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Everything posted by Renskay

  1. Nice to see people enjoying my Editor file If you catch any errors please feel free to let me know and I can correct them.
  2. @RENSKAY - Norfolk (nation rules).fmf
  3. Does anyone know how I can fix this? It was working fine but now when I try to test rules I'm getting this error even after removing all the squad selection rules for every league.
  4. I could imagine it working within the game better if it was something you could suggest to the board when you are having your meetings about the "club's vision". FM developers could add options on what you as a manager want the club's "signing philosophy" to be. Then you could have a list of options presented to you on who you think the club should be able to sign based on nationality, or other factors etc. Club's sporting directors talk a lot about "identity" but what exactly does it mean? Something like the Bilbao model is a clear identity but when other club's use it makes less sense as it's not defined or clear. I've found myself that since there are so many players in the game that you can make a decent team out of, it's more fun to impose a limitation on yourself where you build the identity of your club around a select group of types of players instead of just a random hodge-podge of people from all over the world with no rhyme or reason to it. You can see even at Man City it's a consistent theme that Pep almost exclusively hire's a Catalan backroom staff as quite clearly, it's easier to communicate his ideas to people he understands better.
  5. It really is a big oversight that they don't allow you to enforce a policy like this more organically within the match engine. Recruiting local players isn't really an outlandish policy. There are several clubs around the world who do it like Olot in Catalonia, Bilbao, there's a Turkish team too. The only workaround in the FM engine to get a team to function in this way is moving a hardcoded extinct team that already has the policy. See here for an explanation A guy made a spreadsheet of all the hardcoded teams in the game here also
  6. I usually just create my manager profile like a real coach then add their picture (the newgen face gives me nightmares). Having the ability to select a real manager would be a great addition.
  7. You had a similar idea to me It's difficult to enforce any strict transfer policies in the game for clubs similar to Bilbao. It used to be an option in previous editors but they removed it. The only way to for transfer policies like this in the game now is changing supporter objectives and the staff director objectives but even still you can only make nationality transfer policies for players and not by region.
  8. FM should make regions have more importance in the game. Football is a regional game and many teams, players, fans form their identity around their specific regions but the way the game currently works doesn't really have a way of representing that. I suggest that we should be given a similar selection of editor controls for regions that we do for nations. The nations editor allow us to give a lot of identity to each nation to create a story. The option to add a region in the editor just allows us to geographically assign cities to a non descript placeholder. Having a feature like this would make it so regions like Catalonia, the Basque region, Madeira Islands, Guernsey, Falkland Islands, etc, etc could have regional teams that don't supersede the actual national team too (like Catalonia's national team) but still serve a function to represent the regional identity. Making graphics like county flags would also be pretty cool, along with a region overviews (similar to nation overviews) that could display all local clubs and players. Since the game is so limited in terms of depicting the geography of where you actually are in the world when you are managing a team, something like this could help in that aspect and give your save more character. Also I need to say, it would save editors a lot of effort in having to make regions from scratch with a pre-existing FM database nation. I've spent so much time making Norfolk, Catalonia, Bahia, etc in the game. (also pretty please to SI...bring back the add nation button)
  9. I am currently playing a save in Norway and after 5 seasons I've more or less become the most dominant and richest club in the league. As a result of this I've created quite a disparity between my team's quality and that of the rest of the league. My team has a balance of 100 million euros while other teams hover around 1 million euros or less. To solve this disparity I've just started buying youth players for inflated fees from each of the clubs but it feels a bit ridiculous. It struck me that it would be a good idea for the game to include a vote system every few years where each team can submit a change to the league that they want to be implemented in order to make it better. then teams can vote to implement the change or not. Something similiar to Civ 6's congress is what I'd have in mind. Different changes could come with an indicator of a positive impact they will have. E.g. min 4 U21 Norwegian players ++ promotes the development of native players ++promotes teams using youth systems It could include registration changes, squad size changes, foreigner rules, sponsorship, tv deals, prize money for the league or what has been done in the Netherlands, a sharing of the European prize money amongst the league and teams. Something like this to me doesn't seem to be unrealistic as teams do need to cooperate to make sure their league is successful as no team exists in isolation, however I would say that if you are just a manager participating in this league vote system could be reserved to when you are at least favoured personnel of your club. I just came up with this idea so I'm not sure what others would think but I really think there is a need for leagues to be more dynamic especially when they are from minor nations as one team can become dominant very easily and overall that's not good for competition. Even in France they've decided to reduce the amount of teams to create more competition.
  10. found it https://www.fmrte.com/forums/topic/9481-faqs-editor-how-to-guide-advanced-rule-editing/
  11. I have done it before but forgot the method. Does anyone know how to do it or where to find an explanation?
  12. I posted it on another forum and a guy said that it was too difficult, complex, expensive, etc for SI to implement.
  13. An animated map like this one is actually really easy to make but it adds a lot in itself to the scouting. They could use this same SVG map but for nations in the game and display dots on screen for the locations of teams in your division with filters to show other nations and divisions too. It really isn't that hard but people make so many excuses for this company making the most minor of changes that it's unbelievable.
  14. With how easy it is to build a map based on free data publicly available it really doesn't make sense how a company like SI can't either contract someone to build them one or just license the use of one for the game. It would really add so much to game.
  15. Hey man, was trying to get in contact with you but I don't know the best method. You helped me previously with FM Editor data for cities that you extracted. Could you please send me the data for Irish and Northern Irish cities if possible? If not too much to ask I would really be interested in getting the data for clubs and stadiums in Ireland and Northern Ireland as well. I'm trying to add new stadiums and clubs to the database with your script but I don't want to add anything already in the game.
  16. I've used the editor enough to know that within the database of FM exist thousands of geographic data points but they don't serve a function in any way beyond the basic mechanics of the game. They practically serve no use to the player themselves. It would be fun to know what your local rivals are, or the teams close to your area as feeder teams, or even when you are going on a long trip on an away game. All of this could be built into FM easily because the co-ordinates of teams, stadiums and cities already exist in the database but SI haven't made any effort into visualising this aspect into FM. For me it would add a lot to the game and offer a sense of place, that the current display of the game has no way of offering. I am currently adding Irish towns to the database with @krlenjushka's fm editor and on excel there is a function to use coordinates to build a 3D map. Data points exist in the game already for clubs, stadiums, cities, nations, etc
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