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Everything posted by Supermercado99

  1. Last year I just de-FIFA'ed Djibouti and all was well. This time it was goodbye South Sudan, with all their clubs shifted to Sudan for continental purposes.
  2. I found Africa easier in the older versions. It wasn't until the last FM22 update that you had to drop a country out of full FIFA membership to fit in your custom, and FM23 added the requirement to shift clubs out of a nation (I've settled on changing Continental Cup Nation which works fine). Now once you do these things (+ it seems not setting affiliation dates to the current year) you'll get the country into the internationals, and its club teams into the continental cups - albeit starting rock bottom of the coefficients because there's no way to edit them before the game starts.
  3. Further updates on this - I solved the verification issue by moving the clubs from the country that lost FIFA membership to another country. My nation still didn't show in the African coefficient/qualifying places list until the Year Affiliated/Year Affiliated to Federation/Year Association Formed were switched from 2022 back to 2020. So, looks like I'm going back to Africa but for anyone who stumbles upon this thread looking for information on a custom nation in Oceania here's some of my findings: Club teams don't automatically enter the OFC Champions League, you'll need to rebuild it. Your national Under 23 team doesn't automatically appear in Olympic Games qualifying (it's set to a max eight teams in default data so I'm thinking adding one side to each group and an extra fixture date should fix this) An Under 19 national team is not created so you can't play in the Oceania Under 19 championship. Without the Olympic Games or U19 cups, there are no minor competitions for your junior teams to play in so they play one or two friendlies a year until 2035 then stop scheduling them altogether.
  4. All FM21 and FM22 I had the correct country name showing but it's lost the plot now. Not a big issue as all works after that. As for the custom country I had only just come to terms with playing with the default African comps in 22 and CBF rebuilding them so might try a new continent for something different.
  5. I especially hated when they signed somebody a month under the limit in the off-season, then they played two games, hit the limit, then sat on the team sheet all year ineligible to do anything. AI should auto-release amateur/non-contract on the day they become ineligible.
  6. Trying to redo my custom African nation and finding problems that weren't previously there. After the last update of FM22 I'd get this message when verifying: Which was fine, because you'd just have to take FIFA membership off another African country and it would verify ok. Now when I do that I get this: And if I take Sao Tome entirely out of Africa it give me this message, faulting when the pre-determined teams aren't available to play in the Continental Comps. But if I can't replace them, I can't add a spot for my custom nation. So I put Sao Tome back in and tried removing Eritrea from Africa and got a different error message, who knows why a second team has gone with them but now I'm wondering if African Nations Cup teams are pre-set as well so it can't find either the removed country or my custom country. Does anyone know how to get a custom team back into Africa without doing custom continental competitions? I've seen other files where European teams work in FM23 so I know it can be done. Otherwise I'm considering teleporting the country to Oceania with a custom Oceania Champions League for something different. I haven't tested by loading a game yet, but sending the country to Oceania confederation verifies without an error. P.S - I see that when you load the editor data file it now shows the name of the defunct country that's been overwritten instead of the custom country name - after that the country name displays fine everywhere.
  7. What does the national/world reputation score of a derby influence? Does it enhance the reputation of the club (or even players/managers) if a they win? Have you checked the transfer values under the nation of your league?
  8. Only when the team I follow is in a major cup game or playoff. Otherwise I just like watching the world go by. Hello midlife crisis.
  9. Or when it's an amateur team and they don't immediately release players when they become ineligible to play. I'd also be interested in this, it's the sort of tiny thing that you can report as a bug/suggestion but never know if it's been fixed without shelling out for the new version.
  10. I've been playing pretty much non-stop since CM93/94 and while I got bored with managing I've realised how relaxing it is to stay unemployed, follow league news, and pick a team to follow through the news like a supporter while the game world unfolds on its own. I haven't bothered with the new version because it doesn't seem like there's anything for my (admittedly obscure) style of play other than the updated database. Does anyone know if there are improvements to the football world immersion from FM22? I put in a bunch of bug reports (e.g. league social feed didn't send news when clubs moved into new stadiums/went into administration even if you have all the options ticked) and suggestions but all for minor stuff (extra options for news feed customisation/better AI manager hiring) so as much as I think the changes would be good for all players they're so minor in the grand scheme of things that I doubt there have been any changes that would justify upgrading.
  11. Is there an IGE that allows changing of national transfer values? FMRTE allows changing the tax rules but not transfer values.
  12. Much like when Mauser lost his eyebrows, or Commandant Lassard gave his famous speech at the podium.
  13. If, like me, you're frustrated at seeing 30 year olds with no previous experience in football vaulted into League 2 (I'm using England as an example, the same thing will happen in equivalent reputation competitions) managerial jobs, I've found a partial solution. The issue is that the game generates too many high reputation newgen managers. You can see this in the game if you create a filter to show staff reputations and look at newgens from the Cayman Islands or Djibouti who have better managerial reps than established, successful, trophy winning managers. These managers won't get used in England and will just sit in the database taking up space because there's no teams valid for them to take over. The problem is that English newgens of a similar level will be given jobs in League 2, National League and National League N/S over existing managers, assistants, coaches etc... By my research it looks like the newgen managers are generated on 29/07 (why this date I have no idea!), so before then you need to open your staff filter and find the last current manager in the database. Take a note of their ID. It seems the only time the game newgens a manager older than 29-34 is when it's for a lowly national team/national youth team that has nobody suitable in the database to take over. See for instance the Eritrean at the top of this list. After 29/07 you'll see the change in that top left total of people found, which will show that the game has added the new managers. This process will not affect people already in the database, or regens who become eligible to manage later in their career as their UID won't fall in the range of the managers generated that season. Now, open an in-game editor where you can bulk change staff details. For the example I'm using FMSE22 (because if I'm doing all this manual work I'm not upgrading to a new FM and paying for new editors etc...). I assume there are no changes in FM23 or FMSE23 that will affect this process. Load your save game in the editor Choose staff/filter, and if there's a certain reputation range you want unchanged set a minimum in the filter. For instance I only edit people over 1000 rep. Set job attributes for manager between 15 and 20 - this will give you almost the same list as people in game when you set the filter to managers Order them by UID from largest to smallest, select everyone from the top down to the person you identified as the last of the previous season's newgens and mass edit them to lower reputations. I bring anybody above 1000 down to that level but if you're playing with extended lower leagues you might want to create a range of lower reputations Now you won't see League 2 teams being taken over by A. Random, 30 years old, in his first job in football. The game will be much more likely to appoint coaches, youth coaches and assistants from other teams. Now AMs like this have a hope of getting jobs that would have 100% gone to a newgen in the past. Also, see a Reserves Manager (4300 rep) from a higher division team going to a lower league side because he's not in competition with a newgen. The long-term solution is for SI to rebalance the way newgen staff are created. I posted about this on the suggestions board for FM23 so would be interested if anyone has noticed improvements in the new version.
  14. As far as I'm aware the region (e.g. 156631 - London) only alter the weather, regen language and regen names and the region population doesn't have any bearing on anything else. I will stand corrected if this is untrue because there is a lot we still don't know about how this editor works. If you want to see clubs with the city next to them in the PGE, open the clubs section, filter to get it down to just the clubs you want, then if city isn't listed right click in the top row and insert city column.
  15. Open the editor data file in the pre-game editor, search for the city you're interested in and the population bracket of the city you're interested in will be there.
  16. Is there a way to see how the default continental cup coefficients are calculated? The African list doesn't show any teams with 0.5, but that is a valid tally for finishing bottom of the Confed Cup groups. I'm still using FM21 but willing to bet nothing has been changed in the new version. Competition 6 Points 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point 0.5 Point Competitions used in current rankings[6] CAF Champions League Champions Runners-up Semi-finalist Quarter-finalist (from 2017) 3rd in Group Stage 4th in Group Stage CAF Confederation Cup Champions Runners-up Semi-finalist Quarter-finalist (from 2017) 3rd in Group Stage 4th in Group Stage Here's how the table looked after the Champions League qualifiers were confirmed. It already factors in the minimum amount of points a country can earn (e.g. two qualifiers who could both finish 4th = 2 points) And after the Confederation Cup group draw. I can tell any countries that have 2x Conf Cup group teams gets 2x 0.5 (e.g. Angola goes from 0 to 1), but with one they are not shown as getting a point at all (e.g. Egypt has 1x qualifier and doesn't change from 16). I want to know if it's being calculated in the background or if a 0.5 end result for a country isn't counted - this is important for sickos like me when it comes to countries that start on zero coefficient - especially the ones right at the bottom of the list who don't get a Champions League spot until they register some sort of score.
  17. Anyone who's ever tried to create awards in the editor will have been frustrated with the way they don't work properly when created from scratch, and you're lucky if they work when duplicating from another competition. Pretty much everything else in the editor (except less common stuff like drafts and military service) can be properly set up in the PGE, but awards still require half-baked workarounds. Can we look at redoing creation of awards in the editor to allow them to be used in the game without having to rely on copies of existing ones?
  18. Change the contract types for the competition so they're all (or at least the top player/coach categories) full time. This works for me, teams turn pro/semi-pro at certain levels then revert to semi-pro/amateur when they're relegated back to the lower league.
  19. The social feed was a great inclusion in the game, and the control it gives you over news from leagues is better than any comparable game I've played (see, for instance, the rotten news system in OOTP Baseball that hasn't been updated for years) but after a few years I'd like to extra sub categories to customise the experience further. Some potential alterations to the existing menu options: * If you select Board Takeovers you'll get stories about proposed takeovers/board changes etc... when I would want to just get the news of completed changes. Others might just want to get a notification when a team gets a tycoon takeover, gains/loses and underwriter, is floated on the stock market etc. * 'Competition winners' also gives you the 'title race hots up' and 'relegation scrap approaches final battle' news items which are good but don't fit under the category * Option for customising which player competition statistics/records you want to see * Option to subscribe to multiple awards from within the same competition rather than having to follow them individually * Final election results rather than all the build-up * Ability to add the same options to multiple competitions at the same time (Realised after all these years that you can do this by making a change, then saving as a 'custom' from the drop down menu. Then bulk highlight all the leagues you want to alter and select that preset)
  20. Every time I start a new game I've got to go through each league and change the settings to how I want them. Could we get an option to save them, like we do with the game setup leagues, to allow for an easier start to a game when you want heavily customised news.
  21. At the moment there are skins that can show cash on hand, wage/transfer budgets etc... but I'd like to be able to see exactly what their income/expenditure is being spent on. Often you find a team bleeding money for no obvious reason and the only way to find out what's happening is to add a new manager and take them over.
  22. Historically teams rarely bounce straight back to the FL after being relegated but it happens all the time in FM. Would like to see more challenges for relegated sides so that they're not always immediately at the top of the NL table the next year. See for example how long Wrexham and Notts County have been stuck, and how badly Scunthorpe and Oldham are doing after going down last season. The yo-yoing in all divisions needs work, but especially at this end of the English league.
  23. As you can alter transfer fee ranges for any country, I think you should be able to do it for manager reputations. For example, it's ridiculous that 30 year olds from the Turks and Caicos Islands are being generated with 5000 reputation despite having no history in the game. Managers could build their reputation, but I think it's fair to say randoms from Luxembourg and Andorra shouldn't immediately have the same world reputation as somebody who is in charge of a league club. This would also allow editors to dampen down the regen reputations at the start of a game rather than having to do it via in-game editor. For example, if you're playing in England you'll see a lot of League 2, National League and National League North/South teams hire 30-35 year old regens while assistant managers at other clubs and lower league managers are ignored (I assume the same happens in any system with a lot of lower divisions). But I've noticed that if you manually reduce the reputation of the regen managers with an IGE then you get a much more realistic manager environment where people being given jobs are either ex-players or somebody with experience at another club. It would be good to be able to set this at the start of a game to make it easier to manage. Just generally more control over how regen managers are created would be great.
  24. As per title. There's a pre-game editor option to set a maximum age of players for a team, could we have access to alter this in the IGE? I note it's not possible in either of the major third party in-game editors either, but shouldn't break anything if it's just a flag on whether players are allowed to be picked by the team or not.
  25. I've changed the links in the original post to include the final major update (with picture pack) for this file, I'm skipping FM23 so there won't be an update for this game. Feel free to convert it if you want! Other than a few cosmetic changes, the big difference is the addition of 44 new teams. Instead of a Midweek League 1 and 2 on top of each other in the structure, there's now four groups (A-D) on the same level that all promote teams to the bottom level of the Challenge League. I'm keeping stats on my latest game here if you're interested in following along. Ground and attendance details are in the same file. Changed the construction dates of stadiums. Now it happens occasionally. More often than not they announce intention to build and nothing seems to happen.
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