unlike in FM 20 where this is a fairly common scenario. I really can't find a sensible explanation, at least not one I'm comfortable sharing here as to why and how this has happened because it appears to go against the basic logic of "the more you do something, the better you'll become at it".

  2. 2 minutos atrás, destmez disse:
    1. Player movement.
    2. Animations showing individual skill differences between players. 
    3. Atmosphere.

    currently the game does not have:

    1 different way of running with and without the ball , directional touch ,

    no system of contact , there is not center of gravity , 

    no physical language when players are tired

    there is not center of gravity

    Differant skills and tricks , which is a big problem because dribbling is important in this sport !


    (plastic fan 2d ),supporters , fans , in stadiums not in 3D , no fumigène no tifo , 

    lack of collection asset for stadium , irrealistic stadium , there is nothing differant between small match and big ,

    cartoon textures , repetive generic stadium , no cutscene , no Intro 

    I dont thinks we will have this in the game one day because a i dont thinks a 2003 Proccessor can Handle it ( These are the Football Manager 2021 system requirements (minimumCPU:AMD Athlon 64 FX-51. 


    The only truly discernible skill in the current match engine is how fast a player can run and that is still sometimes neglected during those annoyingly frequent instances when players gain a sudden speed boost as they're "dribbling" through the opposition.

  3. 1 hora atrás, rdbayly disse:

    Been away from FM20 for 10 months following a bitter divorce. I cited 'irreconcilable differences with the developer' on the final papers. FM20 was the final straw for me. Matches were a torturous experience consisting of robotic and repetitive highlights, which were completely disconnected from the inherent tactical strengths and weaknesses of the teams playing.

    I won't pass judgement on a game yet to be completed or even in Beta - with one exception - we need to have a discussion about the art design of this game's stadium interiors. As a Kidderminster Harriers fan and ground-hopper who has attended non-league games from Romania to the Canary Islands; I don't understand what has happened to stadiums on this game since FM17. Now, the argument that graphics on FM are pinned back to accommodate those who play on low-spec machines is fine. However, I cannot and will not accept the way things are now, because they used to be so much better. There has to be a logical reason for what we see now, otherwise we are saying the conversation went like this: "I'd like the art team to remove all textures from the pitches, and ensure that the stands are a combination of neon mustard, reds and browns. I also want you to include exits the size of the Grand Canyon and remove the colour and animation variations from fans - But above all, make sure that all clubs (including grass roots) have giant TV screens the size of the ones Henman hill watch during Wimbledon".

    I just don't get it.

    And if you're going to put those massive HD screens in a 2000 seater stadium of a non league club, at least give us an option to ask the board how in God's name could they afford such a thing yet are somehow unable to provide you with 200 extra quid worth of wiggling room to hire a decent physio...

  4. 12 minutos atrás, saiyaman disse:

    I'm pretty sure I'm disappointed with the headline features but I can understand given the situation. The community seems to be upset which is understandable as well since this isn't a charity. I want the game to improve as well but I think people are going the wrong way hurling criticism through the wrong choice of words and are getting removed by mods.

    The only solution for people who don't like what they're seeing is a oxymoron in itself: The only time your every problem or pet peeve will even be given the slightest attention is when there are alarming statistics like 60% people still on older FMs as opposed to FM 21. So you may tell me oh that's easy so you're telling us not to buy the game. Except, it isn't as easy as that. Here's the oxymoron: There isn't an alternative to FM so the majority will come back to the one choice they have. And this isn't counting people who don't post on forums.

    Don't even get me started on the kindergarten manager modes that are FIFA or PES. When people have no alternative or competition to go to, most of them end up coming back so more sales for SI year after year. And when you draw in money year after year, you can afford to listen to what you want, when you want.

    So yeah in a way, people complain loudly at: Pre-order, beta, .1, .2, .3 etc.  but the sales numbers just keep shooting up plus there are glowing reviews about FM. As long as that happens, all of your critical up voted posts aren't going to do anything at all. They're just going to be shiny posts on a thread in this forum.

    That's why people here find it easy to tell you to not buy the game. Either they know the game can survive without you regardless of your opinions or they know you'll just come back.

    The closest competition FM has on the football management gaming niche are the likes of Soccer Manager or Online Soccer Manager which are essentially mobile platform tailored games that can also be played on a computer if one does so wish. Both these games along with their similar free to download counterparts are far less in depth than FM, to the point of not even being fair to make side by side comparisons between any of them and FM, they're worlds apart on all fronts aside maybe the graphical layout aspect.


    With this in mind, yes, wether you enjoy the game or not, if you really can't get by without a footy management game in your life, FM is the only properly established option within this particular genre that grants the player a remotely engaging long term experience of managing a virtual football team. It has just enough resemblance to the real thing in the form of available content and gameplay mechanics in order to keep us hooked up, even if there are certain aspects we can barely stand, such as the poor match engine AI and so forth.


    Ultimately, the attractiveness behind the core premise of the game for many diehard football fans creates an environment where FM, with all of it's glaring issues on specific areas, remains nonetheless extremely addictive. Add to this, the fact that FM, unlike FIFA or PES, can be played for several consecutive hours without instigating a substantial degree of fatigue in our brain due to it's slow paced, visually streamlined and click based nature deprived of any sense of urgency or need for intensive focus, and you'll have a game that's very easy to grow deeply attached to.

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