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109 "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"

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  1. These posts are absolutely fantastic @04texag but I must admit would be brilliant to see all tactics posted with TIs and PIs. Would be great to give them all a good runout
  2. @kr10 Had alot of joy using this tactic in FM23. All in all, my most consistent and enjoyable period. Any thoughts on this tactic working in FM24 or what tweaks could be made to make it work?
  3. 183 pages worth of excitement from grown men about the game we all deep down still know as CM. You are all heroes. I have so much admiration and respect for you all.
  4. Can we carry over MEs to the new game where required too
  5. @kr10 have really enjoyed using this tactic At one point, you mentioned a 4-3-3/Pep tactic you was using, would you be prepared to upload this? Would really like to see a different shape with this.
  6. @Adonalsium I think what you have managed to put together here, is pretty bloody special. I am a Wolves fan (shock..) and a huge fan of Nuno and what he managed to put together as manager of Wolves. His 3-4-3 system was a dream. What I just saw from the system is the closest I have got to it in FM - and I have been trying for around 5 years!! Currently managing Wolves, no win in 6, playing West Ham away who were in 8th position, I plugged this tactic in - look at this below 0.00xg at home. That is something I dont believe I have ever saw from a tactic before in FM. That is really something impressive. I have a few questions; - The 4 at the back variant? Could you please upload this? Using the principles you have I would absolutely love to see this because I have so many midfielders to try to keep happy! - Can you switch roles around a little? I was thinking of merely (due to personnel) making the left sided forward an IW and the right sides forward an IF, would this have a detrimental effect in anyway do you believe - If chasing a goal, what do you tend to do? - Again, using these principles, is there any other shapes you have created or could? Perhaps a 3-5-2 ? Or as mentioned above, the 4 at the back variant? I think it would be great to keep opponents guessing, particularly with this ME. I know it is only one game - but I am really intrigued by this system and bloody impressed! Great work!
  7. Some opinions on the below would be great. I don't play anything in 3d. Still a dots man, so presumably don't need anything in regards to dedicated graphics. It does however have a lovely looking screen. https://www.argos.co.uk/product/1954887
  8. Generally, across the tactic - what PPM would you avoid @kr10 Noticed you mentioned avoid come deep to get ball - thinking of adding more on the back of avoiding a player with that PPM!
  9. Am I the only one that cannot bare the weight of passes? Are they kicking around a ball made of stone here since the patch?
  10. I think the new ME has ruined the game a little. So many passes seems underhit. It has been the case for all of 23 too but the blocked shot/cross/setpiece ballooning into the air and safely into the GKs hands is painful on the eyes now too.
  11. Having an issue scoring goals with my Spurs side at the moment. Especially seeing games off. Common theme is 1-0 up, completely one sided but cannot see out games and generally this is in an attack minded manner. Very rarely will I try to sit back to defend that lead. Having looked back on the season (3 games to) I have noticed I have only once scored more than 2 goals all season. Is there a deeper issue within the ME here, or is this just me?
  12. https://amzn.eu/d/2FkeRIP Can I get a second opinion on the above please. I love the idea of this all in one and it ticks so many boxes, it is slightly more than what I would hope to spend,but if it runs FM and runs it well, that will be the sealer for me. Ideally, I would want this to run FM with a not a problem at all. My FM setup, generally is around 8 or 9 countries, large database. I do not touch anything 3D. Thanks in advance.
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