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Everything posted by FalseZero

  1. Hey, how do I instruct players to attempt more of these? They never do it, even though I have attack-minded, Much more direct, pass into space, cross earlier, Poacher. Formation 3-4-3 / 3-6-1 Thanks in advance.
  2. Okay thanks again. Sorry for asking once more ...there are currently 4 clubs interested without him having been listed etc. Will his current 20 mil value -rather- increase for 10 mil or -rather- just 1-2 mil? His agent wants a release clause for top clubs at 52Mil, doesnt that indicate a potentially much higher value?
  3. Thanks for the reply. Would I be able to sell next window though? and how much of an increase in value could I roughly expect?
  4. Hi, How much higher would this players value be if I extended for 5 years instead of selling now? Player: 12 months left, valued 18-22 mil. , 23 yrs old, half a star potential left. Thanks in advance.
  5. Hey guys, Im playing a three back (two wide cbs on attack+ cover) and its always forming a fairly tight triangle during buildup. When pressed, possession is always lost. What can I do to have them spread far out, as usually done with two cbs? Thanks in advance.
  6. Thanks for your answer once more. I didnt want to force a long ball per se, but a panic clearance. Often times the press however doesnt even do anything when the opposition goalkeeper has just distributed the ball to the centre backs and my players are prepared and lined up. Often the press is happening but the opposition can keep playing just fine. They do mostly have a second however to turn or receive properly, dont know if this is normal. What is the purpose though of a max press setting, if its no good? Yeah might have to revise my tactics. My striker is very tall, my fullbacks are decent crossers but arent fast. Therefore I just wanted them to cross early. My ss is fast so I wanted him to link up with the Targetman and also receive through balls. Also wanted to play directly to the targetman and then win the second ball. However I barely ever get any crosses in. The other settings are just left overs from the fm preset tactic for playing over the flanks…Would be open for any kind of advise from you.
  7. Thanks for the answer. Here are my tactics and line-up: all pressing settings on max (dline, high press, gk dist, counter press). Also I tried pressing-trap outside and pressing all defensive players in opposition instructions. Most of the times the press is quite intensive, but Im very rarely able to force a long ball, mostly just win the ball back deep in my own half.
  8. Hi, my team is pressing really hard, but the opposition can just continue like theyre barcelona. They have fairly poor technical stats though. What can I do?
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