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Everything posted by _mxrky

  1. Would like to see something on consistory creating good shot quality in possession systems. Now don’t get me wrong I still am able to break down and score goals, but my shots on target is often less than 50% and I tend to rack up a lot of average shots (although the 3-4 really clear opportunities I get allow me to win the majority of games)
  2. my answer is that I still won’t be buying the game until gameplay shows that this is actually the case
  3. No. Tactical creator is the same. Still no pep style wingers. Still no ability to have a full back play as a 3rd cb. Still no way to adapt your pressing shape to the opposition and tell exactly which player you want to press who. Very limited.
  4. Exactly this. Especially when playing against a 433 or back 5 I’d like full backs to press their full backs whilst my wingers press the cbs (which they already seem to do on fm)
  5. Are you able to get your full backs to press opposition full backs on fm? If so how do you do it?
  6. No what I want is a forward I’m that occupies the centre backs in the central channel predominantly without drifting to the sides to much. Basically a false nine in terms of its positioning vertically, but with a higher mentality
  7. Advanced forward will often vacate the central channel in favour of running the channels which means I’m sometimes unable to combine centrally in the middle of the pitch. When I’m attacking all 5 channels I mostly want my striker staying central. In my opinion with move into channels drift too much to one side. Especially when I already have roles doing the exact same thing
  8. Well not really because poachers have dribble less and take fewer risks hard coded
  9. In my opinion this should be a customisable option. There’s no reason why move into channels should be a forced preset for all st roles except for false nine and poacher. I want my advanced forward for example to stay in the central channel and do everything an advanced forward would do apart from running the channels what is Si’s logic behind this because I don’t understand it at all.
  10. Wengerball is just the result of playing lots of very technical players next to each other. It’s not really a tactical system as such
  11. Unable to remove it in training, but is it really that detrimental or does it just change the way he plays the role
  12. How does an advanced forward with comes deep to get ball ppm play? Is it more like a dlf attack?
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