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Everything posted by DementedHammer

  1. I'd strongly suggest he has a word with Kurt Zouma before he starts swinging cats around in London.
  2. I can't answer the question directly. But what I do know is that 1 represents the minimum level of proficiency that you'd find in a professional footballer. So, a 1 is still pretty damn good compared with your average Sunday league player. With that in mind, there isn't likely to be a massive difference between similar attribute ratings. Beyond that, how the ratings are calculated, and whether they are linear increments or otherwise is beyond my personal knowledge.
  3. I'd also say pre-season, with the caveat that it is important to play a range of teams of different strengths, to ensure that the tactic is robust. Since teams are less likely to change things up massively to chase or preserve a result in a friendly, it is important to ensure that the tactic works acceptably across those situations, as best as you can. At the very least, I'd suggest playing teams of a similar strength to those that you will encounter once the league kicks off.
  4. One thing that I said on day one of the new tactics creator being released in its current form was that, it would be nice if there was the ability to load and save our own roles. I'm not against the existing roles, and I think they are a massive improvement over the old slider system, especially if I want to make tweaks mid-match. However, it would be incredibly useful to be able to save our own roles, and have them show up in the role selection lists. (Even if the custom roles were based on an existing role within the game, it would still be useful to be able to tweak them slightly and save them for future use.)
  5. I created a club in the editor that had a low reputation, but high CA players for the division that it was in, and we were frequently the favourites for the matches that we played. So, player ability (or maybe the reputation of the players) also appears to be factored in to the calculation.
  6. Sorry to hijack this thread slightly, but the below image has made me wonder whether a skin exists that has background colours on the attributes, like below, but no attribute numbers displayed? (So, you'd see coloured rectangles next to the attribute, and know the attribute was in a certain range, but wouldn't know the exact attribute value.) I think that would be a really interesting middle ground between having all of the attributes available, and having none at all. I'd definitely be interested in playing in such a middle ground.
  7. Last night, I had one of the most bizarre games that I've had in many a season. We were 1-0 down, when my fullback literally stopped playing to protest about something, whilst his man broke free and, now totally unmarked, had a simple finish to put us 2-0 down. What he was complaining about, I have no idea. We pulled a goal back a couple of minutes later, and then equalized 10 seconds after halftime straight from the kick off. After that, we were on top for the remainder of the half. In the 70th minute, the opposition had a goal kick. Their keeper kicked it long, and as it sailed over the midfielders, our central midfielder elbowed his opposite number who damn near flew a couple of metres. Instant red card. He's lucky he wasn't arrested! After that, the game petered out to a 2-2 draw. Which was fine by me. The opposition didn't really push for a winner either and, if anything, we were still the more dangerous side, although we gradually shut up shop as the minutes progressed and safely saw the game out. This game brought back memories of CM01-02 where I had a guy sent off for a headbutt, and FM06, where I had a goalkeeper pick up a back pass and give away an indirect free kick pretty much on the goal line. I love playing with level 10 teams with fake players. So many weird and unexpected things happen every now and again.
  8. Decisions and determination. Although, as @enigmatic said, I'd consider all of the attributes, plus the PPMs, as the players might be able to play the same role, but in slightly different ways, based on their PPMs and other attributes.
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