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Everything posted by Cartopis84

  1. Also removing weights for body shaming reasons is insane.... why not remove height as well if we are doing that to not offend short people? Reading the first part if the blog about Miles is kinda insane because who cares honestly? Kinda feel like Miles sees himself sort of like a Dana White figure where he is trying to promote himself before the game FM.
  2. Wow this is so disappointing, despite what SI say I think its pretty evident that resources allocated to womens football cut away from dev on the rest of the game and major features like International managemnt are being removed because of it. Miles cites the % of players who play these features as being very less but realistically who is going to play womens football? After the novelty wears off I highly doubt even 5% of players will be playing this. They have even removed weights because of this lol. Just feels like in an attempt to be woke SI are alienating their core target market. Because lets be real, how many women play FM? and How many FM players are going to play womens mode?? Is it going to add any new players or target market to justify the resources spent on it?? Highly doubtful. FM is already a niche target market and this is just not catering to it. Just seems like a bad decision business wise. It is just hard not to think that resources assigned to womens football which barely anyone could play would be better served elsewhere instead of us getting a half finished game. Let us not forget that we were promised groundbreaking features for 25 and that is why we were supposed to be content with the lesser number of changes in 24 according to Miles.
  3. Does anyone know how to get the tactic and the squad list side by side on the tactic screen like we used to have in every single previous version? I use that screen to make substitutes before matches and cant figure it out. Thanks
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