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Issue Comments posted by Dreambuilder

  1. On 26/11/2023 at 23:28, Bulbs is Soaring said:

    For a player to be homegrown the player needs to be at the club/nation for at least three years between the ages 15-21. Considering Ben is 16, that is probably the reason for why it doesn't show as such.

    This is something the game automatically calculates, we are only able to input the player history.

    Yes thanks. He turned homegrown after a few years. :thup: I thought he had been at the club longer or something.

  2. On 07/12/2021 at 16:27, Kyle Brown said:

    Thank you for your patience, this should now be resolved with the latest update! 

    Please do let us know if that isn't the case.

    Thanks for the notification.

    The very bright white on bright light blue is still there. In my opinion that "player infocard" of the player could have a neutral background aswell, just like the main screen when you click on a player. I really appreciate that you got rid of the main screen background team colors in FM2021. Now I feel it's time for this "player infocard" background colors to go aswell in favor of neutral. It hurts my eyes at evening. Cant play this light blue+white colored team. 


    Thanks in advance!


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