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Everything posted by Mcfc1894

  1. so many tycoons in fm 22 in 15 years in too a save game every country has at least 2
  2. i have a save in around 2030 and 70% plus of the teams especially the big ones have so many of age 30 + players. Monaco for example have more than 10 players above 30 and not a single player below 23 who plays any decent amount of football it was so much better the way it was in previous fm yes it wasn't perfect but its much better than the mess it is right now i dont understand why they would let this go to the final release without even a close to balancing the issue at all
  3. look at some of the squads in the future seems most squads have an high average age and very little players under the age of 23 in squad guess SI will need to just balance the issue a but more in future editions of game so older players still can last a while but it doesnt effect younger players as much as it does in fm22
  4. Does anyone think they are to many happening on fm22 that it takes away a lot of excitement of being owned by one
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