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Posts posted by DementedHammer

  1. I guess I should also add that I'm actually role playing in my own game this year. In my save's version of reality, West Ham was renamed to London Olympic. A bunch of their loyal fans took umbridge with this and stopped attending games, boosting Leyton Orient and Dagenham Redbridge's attendances. Around 7000 fans then created a phoenix team called Thames Iron Works who started in the Essex Senior League, who Carlton Cole (who I'm role playing as) is currently managing. 

  2. 8 hours ago, Brother Ben said:

    I've never done it myself but I remember a guy on here who created his own nation that was so in depth he had people on here asking how certain fictional sides were getting on.  I think if I had spent weeks (probably months) creating a database like that I would be a lot more immersed and keen to see how the other teams were doing as they'd be my own creation

    I think I remember that thread. From memory, they used to play the game in real time, and every Christmas their family would sit around the monitor with them to watch the cup final. 

    It's pretty awesome that FM could become a Christmas family tradition. 

  3. Bear in mind that a major software house can have an open bug list hundreds of thousands of items long (I know my company does). There's no way they can possibly fix everything that is raised in a single iteration, especially if something has knock-on effects elsewhere. 

    I'm not saying that the issues you've reported aren't important or deserving of fixing, but there could be a very long list of items in front of them in the queue. (Either more urgent fixes, or equally beneficial fixes that were raised earlier.) 

  4. If it's purely about learning the tactics, I'd do a season or two with FM Touch first prior to moving back to the full fat version. The logic being that there's no tactical familiarity, so you can continuously make changes to your tactics until you get a feeling for how things work. Secondly, the games come thick and fast on FM touch so you'll have more time playing matches and experimenting with tactics. 

  5. I enjoy trying to get a bunch of guys with questionable footballing abilities playing something that resembles decent to watch football. 

    To be honest though, I'm not sure FM scales that well to the lowest divisions in the game.  I realise it's all relative, but, in my opinion, it's a bit too easy to play sexy attractive football with a bunch of no hopers - I'd love to be forced to go long ball or super direct, just to get some kind of results. 

    That said, I still wouldn't play FM any other way. I think it's been around 12 years since I managed a team as high as League One. (CM01/02 was the last time that I managed in the top flight.) I'm currently managing a team in the Essex Senior League. 

  6. Years and years ago (FM04 or FM05, so too long ago to be meaningful to this discussion) I played a friendly between Dagenham and Redbridge and Schalke 04, where I gave every Dagenham player 20 consistency, and every Schalke player 1 consistency. The final result was something like 7-4 to Dagenham - when Schalke clicked, they ripped Dagenham to shreds, but for 70% of the match they couldn't string two passes together. 

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