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62 "Houston, we have a problem"

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    NY Cosmos

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    el salvador

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  1. The same way groups of four with four teams but all south and concacaf teams in it and make that the qualifying way. For copa America
  2. Can you combination south and North America nations league into one and make that the qualifiers for a 32 Copa America ?or 24 what ever easier
  3. Thank you bro I need these files especially after the open cup news today .
  4. Yea that’s normal in the game , there hardcore in the game like that , I recommend switching everything Russia has to U.S.S.R
  5. I saw on twitter some mange to do with concacaf champions league .
  6. so if i continue my fm 23 save on fm 24 my save would be in "pure chaos" in a couple years?
  7. Thank you for this gonna give it a go . u think it will work on custom USA files?
  8. I can’t even set up a data base with out the game crashing. I took out all my file and trying to do one by one it still crashes
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