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Posts posted by Mcfc1894

  1. 30 minutes ago, Rikulec said:


    Artjoms Laizāns' Management Career - May 2040 - SSC Napoli

    Serie A



    An unbeaten, if slightly underwhelming, end to the season.

    An AI team getting 96 points very encouraging for improvement in AI in long term saves nice to see

  2. 20 minutes ago, GreenTriangle said:

    I hope you understand that an high increase in difficulty would practically destroy "youth only" careers. And there are many who appreciate these careers. Sure, there is the theory of introducing "difficulty levels", but who would play "youth only" if they were told that a real progress is only possible by playing in "easy" level ?

    For me Increasing the difficulty would make a youth only save more interesting you would need to spend years developing to compete and for players to get high enough PA that much more rewarding than doing it in a game which is maybe too easy 

  3. Moral has been and still is super overpowered of course its important in real life but one drop in moral your players looked like they never kicked a ball before and if your moral is very good you play like Brazil 1970 no matter the team or tactics. Tactics should be the biggest thing in the game but you can just put in the same tactic for the entire season with nobody exploiting anything what happened to the improvement to Ai managers which was a key feature last game. Or is that another feature that just is all sounds good in your blog post But in game it’s nowhere to be seen 

  4. On 11/04/2023 at 23:30, santy001 said:

    The club vision section will usually show once negotiations have begun. However, you can have takeovers (even from a high wealth individual) fall through. By design though the tycoon takeover is a very rare. I expect there will be some folk on these forums who have spent years playing FM with many clubs experiencing takeovers who never once got the big money takeover. 

    I have a long save and the amount of tycoon takeovers are crazy some leagues have 4 or more 

  5. On 04/03/2023 at 21:39, gunner86 said:

    Like the title says, the winter update for me has taken a tactic that has brought me relative success to one that just does not work.

    My midfield, previously the most effective area of the team, is now pointless. They wait to be tackled, they pass off target, they press with the intensity off a wet sock - stopping 2 metres away from any opposition. And the AI with its new combinations and more effective countering just cuts through or around me. 
    Nothing I try works, I force the opposition inside, they pass their way through, I show them outside, they score from crosses.

    it’s completely ruined my save, and I feel maybe FM23 for me. It feels like it’s gone from one of the very best MEs to one of the very worst.

    Or is it just me?

    ME before this was so predictable and boring feel now it always keeps you guessing what makes the game more enjoyable yes also frustrating at times and of course it isn't perfect but I'm enjoying fm more than ever right now 

  6. On 13/02/2023 at 17:26, Domoboy23 said:

    Respectfully, I disagree with this.

    For once experienced players actually have some value to sides. Previously once they hit 30 they'd decline rapidly.

    Now, some of them still go down that route. And I find that physicals still do rapidly drop as you'd expect. But players with good mentals and technical skills are able to be useful, whereas before poor physicals would write any of that off.

    The problem is most young players "Newgens" now arent given a chance until they reach 24/25 that's unrealistic considering how many insane under 23 players are playing at elite level in real life and some of the best in the world like Saka,Haaland,Pedri SI just needs to try and find a balance where there is a mixture of both in a high enough % right now the % seems to high towards the older players 

  7. On 30/12/2022 at 15:30, Neil Brock said:

    In older versions (so pre-FM22) the player development rate was a little bit too quick, which meant sometimes you'd have high quality prospects reaching their peak by say 21. For that reason we've made changes to make it more true to real life and takes more time. 

    Realistically for lower league players being ready for the first team by the age of 18 is relatively rare if it's just players through your own academy - it's normally a balance between players discarded by clubs higher up the ladder and the odd prospect that makes it through. 

    Speaking from my own personal experience, I've seen players develop by more than 1-2 attributes over the space of a few seasons in FM23. Between the age of 16-20 I've had a DM increase his Acceleration, Agility, Stamina and First Touch by 5, Concentration by 7 and Strength by 8. In total having 22 attributes which have increased by 2 or more. So yes, players can be developed. 

    I wouldn't say changes to player development has made it more realistic to real life look at arsenal the average age in real life squad is now 24 years old and they have a few under 23 s playing in Saka, saliba, Martinelli, in long term saves now in FM they don't younger players under the age of 25 regularly at all like less than 10 starts in a whole season the player development have made the balance even worse not better just now its the opposite squads too bloated with older players and young player finding it insanely difficult to get regular football until they are 25/26  

  8. On 14/12/2022 at 22:58, Michael Sant said:

    Difficulty is very much subjective. For me the tactic side of the game is a weakness, but my squad building is tremendous. At a certain point I can build a squad precise enough to make my terrible tactics work (not necessarily stronger than every other team, but very specialised).

    In terms of actual difficulty levels for the game, you have to remember that most other games create difficulty through either giving the AI cheats or scripting certain elements. Some people might value that in the FM series, but its not exactly something that translates well that 1 gold coin for you is on normal, 1 gold coin for the AI, on hard its 2, on very hard its 3 and on extreme its 5. We don't have the dials we can turn like a lot of games where difficulty = health sponge & 1 shot mechanics. 

    FM gets enough accusations of giving the AI cheats & scripting without actually doing this to make the game harder through difficulty levels. I don't think most people have ever really put a finer point on what difficulty levels for FM would be. Should it be something like your players have a % modifier applied in the ME to miss passes, shots, tackles, saves etc? If so, then there's a serious argument about whether 10 finishing, 10 passing etc is really 10 anymore. Should the AI actually be given a cheat so when you set-up your tactics the game spends a bit of time simulating approaches until it finds one that works? On normal its 0 but on hard the AI gets 5 cracks at simulating the match with different tactics to find out what beats you before it actually starts. Should the AI just be given mega money to blow you out of the water in the transfer market? Just dump CA on the opposition players to make them 20CA better when facing you?

    The issue I'd see with most attempts to impose a difficulty level on FM is it would shatter the understandings we currently have across the game. Feature requests are always welcome, but for difficulty levels there are so many considerations because you have to remember that in FM you're always getting the full weight the AI can bring to bear in each match as it is. 

    What's been changed since update game feels too easy again almost like click and continue before update difficulty was the most balanced ive seen on FM now its boring again no challenge  

  9. 23 minutes ago, TheAwesomeGem said:

    Looks like the issue is still present on the latest update. Loaded the top 4 leagues in Playable, the rest of the leagues in view only, and all international competitions in Full Detailed mode. Average age is very high.





     Newcastle and Arsenal not having a single player aged under 26 with more than 10 starts is crazy for a game that strives on "realism" 

  10. On 19/11/2022 at 00:47, icedgate said:


    As I said , I have to SAVE AND RELOAD or " GO ON HOLIDAY " to be able to get the god damn result.


    For example , I HAVE BEEN LOSING LIKE 30 TIMES playing against LIVERPOOL, even if 3:2 I am happy but I NEVER WON them , it's **** ridiculous.  

    In real life Liverpool went years without loosing an home match would say that close to reality what game produces 

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